My first impression of him remains unshaken--the man's reason was unsettled. I suspected that the assertion of his release was a falsehood, and that he had really escaped from the asylum. It was impossible to lure him into telling me where the place was. He was too cunning to do this--too cunning to say anything about his relations, when I tried to turn the talk that way next. On the other hand, he spoke with a revolting readiness of the crime that he had committed, and of his settled resolution to destroy himself if Miss Laroche refused to be his wife. "I have nothing else to live for; I am alone in the world," he said. "Even my servant has deserted me. He knows how I killed Lionel Varleigh."He paused and spoke his next words in a whisper to me. "I killed him by a trick--he was the best swordsman of the two."This confession was so horrible that I could only attribute it to an insane delusion. On pressing my inquiries, I found that the same idea must have occurred to the poor wretch's relations, and to the doctors who signed the certificates for placing him under medical care. This conclusion (as I afterward heard) was greatly strengthened by the fact that Mr. Varleigh's body had not been found on the reported scene of the duel. As to the servant, he had deserted his master in London, and had never reappeared. So far as my poor judgment went, the question before me was not of delivering a self-accused murderer to justice (with no corpse to testify against him), but of restoring an insane man to the care of the persons who had been appointed to restrain him.
这期周刊分两个部分,一是她理财的财蜜们对自己年代的回顾,属于带着自我色彩的年代秀;二是她理财近期对70后、80后、90后调查问卷之后的深入访谈,属于比较偏报道类的年代探索。 你以为70后的偶像是居里夫人就很可笑,其实真有人脚踏实地去做;你以为80后夹缝生存各种苦逼就悲观了,其实逆风飞翔的人早就不在乎你给的“独生子女”标签了;你以为90后是脑残一代不可理喻,其实人家也许早把你这种“老人家”哄得团团转了。被遗忘的时光