
第42章 LETTER VIII.(5)

Thor makes three several attempts to knock out the easy-going giant's brains during a slumber,in which he is represented as "snoring outrageously,"--and after each blow of the Thunder god's hammer,Skrymer merely wakes up--strokes his beard--and complains of feeling some trifling inconvenience,such as a dropped acorn on his head,a fallen leaf,or a little moss shaken from the boughs.Finally,he takes leave of them,--points out the way to Utgard Loke's palace,advises them not to give themselves airs at his court,--as unbecoming "such little fellows"as they were,and disappears in the wood;"and"--as the old chronicler slyly adds--"it is not said whether the OEsir wished ever to see him again."They then journey on till noon,till they come to a vast palace,where a multitude of men,of whom the greater number were immensely large,sat on two benches."After this they advanced into the presence of the king,Utgard Loke,and saluted him.He scarcely deigned to give a look,and said smiling:'It is late to inquire after true tidings from a great distance,but is it not Thor that I see?Yet you are really bigger than I imagined.What are the exploits that you can perform?For no one is tolerated amongst us who cannot distinguish himself by some art or accomplishment.'

"'Then,'said Lopt,'I understand an art of which I am prepared to give proof,and that is,that no one here can dispose of his food as I can.'Then answered Utgard Loke:'Truly this IS an art,if thou canst achieve it;which we will now see.'He called from the bench a man named Loge to contend with Lopt.They set a trough in the middle of the hall,filled with meat.Lopt placed himself at one end and Loge at the other.Both ate the best they could,and they met in the middle of the trough.

Lopt had picked the meat from the bones,but Loge had eaten meat,bones,and trough altogether.All agreed Lopt was beaten.Then asked Utgard Loke what art the young man (Thor's attendant)understood?Thjalfe answered,that he would run a race with any one that Utgard Loke would appoint.There was a very good race ground on a level field.Utgard Loke called a young man named Huge,and bade him run with Thjalfe.Thjalfe runs his best,at three several attempts--according to received Saga customs,--but is of course beaten in the race.

"Then asked Utgard Loke of Thor,what were the feats that he would attempt corresponding to the fame that went abroad of him?Thor answered that he thought he could beat any one at drinking.Utgard Loke said,'Very good,'and bade his cup-bearer bring out the horn from which his courtiers were accustomed to drink.Immediately appeared the cup-bearer,and placed the horn in Thor's hand.Utgard Loke then said,'that to empty that horn at one pull was well done;some drained it at twice;but that he was a wretched drinker who could not finish it at the third draught.'Thor looked at the horn,and thought that it was not large,though it was tolerably long.He was very thirsty,lifted it to his mouth,and was very happy at the thought of so good a draught.When he could drink no more,he took the horn from his mouth,and saw,to his astonishment,that there was little less in it than before.Utgard Loke said:'Well hast thou drunk,yet not much.I should never have believed but that Asar-Thor could have drunk more;however,of this I am confident,thou wilt empty it at the second time.'

He drank again;but when he took away the horn from his mouth,it seemed to him that it had sunk less this time than the first;yet the horn might now be carried without spilling.

"Then said Utgard Loke:'How is this,Thor?If thou dost not reserve thyself purposely for the third draught,thine honour must be lost;how canst thou be regarded as a great man,as the Aesir look upon thee,if thou dost not distinguish thyself in other ways more than thou hast done in this?'

"Then was Thor angry,put the horn to his mouth,drank with all his might,and strained himself to the utmost;and when he looked into the horn it was now somewhat lessened.He gave up the horn,and would not drink any more.'Now,'said Utgard Loke,'now is it clear that thy strength is not so great as we supposed.Wilt thou try some other game,for we see that thou canst not succeed in this?'Thor answered:'I will now try something else,but I wonder who,amongst the Aesir,would call that a little drink!What play will you propose?'

"Utgard Loke answered:'Young men think it mere play to lift my cat from the ground;and I would never have proposed this to Aesir Thor,if I did not perceive that thou art a much less man than I had thought thee.'

Thereupon sprang an uncommonly great grey cat upon the floor.Thor advanced,took the cat round the body,and lifted it up.The cat bent its back in the same degree as Thor lifted,and when Thor had lifted one of its feet from the ground,and was not able to lift it any higher,said Utgard Loke:'The game has terminated just as Iexpected.The cat is very great,and Thor is low and small,compared with the great men who are here with us.'

"Then said Thor:'Little as you call me,I challenge any one to wrestle with me,for now I am angry.'Utgard Loke answered,looking round upon the benches:'I see no one here who would not deem it play to wrestle with thee:but let us call hither the old Ella,my nurse;with her shall Thor prove his strength,if he will.She has given many one a fall who appeared far stronger than Thor is.

On this there entered the hall an old woman,and Utgard Loke said she would wrestle with Thor.In short,the contest went so,that the more Thor exerted himself,the firmer she stood,and now began the old woman to exert herself,and Thor to give way,and severe struggles followed.It was not long before Thor was brought down on one knee.Then Utgard Loke stepped forward,bade them cease the struggle,and said that Thor should attempt nothing more at his court.It was now drawing towards night;Utgard Loke showed Thor and his companions their lodging,where they were well accommodated.

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