

"Ah,monsieur!but I have told you already we do not wish to let our husbands into this affair,"said Madame de Vandenesse,cautiously,--aware that if she took his money,she would put herself at the mercy of the man whose portrait Eugenie had fortunately drawn for her not ten minutes earlier."I will come to-morrow and talk with Eugenie.""To-morrow?"said the banker."No;Madame du Tillet dines to-morrow with a future peer of France,the Baron de Nucingen,who is to leave me his place in the Chamber of Deputies.""Then permit her to join me in my box at the Opera,"said the countess,without even glancing at her sister,so much did she fear that Eugenie's candor would betray them.

"She has her own box,madame,"said du Tillet,nettled.

"Very good;then I will go to hers,"replied the countess.

"It will be the first time you have done us that honor,"said du Tillet.

The countess felt the sting of that reproach,and began to laugh.

"Well,never mind;you shall not be made to pay anything this time.

Adieu,my darling."

"She is an insolent woman,"said du Tillet,picking up the flowers that had fallen on the carpet."You ought,"he said to his wife,"to study Madame de Vandenesse.I'd like to see you before the world as insolent and overbearing as your sister has just been here.You have a silly,bourgeois air which I detest."Eugenie raised her eyes to heaven as her only answer.

"Ah ca,madame!what have you both been talking of?"said the banker,after a pause,pointing to the flowers."What has happened to make your sister so anxious all of a sudden to go to your opera-box?"The poor helot endeavored to escape questioning on the score of sleepiness,and turned to go into her dressing-room to prepare for the night;but du Tillet took her by the arm and brought her back under the full light of the wax-candles which were burning in two silver-gilt sconces between fragrant nosegays.He plunged his light eyes into hers and said,coldly:--"Your sister came here to borrow forty thousand francs for a man in whom she takes an interest,who'll be locked up within three days in a debtor's prison."The poor woman was seized with a nervous trembling,which she endeavored to repress.

"You alarm me,"she said."But my sister is far too well brought up,and she loves her husband too much to be interested in any man to that extent.""Quite the contrary,"he said,dryly."Girls brought up as you two were,in the constraints and practice of piety,have a thirst for liberty;they desire happiness,and the happiness they get in marriage is never as fine as that they dreamt of.Such girls make bad wives.""Speak for me,"said poor Eugenie,in a tone of bitter feeling,"but respect my sister.The Comtesse de Vandenesse is happy;her husband gives her too much freedom not to make her truly attached to him.

Besides,if your supposition were true,she would never have told me of such a matter.""It is true,"he said,"and I forbid you to have anything to do with the affair.My interests demand that the man shall go to prison.

Remember my orders."

Madame du Tillet left the room.

"She will disobey me,of course,and I shall find out all the facts by watching her,"thought du Tillet,when alone in the boudoir."These poor fools always think they can do battle against us."He shrugged his shoulders and rejoined his wife,or to speak the truth,his slave.

The confidence made to Madame du Tillet by Madame Felix de Vandenesse is connected with so many points of the latter's history for the last six years,that it would be unintelligible without a succinct account of the principal events of her life.

  • 武道封神榜


  • 胡雪岩的做事之道


  • 中国古代宦官传(中国古代名人传奇丛书)


  • 爱不到你算我输


  • 东镇


  • 铃缘梦


  • 第九原罪


  • 培根随笔集


  • 傲天狂妃


    虽有绝世风华,却是废品灵根。忍下屈辱与人为妾,嫁入王府,却在大婚之日受尽侮辱,被王爷夫君毙于掌下。再睁眼时,她南宫莫邪已觉醒了前世记忆,废体封印被解,天地神器出世,人人唾弃的下堂妃如一柄出鞘寒剑,剑锋所指,欺我辱我者,一一奉还!前世情仇,今生恩怨,一起了结吧!满天的仙神又算什么?至尊神兽也只能匍匐在我脚下!颠倒这乾坤,换了这天地,只为我生生世世的爱人不再永镇黄泉之底!(推荐清鸢完结文:热血玄幻《异世仙尊》http://read。xxsy。net/info/379125。html)【精彩片花】极品帅皇子:莫邪,这世间的荣华富贵算得了什么?不及你回眸一笑,你若成魔,我亦与你共舞!傲娇小美男:嗯哼 ̄ ̄小爷就喜欢你这种强势的女人!嗯哼 ̄ ̄女人快点强大起来,爷需要你的保护哦。。。。。。冷酷帝王攻:莫邪,以后,我就是你的人了!要杀要剐,悉听尊便!素手妙神医:美人儿,别皱眉头哇!会长皱纹的,就算是吓不到我,吓坏小朋友也是不好的,对了,要不要做个拉皮?给你打八折!腹黑小神兽:莫邪姐姐,小黑喜欢被你抱在怀里,对了,就是这个姿势,嗯。。。。。。再往上一点,对,再往上。。。。。。软软的,有弹性,小黑帮你做按摩,有助发育哦!。。。。。。(美男无限,热血无限,纯情NP,结局圆满。喂,那谁,别左顾右盼,说的就是你!看了这么久还不点“加入书架”,磨磨唧唧的干啥呢?某鸢有个不良嗜好,看到收藏涨了,就会文思如雪崩!最后再叨叨一句,不会让你失望滴——信清鸢,得永生!)
  • 超少年密码之穿越遇见夏长安

