

Here was a treacherous,sensitive,murderous Italian,offering me hospitality.I had been taught to believe that if I offended him he would strike at me with a knife precisely as a horse kicked out when one got too close to its heels and worried it.Then,too,this Italian,Peter,had those terrible black eyes I had heard my mother talk about.They were eyes different from the eyes I knew,from the blues and greys and hazels of my own family,from the pale and genial blues of the Irish.Perhaps Peter had had a few drinks.At any rate,his eyes were brilliantly black and sparkling with devilry.They were the mysterious,the unknown,and who was I,a seven-year-old,to analyse them and know their prankishness?In them I visioned sudden death,and I declined the wine half-heartedly.The expression in his eyes changed.They grew stern and imperious as he shoved the tumbler of wine closer.

What could I do?I have faced real death since in my life,but never have I known the fear of death as I knew it then.I put the glass to my lips,and Peter's eyes relented.I knew he would not kill me just then.That was a relief.But the wine was not.It was cheap,new wine,bitter and sour,made of the leavings and scrapings of the vineyards and the vats,and it tasted far worse than beer.There is only one way to take medicine,and that is to take it.And that is the way I took that wine.I threw my head back and gulped it down.I had to gulp again and hold the poison down,for poison it was to my child's tissues and membranes.

Looking back now,I can realise that Peter was astounded.He half-filled a second tumbler and shoved it across the table.

Frozen with fear,in despair at the fate which had befallen me,Igulped the second glass down like the first.This was too much for Peter.He must share the infant prodigy he had discovered.

He called Dominick,a young moustached Italian,to see the sight.

This time it was a full tumbler that was given me.One will do anything to live.I gripped myself,mastered the qualms that rose in my throat,and downed the stuff.

Dominick had never seen an infant of such heroic calibre.Twice again he refilled the tumbler,each time to the brim,and watched it disappear down my throat.By this time my exploits were attracting attention.Middle-aged Italian labourers,old-country peasants who did not talk English,and who could not dance with the Irish girls,surrounded me.They were swarthy and wild-looking;they wore belts and red shirts;and I knew they carried knives;and they ringed me around like a pirate chorus.And Peter and Dominick made me show off for them.

Had I lacked imagination,had I been stupid,had I been stubbornly mulish in having my own way,I should never have got in this pickle.And the lads and lassies were dancing,and there was no one to save me from my fate.How much I drank I do not know.My memory of it is of an age-long suffering of fear in the midst of a murderous crew,and of an infinite number of glasses of red wine passing across the bare boards of a wine-drenched table and going down my burning throat.Bad as the wine was,a knife in the back was worse,and I must survive at any cost.

Looking back with the drinker's knowledge,I know now why I did not collapse stupefied upon the table.As I have said,I was frozen,I was paralysed,with fear.The only movement I made was to convey that never-ending procession of glasses to my lips.Iwas a poised and motionless receptacle for all that quantity of wine.It lay inert in my fear-inert stomach.I was too frightened,even,for my stomach to turn.So all that Italian crew looked on and marvelled at the infant phenomenon that downed wine with the sang-froid of an automaton.It is not in the spirit of braggadocio that I dare to assert they had never seen anything like it.

The time came to go.The tipsy antics of the lads had led a majority of the soberer-minded lassies to compel a departure.Ifound myself,at the door,beside my little maiden.She had not had my experience,so she was sober.She was fascinated by the titubations of the lads who strove to walk beside their girls,and began to mimic them.I thought this a great game,and I,too,began to stagger tipsily.But she had no wine to stir up,while my movements quickly set the fumes rising to my head.Even at the start,I was more realistic than she.In several minutes I was astonishing myself.I saw one lad,after reeling half a dozen steps,pause at the side of the road,gravely peer into the ditch,and gravely,and after apparent deep thought,fall into it.To me this was excruciatingly funny.I staggered to the edge of the ditch,fully intending to stop on the edge.I came to myself,in the ditch,in process of being hauled out by several anxious-faced girls.

  • The Financier

    The Financier

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  • 你的习惯是一切美好的开始


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