
第19章 How Lazaro Took up with a Squire(5)

I took my silver coin and my jug,and hurrying along,I went up the street,heading for the square,very content and happy.But what's the use if my bad luck has it planned for me that I can't enjoy anything without trouble coming along with it?And that's the way this thing went.I was going up the street,thinking about how I would spend the money in the best way possible and get the most out of it.And I was thanking God with all my heart for letting my master have some money,when suddenly I came upon a corpse that a bunch of clergy and other people were carrying down the street on a litter.

I squeezed up next to the wall to let them by,and after the body had gone past there came right behind the litter a woman who must have been the dead man's wife,all dressed up in mourning (and a lot of other women with her).And she came along,crying loudly and saying,"My husband and lord,where are they taking you?It's to that poor,unhappy house,that dark and gloomy house,that house where they never eat or drink!"

And when I heard that,I felt like I had fallen through the ground,and I said,"Oh--no!They're taking this dead man to my house."

I turned around and squeezed through the crowd and ran back down the street as fast as I could toward my house.And when I got inside I closed the door right behind me and called out for my master to come and help me.And I grabbed hold of him and begged him to help me block the door.He was a little stunned,thinking it might be something else,and he asked me,"What is it,boy?Why are you shouting?What's the matter?Why did you slam the door so hard?"

"Oh,sir,"I said,"help me!They're bringing a dead man here.""What do you mean?"he asked.

"I stumbled into him just up the way from here,and his wife was

coming along saying,'My husband and lord,where are they taking you?To the dark and gloomy house,the poor,unhappy house,the house where they never eat or drink!'Oh,sir,they're bringing him here."

And I tell you that when my master heard that,even though he didn't have any reason for being very cheerful,he laughed so hard that for a long time he couldn't even talk.In the meantime I had the bolt snapped shut on the door and my shoulder against it to hold them all back.The people passed by with their corpse,and I was still afraid that they were going to stick him in our house.And when he'd had his bellyful of laughter (more than of food)my good master said to me:"It's true,Lazaro,that taking the words of the widow at face value,you had every reason to think what you did.But since it was God's will to do something else and they've gone by,go on and open the door and go get us something to eat."

"Sir,wait until they've gone down the street,"I said.

Finally my master came up to the door that led to the street and opened it,reassuring me--and I really needed that because I was so upset and afraid.So I started up the street again.

But even though we ate well that day,I didn't enjoy it a damn bit.In fact,I didn't get my color back for three days.And my master would grin every time he thought about what I'd done.

So that's what happened to me during those days with my third poor master,this squire,and all the time I was wishing I knew how he'd come to this place and why he was staying here.Because from the very first day that I started serving him,I realized he was a stranger here:he hardly knew anyone,and he didn't associate with very many of the people around here.

Finally my wish came true,and I found out what I wanted to know.One day after we'd eaten fairly well and he was pretty content,he told me about himself.He said he was from Old Castile.And he said the only reason he'd left there was because he didn't want to take his hat off to a neighbor of his who was a high-class gentleman.

"Sir,"I said,"if he was the kind of man you say he was and his status was higher than yours,it was only right for you to take your hat off first--after all,you say that he took off his hat,too."

"That is the kind of man he was:his status was higher and he did take his hat off to me.But considering all the time I took mine off first,it wouldn't have been asking too much for him to be civil and make the first move once in a while."

"It seems to me,sir,"I told him,"that I wouldn't even think about that--especially with people who are my superiors and are better off than I am.""You're just a boy,"he answered,"and you don't understand honor.That is the most important thing to any self-respecting gentleman these days.Well,I want you to know that I'm a squire--as you can see.But I swear to God that if I meet a count on the street and he doesn't take his hat all the way off his head for me,the next time I see him coming,I'll duck right into a house and pretend that I have some business or other to do there.Or I'll go up another street,if there is one,before he gets up to me--just so I won't have to take off my hat to him.Because a gentleman doesn't owe anything to anyone except God or the King.And it isn't right,if he's a man of honor,for him to let his self-respect fall even for a minute.

"I remember one day when I put a craftsman from my town in his place,and I felt like strangling him,too,because every time I ran into him he would say,'God keep you,friend.''You little peasant,'I said to him,'How dare you address me with "God keep you"as if I were just anybody?Where were you brought up?'And from that day on,whenever he saw me,he took off his hat and spoke to me the way he was supposed to."

"But isn't that a good way for one man to greet another:to say 'God keep you'?"

"Damn it!"he said."That's what they say to the lower classes.But to people who are higher up,like me,they're only supposed to say,'I hope you are well today,sir.'Or,at least,'I hope you feel well today'if the person talking to me is a gentleman.So I didn't want to put up with that man from my town who was filling me up to here with his 'God keep you.'And I wouldn't put up with him either.In fact,I won't stand for anyone--including the King himself--to say to me 'God keep you,friend.'"

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