

The wedding of the farmer's daughter has taken place.We had hoped it would have been in the little chapel of our house,but it seems some special permission was necessary,and they applied for it too late.They all said,"This is the Constitution.There would have been no difficulty before!"the lower classes making the poor Constitution the scapegoat for everything they don't like.So as it was impossible for us to climb up to the church where the wedding was to be,we contented ourselves with seeing the procession pass.It was not a very large one,for,it requiring some activity to go up,all the old people remained at home.It is not etiquette for the bride's mother to go,and no unmarried woman can go to a wedding--I suppose for fear of its making her discontented with her own position.The procession stopped at our door,for the bride to receive our congratulations.She was dressed in a shot silk,with a yellow handkerchief,and rows of a large gold chain.In the afternoon they sent to request us to go there.On our arrival we found them dancing out of doors,and a most melancholy affair it was.All the bride's sisters were not to be recognised,they had cried so.The mother sat in the house,and could not appear.And the bride was sobbing so,she could hardly stand!The most melancholy spectacle of all to my mind was,that the bridegroom was decidedly tipsy.He seemed rather affronted at all the distress.We danced a Monferrino;I with the bridegroom;and the bride crying the whole time.The company did their utmost to enliven her by firing pistols,but without success,and at last they began a series of yells,which reminded me of a set of savages.But even this delicate method of consolation failed,and the wishing good-bye began.It was altogether so melancholy an affair that Madame B.dropped a few tears,and I was very near it,particularly when the poor mother came out to see the last of her daughter,who was finally dragged off between her brother and uncle,with a last explosion of pistols.As she lives quite near,makes an excellent match,and is one of nine children,it really was a most desirable marriage,in spite of all the show of distress.Albert was so discomfited by it,that he forgot to kiss the bride as he had intended to do,and therefore went to call upon her yesterday,and found her very smiling in her new house,and supplied the omission.The cook came home from the wedding,declaring she was cured of any wish to marry--but I would not recommend any man to act upon that threat and make her an offer.In a couple of days we had some rolls of the bride's first baking,which they call Madonnas.The musicians,it seems,were in the same state as the bridegroom,for,in escorting her home,they all fell down in the mud.My wrath against the bridegroom is somewhat calmed by finding that it is considered bad luck if he does not get tipsy at his wedding."

  • 名字


    詹姆斯·埃克斯顿,一名在希腊从事风险分析的美国人,被一个狂热教团所吸引。他们在各处杀人,并在凶器上刻上遇害人的姓名首字母。 詹姆斯与他的朋友们被一条条线索带领,穿行于暗藏敌意的陌生国度,寻找那些用生命祭奠字母的凶手与信仰者。《名字(精)》是德里罗旅居希腊期间的创作,开启了他1980年代小说的辉煌篇章。他在旅行中亲身探寻希腊、中东、印度的文明遗迹,搜寻变幻的名字和语言,也将希腊的阳光与风景融入了这部关于语言 与现实、古老文明与美国力量的小说之中。
  • 六指农女


  • 春色娆人


  • 三国神话世界


  • 倾世妖宠:太子,好走不送!


  • 爆君放开我娘亲


  • 阴阳秘录


  • 成神


  • 最适合的人


  • 大道清理计划

