
第10章 CHAPTER II(4)

It was thus that she and her son came to be there.Joan,standing in the middle of the chamber,pallid,her eyes fixed on the curtains of the bed,concealed her agitation with a smile,and took one step forward towards her governess,stooping to receive the kiss which the latter bestowed upon her every morning.The Catanese embraced her with affected cordiality,and turning ,to her son,who had knelt upon one knee,said,pointing to Robert--"My fair queen,allow the humblest of your subjects to offer his sincere congratulations and to ay his homage at your feet.""Rise,Robert,"said Joan,extending her hand kindly,and with no show of bitterness."We were brought up together,and I shall never forget that in our childhood--I mean those happy days when we were both innocent--I called you my brother.""As you allow me,madam,"said Robert,with an ironical smile,"I too shall always remember the names you formerly gave me.""And I,"said the Catanese,"shall forget that I speak to the Queen of Naples,in embracing once more my beloved daughter.Come,madam,away with care:you have wept long enough;we have long respected your grief.It is now time to show yourself to these good Neapolitans who bless Heaven continually for granting them a queen so beautiful and good;it is time that your favours upon the heads of your faithful subjects;and my son,who surpasses all in his fidelity,comes first to ask a favour of you,in order that he may serve you yet more zealously."Joan cast on Robert a withering look,and,speaking to the Catanese,said with a scornful air--"You know,madam,I can refuse your son nothing.""All he asks,"continued the lady,"is a title which is his due,and which he inherited from his father--the title of Grand Seneschal of the Two Sicilies:I trust,my,daughter,you will have no difficulty in granting this.""But I must consult the council of regency."

"The council will hasten to ratify the queen's wishes,"replied Robert,handing her the parchment with an imperious gesture:"you need only speak to the Count of Artois."And he cast a threatening glance at the curtain,which had slightly moved.

"You are right,"said the queen at once;and going up to a table she signed the parchment with a trembling hand.

"Now,my daughter,I have come in the name of all the care I bestowed on your infancy,of all the maternal love I have lavished on you,to implore a favour that my family will remember for evermore."The queen recoiled one'step,crimson with astonishment and rage;but before she could find words to reply,the lady continued in a voice that betrayed no feeling--"I request you to make my son Count of Eboli.""That has nothing to do with me,madam;the barons of this kingdom would revolt to a man if I were on my own authority to exalt to one of the first dignities the son of a--""A laundress and a negro;you would say,madam?"said Robert,with a sneer."Bertrand of Artois would be annoyed perhaps if I had a title like his."He advanced a step towards the bed,his hand upon the hilt of his sword.

"Have mercy,Robert!"cried the queen,checking him:"I will do all you ask."And she signed the parchment naming him Count of Eboli.

"And now,"Robert went on impudently,"to show that my new title is not illusory,while you are busy about signing documents,let me have the privilege of taking part in the councils of the crown:make a declaration that,subject to your good pleasure,my mother and I are to have a deliberative voice in the council whenever an important matter is under discussion.""Never!"cried Joan,turning pale."Philippa end Robert,you abuse my weakness and treat your queen shamefully.In the last few days Ihave wept and suffered continually,overcome by a terrible grief;Ihave no strength to turn to business now.Leave me,I beg:I feel my strength gives,way.""What,my daughter,"cried the Catanese hypocritically,"are you feeling unwell?Come and lie down at once."And hurrying to the bed,she took hold of the curtain that concealed the Count of Artois.

The queen uttered a piercing cry,and threw herself before Philippa with the fury of a lioness."Stop!"she cried in a choking voice;"take the privilege you ask,and now,if you value your own life,leave me."The Catanese and her son departed instantly,not even waiting to reply,for they had got all they wanted;while Joan,trembling,ran desperately up to Bertrand,who had angrily drawn his dagger,and would have fallen upon the two favourites to take vengeance for the insults they had offered to the queen;but he was very soon disarmed by the lovely shining eyes raised to him in supplication,the two arms cast about him,and the tears shed by Joan:he fell at her feet and kissed them rapturously,with no thought of seeking excuse for his presence,with no word of love,for it was as if they had loved always:he lavished the tenderest caresses on her,dried her tears,and pressed his trembling lips upon her lovely head.Joan began to forget her anger,her vows,and her repentance:soothed by the music of her lover's speech,she returned uncomprehending monosyllables:

her heart beat till it felt like breaking,and once more she was falling beneath love's resistless spell,when a new interruption occurred,shaking her roughly out of her ecstasy;but this time the young count was able to pass quietly and calmly into a room adjoining,and Joan prepared to receive her importunate visitor with severe and frigid dignity.

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