
第28章 THE RAVINE(1)

Outside the well-kept roads of Bel-Air Park,Nature had been encouraged to work her sweet will.The drive wound along the edge of a picturesque gorge,and it was not long before Jewel found the scene of her father's favorite stories.

The sides of the ravine were studded with tall trees,and in its depths flowed a brook,unusually full now from the spring rains.

The child lost no time in creeping beneath the slender wire fence at the roadside,and scrambling down the incline.The brook whispered and gurgled,wild flowers sprang amid the ferns in the shelter and moisture.The child was enraptured.

"Oh,Anna Belle!"She exclaimed,hugging the doll for pure joy.

"Castle Discord is far away.There's nobody down here but God!"For hours she played happily in the enchanting spot,all unconscious of time.Anna Belle lay on a bed of moss,while Jewel became acquainted with her wonderful new playmate,the brook.The only body of water with which she had been familiar hitherto was Lake Michigan.

Now she drew stones out of the bank and made dams and waterfalls.She sailed boats of chips and watched them shoot the tiny rapids.She lay down on the bank beside Anna Belle and gazed up through the leafy treetops.Many times this programme had been varied,when at last equipages began to pass on the road above.She could see twinkling wheels and smart liveries.

With a start of recollection,she considered that she might have been a long time in the ravine.

"I wish somebody would let me bring a watch the next time,"she said to her doll,as she took her up."Haven't we had a beautiful afternoon,Anna Belle?Let's call it the Ravine of Happiness,and we'll come here every day--just every day;but perhaps it's time for grandpa to be home,dearie,so we must go back to the castle."She sighed unconsciously as she began climbing up the steep bank and crept under the wire."I hope we haven't stayed very long,because the giantess might not like it,"she continued uneasily;but as she set her feet in the homeward road,every sensation of anxiety fled before an approaching vision.She saw a handsome man in riding dress mounted on a shining horse with arched neck,that lifted its feet daintily as it pranced along the tree-lined avenue.

"Grandpa!"ejaculated Jewel,stepping to the roadside and pausing,her hands clasped beneath her chin and her eyes shining with admiration.

Mr.Evringham drew rein,not displeased by the encounter.The child apparently could not speak.She eyed the horse rather than its rider,a fact which the latter observed and enjoyed.

"Remind you of the horse show?"he inquired.

"It isthe horse show,"rejoined the child.

"This is Essex Maid,Jewel,"said Mr.Evringham.He patted the mare's shining neck."You shall go out to the barn with me some time and visit her."His eyes wandered over the ruffled hair,the hat on the back of the child's head,and the wet spots on her dress."Run home now,"he added."I heard Mrs.Forbes asking for you as I came out."He rode on,and Jewel,her face radiant,followed him with her eyes.

In a minute he turned,and she threw rapid kisses after him.He raised his hat,and then a curve in the road hid him from view.

Jewel sighed rapturously and hurried along the road.The giantess had asked for her.Ah,what a happy world it would be if there were nothing at Bel-Air Park but grandpa,his horses,and the ravine!

Mrs.Forbes espied the child in the distance,and was at the door when she came in.

"After this,Julia,you must never go away without telling me where"--she began,when her eyes recognized the condition of the gingham frock,and the child's feet."Look at how you've drabbled your dress!"she ejaculated.

"It's clean water,"returned Julia.

"But your feet!Why,Julia Evringham,they are as wet as sop!Where have you been?""Playing by the brook in the ravine."

Mrs.Forbes groaned."Nothing will satisfy a child but finding the place where they can get the dirtiest and make the most trouble.Why didn't you wear your rubbers,you naughty girl?""Why--why--it wasn't raining."

"Raining!Those rubbers are to keep your feet dry.Haven't you got any sense?"Jewel looked a little pale."I didn't know I should get wet in the brook,"she answered.

"Well,go right upstairs now,up the backstairs,and take off every one of those wet things.Let me feel your petticoat.Yes,that's wet,too.You undress and get into a hot bath,and then you put on your nightgown and go right to bed.""Go to bed!"echoed the child,bewildered.

"Yes,to bed.You won't come down to dinner.Perhaps that will teach you to wear your rubbers next time and be more careful."Jewel found the backstairs and ascended them,her little heart hot within her.

"She's the impolitest woman in the whole world,Anna Belle!"she whispered."I'm going to not cry.Mother didn't know what impoliteness there was at grandpa's or she wouldn't have let us come."The child's eyes were bright as she found her room and began undressing."But you mustn't be angry,dearie,"she continued excitedly to her doll."It's the worst error to be angry,because it means hating.You treat me,Anna Belle,and I'll treat you,"she went on,unfastening her clothes with unsteady hands.

  • 释名


  • 存雅堂遗稿


  • 大般涅槃经疏


  • 护法录


  • 摩诃僧祇比丘尼戒本


  • 寂静的春天


    本书是一本公认的开启了世界环境运动的奠基之作,出版后,迅速成为美国和全世界最有影响力的畅销书之一,被翻译为二十多种文字。书中以寓言故事开头,向我们描绘了一个美丽村庄的突变,并从陆地到海洋、天空,多个角度展现和分析了化学农药的危害。这部作品不仅有严谨求实的科学理性精神,而且文字优美细腻,充溢着敬畏自然与生命的人文情怀。 作者带病写完本书,两年后告别人世。
  • 公子如玉律师也倾城


  • 不动声色地成长


  • 平行大冒险


  • 异世妖恋


  • 九天皇座


  • 幽默小语(少男少女文摘修订)


  • 我成了一条锦鲤


  • 月亮与六便士


  • 腹黑萌宝,顾少快追妻

