

My brother also came in for a charge,while killing the biggest bull that was slain by any of the party.He was out alone,and saw a small herd of cows and calves at some distance,with a huge bull among them,towering above them like a giant.There was no break in the ground,nor any tree nor bush near them,but,by making a half-circle,my brother managed to creep up against the wind behind a slight roll in the prairie surface,until he was within seventy-five yards of the grazing and unconscious beasts.There were some cows and calves between him and the bull,and he had to wait some moments before they shifted position,as the herd grazed onward and gave him a fair shot;in the interval they had moved so far forward that he was in plain view.His first bullet struck just behind the shoulders;the herd started and looked around,but the bull merely lifted his head and took a step forward,his tail curled up over his back.The next bullet likewise struck fair,nearly in the same place,telling with a loud "pack!"against the thick hide,and making the dust fly up from the matted hair.Instantly the great bull wheeled and charged in headlong anger,while the herd fled in the opposite direction.On the bare prairie,with no spot of refuge,it was useless to try to escape,and the hunter,with reloaded rifle,waited until the bull was not far off,then drew up his weapon and fired.Either he was nervous,or the bull at the moment bounded over some obstacle,for the bullet went a little wild;nevertheless,by good luck,it broke a fore-leg,and the great beast came crashing to the earth,and was slain before it could struggle to its feet.

Two days after this even,a war party of Comanches swept down along the river.They "jumped"a neighboring camp,killing one man and wounding two more,and at the same time ran off all but three of the horses belonging to our eight adventurers.With the remaining three horses and one wagon they set out homeward.The march was hard and tedious;they lost their way and were in jeopardy from quicksands and cloudbursts;they suffered from thirst and cold,their shoes gave out,and their feet were lamed by cactus spines.At last they reached Fort Griffen in safety,and great was their ravenous rejoicing when they procured some bread--for during the final fortnight of the hunt they had been without flour or vegetables of any kind,or even coffee,and had subsisted on fresh meat "straight."Nevertheless,it was a very healthy,as well as a very pleasant and exciting experience;and Idoubt if any of those who took part in it will ever forget their great buffalo-hunt on the Brazos.

My friend,Gen.W.H.Walker,of Virginia,had an experience in the early '50's with buffaloes on the upper Arkansas River,which gives some idea of their enormous numbers at that time.He was camped with a scouting party on the banks of the river,and had gone out to try to shoot some meat.There were many buffaloes in sight,scattered,according to their custom,in large bands.When he was a mile or two away from the river a dull roaring sound in the distance attracted his attention,and he saw that a herd of buffalo far to the south,away from the river,had been stampeded and was running his way.He knew that if he was caught in the open by the stampeded herd his chance for life would be small,and at once ran for the river.By desperate efforts he reached the breaks in the sheer banks just as the buffaloes reached them,and got into a position of safety on the pinnacle of a little bluff.From this point of vantage he could see the entire plain.To the very verge of the horizon the brown masses of the buffalo bands showed through the dust clouds,coming on with a thunderous roar like that of surf.Camp was a mile away,and the stampede luckily passed to one side of it.Watching his chance he finally dodged back to the tent,and all that afternoon watched the immense masses of buffalo,as band after band tore to the brink of the bluffs on one side,raced down them,rushed through the water,up the bluffs on the other side,and again off over the plain,churning the sandy,shallow stream into a ceaseless tumult.When darkness fell there was no apparent decrease in the numbers that were passing,and all through that night the continuous roar showed that the herds were still threshing across the river.Towards dawn the sound at last ceased,and General Walker arose somewhat irritated,as he had reckoned on killing an ample supply of meat,and he supposed that there would be now no bison left south of the river.To his astonishment,when he strolled up on the bluffs and looked over the plain,it was still covered far and wide with groups of buffalo,grazing quietly.Apparently there were as many on that side as ever,in spite of the many scores of thousands that must have crossed over the river during the stampede of the afternoon and night.The barren-ground caribou is the only American animal which is now ever seen in such enormous herds.

In 1862Mr.Clarence King,while riding along the overland trail through western Kansas,passed through a great buffalo herd,and was himself injured in an encounter with a bull.The great herd was then passing north,and Mr.King reckoned that it must have covered an area nearly seventy miles by thirty in extent;the figures representing his rough guess,made after travelling through the herd crosswise,and upon knowing how long it took to pass a given point going northward.

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