

The governor never issued the order to clear the streets,and Axel and I wandered on from drink to drink.After a time,in some of the antics,getting hazy myself,I lost him.I drifted along,making new acquaintances,downing more drinks,getting hazier and hazier.I remember,somewhere,sitting in a circle with Japanese fishermen,Kanaka boat-steerers from our own vessels,and a young Danish sailor fresh from cowboying in the Argentine and with a penchant for native customs and ceremonials.And with due and proper and most intricate Japanese ceremonial we of the circle drank saki,pale,mild,and lukewarm,from tiny porcelain bowls.

And,later,I remember the runaway apprentices--boys of eighteen and twenty,of middle class English families,who had jumped their ships and apprenticeships in various ports of the world and drifted into the forecastles of the sealing schooners.They were healthy,smooth-skinned,clear-eyed,and they were young--youths like me,learning the way of their feet in the world of men.And they WERE men.No mild saki for them,but square faces illicitly refilled with corrosive fire that flamed through their veins and burst into conflagrations in their heads.I remember a melting song they sang,the refrain of which was:

"'Tis but a little golden ring,I give it to thee with pride,Wear it for your mother's sake When you are on the tide."They wept over it as they sang it,the graceless young scamps who had all broken their mothers'prides,and I sang with them,and wept with them,and luxuriated in the pathos and the tragedy of it,and struggled to make glimmering inebriated generalisations on life and romance.And one last picture I have,standing out very clear and bright in the midst of vagueness before and blackness afterward.We--the apprentices and I--are swaying and clinging to one another under the stars.We are singing a rollicking sea song,all save one who sits on the ground and weeps;and we are marking the rhythm with waving square faces.From up and down the street come far choruses of sea-voices similarly singing,and life is great,and beautiful and romantic,and magnificently mad.

And next,after the blackness,I open my eyes in the early dawn to see a Japanese woman,solicitously anxious,bending over me.She is the port pilot's wife and I am lying in her doorway.I am chilled and shivering,sick with the after-sickness of debauch.

And I feel lightly clad.Those rascals of runaway apprentices!

They have acquired the habit of running away.They have run away with my possessions.My watch is gone.My few dollars are gone.

My coat is gone.So is my belt.And yes,my shoes.

And the foregoing is a sample of the ten days I spent in the Bonin Islands.Victor got over his lunacy,rejoined Axel and me,and after that we caroused somewhat more discreetly.And we never climbed that lava path among the flowers.The town and the square faces were all we saw.

One who has been burned by fire must preach about the fire.Imight have seen and healthily enjoyed a whole lot more of the Bonin Islands,if I had done what I ought to have done.But,as Isee it,it is not a matter of what one ought to do,or ought not to do.It is what one DOES do.That is the everlasting,irrefragable fact.I did just what I did.I did what all those men did in the Bonin Islands.I did what millions of men over the world were doing at that particular point in time.I did it because the way led to it,because I was only a human boy,a creature of my environment,and neither an anaemic nor a god.Iwas just human,and I was taking the path in the world that men took--men whom I admired,if you please;full-blooded men,lusty,breedy,chesty men,free spirits and anything but niggards in the way they foamed life away.

And the way was open.It was like an uncovered well in a yard where children play.It is small use to tell the brave little boys toddling their way along into knowledge of life that they mustn't play near the uncovered well.They'll play near it.Any parent knows that.And we know that a certain percentage of them,the livest and most daring,will fall into the well.The thing to do--we all know it--is to cover up the well.The case is the same with John Barleycorn.All the no-saying and no-preaching in the world will fail to keep men,and youths growing into manhood,away from John Barleycorn when John Barleycorn is everywhere accessible,and where John Barleycorn is everywhere the connotation of manliness,and daring,and great-spiritedness.

The only rational thing for the twentieth-century folk to do is to cover up the well;to make the twentieth century in truth the twentieth century,and to relegate to the nineteenth century and all the preceding centuries the things of those centuries,the witch-burnings,the intolerances,the fetiches,and,not least among such barbarisms.John Barleycorn.

  • 动物庄园


    曼娜庄园里的一头猪“老麦哲”(Old Major)临死前号召庄园里的动物反抗人类剥削,建立动物自己当家做主的共和国。老麦哲死后,庄园里的两头猪继承了他的思想,将其总结为“动物主义”,并以此为革命纲领领导了一场起义,将人类赶出了庄园,实现了“动物当家做主”的愿望,并把庄园更名为“动物庄园”,同时制定了宪法性质的“七诫”。但起义成功不久以后,作为领导集团的猪发生内部政治斗争。革命领袖之一“斯诺鲍”(Snowball)被宣布为革命的叛徒遭到驱逐,而另一革命领袖“拿破仑”获得了庄园的绝对领导权。此后,猪领导集团获得了越来越多的特权,最终变成了比人类更甚的剥削者……
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    细胞九府,是人类再一步进化的第一个基础境界!一府脑,二府心,三府肾,四府肝,五府肺,六府脾,七府胃,八府腸,九府四肢骨骼!而DNA则如同大管家一样主导者身体的进化。 地球上被女友与好友背叛的皇轩,被宇宙中的一股势力拉入天王星域坐下的地灵星!而藏身于皇轩DNA灵脉中的罗璇正是这股势力中的一员,为了宇宙的最后一劫,暗中保护训练着对这一劫极其重要的皇轩! 皇轩到底是谁,宇宙又是什么?为什么在这个宇宙,DNA主导者逆天改命的进化,修仙!会不会宇宙本就是……启源~~启动DNA中最后一段无法解封的源代码,成就传说中的境界~至尊!让生命在全新的遗传密码的带领下,变得更美,更强大!