

I have given my word of honor--my sacred oath--not to betray what I have discovered here.

At these words from the prisoner,a shout arose in which oaths and mocking laughter mingled like the growling and snapping of hunger-maddened wolves.

Then if I must die,Gledware cried,his voice,in its shrill excitement,dominating the ferocious insults of the ruffians,don't kill the child--you see she is asleep--and she's so young--only five.Even if she were awake,she wouldn't know how to tell about this cabin.For God's sake,don't kill the little girl!

Since the seizure of Gledware,the child had been lying on the rude table in the midst of a greasy pack of cards--cards that had been thrown down at the sound of his galloping horse.The table supported,also,much of the booty captured from the wagon-train,while on the dirt floor beside it were prizes of the freebooting expedition,too large to find resting-place on the boards.Nor was this all.Mingled with stolen garments,cans and boxes of provisions,purses and bags of gold,were the Indian disguises in which the highwaymen from No-Man's Land had descended on the prairie-schooners on their tedious journey from Abilene,Kansas,toward the Southwest.

In the midst of this confusion of disguises,booty and playing-cards,surrounded by cruel and sensual faces,the child slept soundly,her lips slightly parted,her cheeks delicately flushed,her face eloquent in its appeal of helplessness,innocence and beauty.One of the band,a tall broad-shouldered man of middle-age,with an immense quantity of whiskers perhaps worn as a visible sign of inward wildness,was,despite his hardened nature,moved to remonstrance.Under cover of lurid oaths and outrageous obscenity,he advanced his opinion that the kidneedn't be shot just because her father was a sneak-jug spy.

Shut up!roared a tremendous voice,not directly to the intercessor,or to the prisoner,but to all present.Evidently it was a voice of authority, for comparative silence followed the command.The speaker stepped forward,thrust his fingers through his intensely red shock of hair,and continued,with one leg thrust forward:

You know I am something of an orator,or I guess you wouldn't of made me your leader.Now,as long as I'm your leader,I'm going to lead;but,I ain't never unreasonable,and when talk is needed,I'm copious enough.I am called 'Red Kimball,'and my brother yonder,he is knowed as 'Kansas Kimball.'What else is knowed of us is this:that we wasn't never wont to turn loose a spy when once ketched.Here is a man who says he is Henry Gledware--though God knows if that's so;he comes galloping up to the door just as we are in the midst of a game.I stakes all my share of the spoils on the game,and Brick Willock is in a fair way to win it,that I admit,but in comes this here spy--

The prisoner in a frenzied voice disclaimed any purpose of spying.That morning,he had driven the last wagon of the train,containing his invalid wife and his stepdaughter--for the child lying on the table was his wife's daughter.At the alarm that the first wagon had been attacked by Indians,he had turned about his horses and driven furiously over the prairie,he knew not whither.All that day he had fled,seeing no one,hearing no pursuing horse-beat.At night his wife,unable,in her weak condition,to sustain the terrible jolting,had expired.Taking nothing from the wagon but his saddle,he had mounted one of the horses with the child before him,and had continued his flight,the terrific wind at his back.Unaware that the wind had changed,he had traversed horseback much of the distance traveled during the day,and at about two in the morning--that is to say,about all hour ago--seeing a light,he had ridden straight toward it,to find shelter from the storm.

The prisoner narrated all this in nervous haste,though he had already given every particular,time and again.His form as well as his voice trembled with undisguised terror,and indeed,the red and cruel eyes fastened contemptuously on him might have caused a much braver man than Gledware to shudder visibly.

Well,pard,said the leader of the band,waiting until he had finished,you can't never claim that you ain't been given your say,for I do admire free speech.I want to address you reasonable,and make this plain and simple,as only a man that has been alleged to be something of an orator can accomplish.My men and me has had our conference,and it's decided that both of you has got to be shot,and immediate.The reasons is none but what a sensible man must admit,and such I take you to be.I am sorry this has happened,and so is my men,and we wish you well.It's a hard saying,pard,but whatever your intentions,a spy you have proved.For what do you find on busting open our door?Here we sit playing with our booty for stakes,and our Indian togs lying all about.You couldn't help knowing that we was the 'Indians'that gutted them wagons and put up the fight that left every man and woman dead on the field except that there last wagon you are telling us about.You might wish you didn't know the same,but once knowed,we ain't going to let you loose.As to that wagon you claim to have stole away from under our very noses--A skeptical laugh burst from the listeners.

Gledware eagerly declared that if he had the remotest idea in what direction it had been left,he would be glad to lead them to the spot.

  • Herodias


  • 主术训


  • 美人谱


  • 准提焚修悉地忏悔玄文


  • Flame and Shadow

    Flame and Shadow

  • 牧民政要


  • 野处类稿


  • 那年青灯下荡秋千的女孩


  • 别笑,毕业N年后他们写起了高考作文


  • 快穿系统:男神只有我能撩


  • 怎样嫁个有钱郎


  • 二次元之真理之门


  • 预防老年人跌倒知识读本


  • 三国人物召唤系统


  • 桃花鬼

