
第117章 BOOK XI(1)

In the next place,dealings between man and man require to be suitably regulated.The principle of them is very simple:-Thou shalt not,if thou canst help,touch that which is mine,or remove the least thing which belongs to me without my consent;and may I be of a sound mind,and do to others as I would that they should do to me.

First,let us speak of treasure trove:-May I never pray the Gods to find the hidden treasure,which another has laid up for himself and his family,he not being one of my ancestors,nor lift,if I should find,such a treasure.And may I never have any dealings with those who are called diviners,and who in any way or manner counsel me to take up the deposit entrusted to the earth,for I should not gain so much in the increase of my possessions,if I take up the prize,as Ishould grow in justice and virtue of soul,if I abstain;and this will be a better possession to me than the other in a better part of myself;for the possession of justice in the soul is preferable to the possession of wealth.And of many things it is well said-"Move not the immovables,"and this may be regarded as one of them.And we shall do well to believe the common tradition which says that such deeds prevent a man from having a family.Now as to him who is careless about having children and regardless of the legislator,taking up that which neither he deposited,nor any ancestor of his,without the consent of the depositor,violating the simplest and noblest of laws which was the enactment of no mean man:-"Take not up that which was not laid down by thee"-of him,I say,who despises these two legislators,and takes up,not small matter which he has not deposited,but perhaps a great heap of treasure,what he ought to suffer at the hands of the Gods,God only knows;but I would have the first person who sees him go and tell the wardens of the city,if the occurrence has taken place in the city,or if the occurrence has taken place in the agora he shall tell the wardens of the agora,or if in the country he shall tell the wardens of the country and their commanders.When information has been received the city shall send to Delphi,and,whatever the God answers about the money and the remover of the money,that the city shall do in obedience to the oracle;the informer,if he be a freeman,shall have the honour of doing rightly,and he who informs not,the dishonour of doing wrongly;and if he be a slave who gives information,let him be freed,as he ought to be,by the state,which shall give his master the price of him;but if he do not inform he shall be punished with death.Next in order shall follow a similar law,which shall apply equally to matters great and small:-If a man happens to leave behind him some part of his property,whether intentionally or unintentionally,let him who may come upon the left property suffer it to remain,reflecting that such things are under the protection of the Goddess of ways,and are dedicated to her by the law.But if any one defies the law,and takes the property home with him,let him,if the thing is of little worth,and the man who takes it a slave,be beaten with many stripes by him,being a person of not less than thirty years of age.

Or if he be a freeman,in addition to being thought a mean person and a despiser of the laws,let him pay ten times the value of the treasure which he has moved to the leaver.And if some one accuses another of having anything which belongs to him,whether little or much,and the other admits that he has this thing,but denies that the property in dispute belongs to other,if the property be registered with the magistrates according to law,the claimant shall summon the possessor,who shall bring it before the magistrates;and when it is brought into court,if it be registered in the public registers,to which of the litigants it belonged,let him take it and go his way.Or if the property be registered as belonging to some one who is not present,whoever will offer sufficient surety on behalf of the absent person that he will give it up to him,shall take it away as the representative of the other.But if the property which is deposited be not registered with the magistrates,let it remain until the time of trial with three of the eldest of the magistrates;and if it be an animal which is deposited,then he who loses the suit shall pay the magistrates for its keep,and they shall determine the cause within three days.

Any one who is of sound mind may arrest his own slave,and do with him whatever he will of such things as are lawful;and he may arrest the runaway slave of any of his friends or kindred with a view to his safe-keeping.And if any one takes away him who is being carried off as a slave,intending to liberate him,he who is carrying him off shall let him go;but he who takes him away shall give three sufficient sureties;and if he give them,and not without giving them,he may take him away,but if he take him away after any other manner he shall be deemed guilty of violence,and being convicted shall pay as a penalty double the amount of the damages claimed to him who has been deprived of the slave.Any man may also carry off a freedman,if he do not pay respect or sufficient respect to him who freed him.

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