The moment she entered the room, her appearance alarmed me: she looked literally panic-stricken. I offered to send for my wife;she refused the proposal. I entreated her to take time at least to compose herself. It was not in her impulsive nature to do this. She said, "Give me your hand to encourage me, and let me speak while I can." I gave her my hand, poor soul. I said, "Speak to me, my dear, as if I were your father."So far as I could understand the incoherent statement which she addressed to me, she had been the object of admiration (while visiting Maplesworth) of two gentlemen, who both desired to marry her. Hesitating between them and perfectly inexperienced in such matters, she had been the unfortunate cause of enmity between the rivals, and had returned to Nettlegrove, at her aunt's suggestion, as the best means of extricating herself from a very embarrassing position. The removal failing to alleviate her distressing recollections of what had happened, she and her aunt had tried a further change by making a tour of two months on the Continent. She had returned in a more quiet frame of mind. To her great surprise, she had heard nothing of either of her two suitors, from the day when she left Maplesworth to the day when she presented herself at my rectory.
一本集中体现季羡林先生天人和谐思想的作品。 书中的万事万物都被季羡林先生赋予了生命的内涵,老妇人、小男孩儿,一枝花,一条老狗,一场雨......季老以朴素的笔触描写对天地万物的情感,一生经历的人、事、物、景,在季老笔下是鲜活感人的,集中表达了季羡林先生对天地万物那种"民胞物与"的大爱。这位可敬可爱的老人不只是在诉说着他的情感,更想向世人传达一种力量,跟随季老感受生命、体悟人生,收获内心安宁平静的力量。冷案重启3:深渊之光