

"Oh,do be quiet,"whispered the Child."Oh,do get up and dress.You know what will happen.There--I'll help you."But the warning came too late.The Frau got out of bed,walked in a determined fashion into the kitchen,returning with a bundle of twigs in her hand fastened together with a strong cord.One by one she laid the children across her knee and severely beat them,expending a final burst of energy on the Child-Who-Was-Tired,then returned to bed,with a comfortable sense of her maternal duties in good working order for the day.Very subdued,the three allowed themselves to be dressed and washed by the Child,who even laced the boys'boots,having found through experience that if left to themselves they hopped about for at least five minutes to find a comfortable ledge for their foot,and then spat on their hands and broke the bootlaces.

While she gave them their breakfast they became uproarious,and the baby would not cease crying.When she filled the tin kettle with milk,tied on the rubber teat,and,first moistening it herself,tried with little coaxing words to make him drink,he threw the bottle on to the floor and trembled all over.

"Eye teeth!"shouted Hans,hitting Anton over the head with his empty cup;"he's getting the evil-eye teeth,I should say.""Smarty!"retorted Lena,poking out her tongue at him,and then,when he promptly did the same,crying at the top of her voice,"Mother,Hans is making faces at me!""That's right,"said Hans;"go on howling,and when you're in bed to-night I'll wait till you're asleep,and then I'll creep over and take a little tiny piece of your arm and twist and twist it until--"He leant over the table making the most horrible faces at Lena,not noticing that Anton was standing behind his chair until the little boy bent over and spat on his brother's shaven head.


The Child-Who-Was-Tired pushed and pulled them apart,muffled them into their coats,and drove them out of the house.

"Hurry,hurry!the second bell's rung,"she urged,knowing perfectly well she was telling a story,and rather exulting in the fact.She washed up the breakfast things,then went down to the cellar to look out the potatoes and beetroot.

Such a funny,cold place the coal cellar!With potatoes banked on one corner,beetroot in an old candle box,two tubs of sauerkraut,and a twisted mass of dahlia roots--that looked as real as though they were fighting one another,thought the Child.

She gathered the potatoes into her skirt,choosing big ones with few eyes because they were easier to peel,and bending over the dull heap in the silent cellar,she began to nod.

"Here,you,what are you doing down there?"cried the Frau,from the top of the stairs."The baby's fallen off the settle,and got a bump as big as an egg over his eye.Come up here,and I'll teach you!""It wasn't me--it wasn't me!"screamed the Child,beaten from one side of the hall to the other,so that the potatoes and beetroot rolled out of her skirt.

The Frau seemed to be as big as a giant,and there was a certain heaviness in all her movements that was terrifying to anyone so small.

"Sit in the corner,and peel and wash the vegetables,and keep the baby quiet while I do the washing."Whimpering she obeyed,but as to keeping the baby quiet,that was impossible.His face was hot,little beads of sweat stood all over his head,and he stiffened his body and cried.She held him on her knees,with a pan of cold water beside her for the cleaned vegetables and the "ducks'bucket"for the peelings.

"Ts--ts--ts!"she crooned,scraping and boring;"there's going to be another soon,and you can't both keep on crying.Why don't you go to sleep,baby?I would,if I were you.I'll tell you a dream.Once upon a time there was a little white road--"She shook back her head,a great lump ached in her throat and then the tears ran down her face on to the vegetables.

"That's no good,"said the Child,shaking them away."Just stop crying until I've finished this,baby,and I'll walk you up and down."But by that time she had to peg out the washing for the Frau.A wind had sprung up.Standing on tiptoe in the yard,she almost felt she would be blown away.There was a bad smell coming from the ducks'coop,which was half full of manure water,but away in the meadow she saw the grass blowing like little green hairs.And she remembered having heard of a child who had once played for a whole day in just such a meadow with real sausages and beer for her dinner--and not a little bit of tiredness.Who had told her that story?She could not remember,and yet it was so plain.

The wet clothes flapped in her face as she pegged them;danced and jigged on the line,bulged out and twisted.She walked back to the house with lagging steps,looking longingly at the grass in the meadow.

"What must I do now,please?"she said.

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    枝繁叶茂的亚热带丛林中,一只冠齿兽正在河边从容地喝水,丝毫没有注意到长草丛后面几只中爪兽阴鸷的小眼睛;河流上游,一只成年鳄鱼将整个身体潜入水下,伺机来一场“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”的好戏。 然而这场已经准备好的连环杀戮盛宴却因为一只矮暴龙的插手而泡汤了。眼看猎物被这恶霸夺走,中爪兽们只能够无奈地互相舔舔伤痕,继续物色下一个目标;至于那只潜伏的鳄鱼,则早已经吓得逃回了老窝。 这一幕情景发生在新生代,晚于二十一世纪科学家们推测的“白垩纪—第三纪恐龙大灭绝事件”至少一千万年。 作为新生代最后一只恐龙,乔华感到自己任重而道远。 “你能想象出当我知道自己是最后一只恐龙后的那种绝望么?”乔华用爪子轻轻挠着发白的肚皮道,“这就好比重生成了张作霖,结果一问旁边的副官自己在哪儿。尼玛,皇姑屯!”
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