

A change came for Joe much quicker than was anticipated.One night,late in the winter,he was just preparing to retire,when he smelt smoke.He ran out of his room and to an air shaft and saw the smoke coming up thickly.

"The hotel must be on fire!"he thought."If it is,I'll have to notify the management!"He jumped rather than ran down the several stairways to the hotel office.Here he told the proprietor and the cashier.An examination was made and the fire was located in the laundry.

"Go and awaken all the guests,"said Mr.Drew,and Joe ran off to do as bidden.Other boys did the same,and before long the guests were hurrying through the hallways and down the elevators and stairs.

By this time the smoke was coming thickly,and presently a sheet of flame burst through at the rear of the hotel.The fire alarm had been given and several engines and a hook-and-ladder company dashed on the scene.

"Are your guests all out?"demanded a police officer.

"I believe so,"answered Mr.Drew.

"I'm going to take a look around,"said Joe,and darted upstairs once more.

He visited room after room,only to find them empty.From the rear of the hotel came the crackling of flames and down in the street the fire engines were pounding away,sending their streams of water into the structure.

On the third floor of the building our hero came across an old lady who was rather queer in her mind.The lady was also lame and walked with great difficulty.

"Oh,Joseph!what is the trouble?"she cried.

"The hotel is on fire,Mrs.Dalley.Come,let me help you out.""On fire!Oh,I must save my canary!"And the old lady started back for her room.

"You haven't got time,Mrs.Dalley.Come with me.""I cannot let my dear Dick perish!"answered the old lady,firmly.

Joe looked along the hall and saw that the flames were moving swiftly toward the room the old lady had occupied.To enter the apartment would be highly dangerous.

"You simply can't go after the bird,madam,"he said."Come with me!""My bird!my bird!"screamed Mrs.Dalley,and tried to run,or rather hobble,towards her room,despite the smoke that was now rolling over her head.

"You must come with me!"exclaimed Joe,and drew her back.She tried to struggle and then,without warning,fainted in his arms.

The burden was a heavy one,but our hero did not shirk the task before him.He half dragged and half carried the unconscious lady to the nearest staircase and almost fell to the bottom.

The smoke on the second floor was so thick he could scarcely see.

But he kept on and went down another flight and reached the office.He could hardly breathe and the tears were running down both cheeks.

"Hullo there,boy!"came the call of a fireman,as he appeared through the smoke."Better get out of here!""Help me with this lady,"answered Joe.

"A lady!Oh,all right!"And in a moment more the fireman had Mrs.Dalley over his shoulder and was carrying her out.Joe came close behind.The lady was taken to a nearby drug store where she speedily revived.

By the prompt efforts of the fire department only a small portion of the hotel was burnt.But the whole building was water-soaked,and all of the boarders had to move out,and then the place was closed up.

"Out of a place once again,"thought our hero,rather dismally.

"What's to do next?"

This was not an easy question to answer.He looked around for another opening but,finding none,resolved to pay a visit to Riverside.

"I can call on the Gussings,and on Ned,"he thought."I know all of them will be glad to see me.And maybe Mr.Mallison will be wanting to make some arrangements for next summer.I suppose he'll run the boats as usual.""Going to leave Philadelphia,eh?"said Frank."Do you intend to come back,Joe?""I don't know yet,Frank."

"Well,I wish you luck."

"I wish you the same."

"If you go to work for Mallison this summer,maybe you can get me a job too.""I'll remember that,"answered our hero.

His preparations were soon made,and then he boarded a train for Riverside.He did not dream of the surprises in store for him.

  • 我还是喜欢你季医生


    《在无声的时光中前行》姊妹篇。 医生x画家,破镜重圆的故事。 七年前的安清是一个十恶不赦的小混混,仗着家里有钱就在学校里为所欲为,那个时候学校里的人都怕她,除了季晨,然后安清每天都变着法子整他后来好像又有什么不一样了在某一个放学的夜晚安清用腊烛摆成了一个心字形说:“喂,季晨,做我男朋友吧!”某女一脸花痴的望着前面的男生某学霸推了推鼻梁上的眼镜说了句“不要”便径直的走开了安清在后面气的直踱脚。然而一场变故让安清离开了季晨,后来安清用了七年的时间忘了那个叫季晨的男人,可是当那个男人出现在自己面前的时候,安清才发现跟本就忘不了他,原来她对他的喜欢早就变成了爱,而且这种爱重要的早就超过了自己的生命。
  • 如果十年相思不算长


  • 我杀死了我自己(短篇小说集)


  • 涿鹿:炎的最后王孙


  • 最后一位大元素使


  • 铁笛子


  • 新婚如火:总裁的独家宠爱


  • 墨菲法则


  • 正论


  • 萌妃有点甜:傲娇殿下,别跑!

