

Aloud:"I'd love to."Her easy acceptance pleased him.

"How about to-morrow?"he suggested."Suppose you have lunch with me to-morrow and I take you driving."

After all--this was just a game."Yes,I'm not busy to-morrow,"she said.

A little pause--then the strange man patted his leg."Why don't you come and sit down?"he said.

She pretended not to see and swung on to the table."Oh,I'm all right here.""No,you're not"--again the teasing voice."Come and sit on my knee.""Oh no,"said Viola very heartily,suddenly busy with her hair.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to."

"Oh,come along"--impatiently.

She shook her head from side to side."I wouldn't dream of such a thing."At that he got up and came over to her."Funny little puss cat!"He put up one hand to touch her hair.

"Don't,"she said--and slipped off the table."I--I think it's time you went now."She was quite frightened now--thinking only:"This man must be got rid of as quickly as possible.""Oh,but you don't want me to go?"

"Yes,I do--I'm very busy."

"Busy.What does the pussy cat do all day?"

"Lots and lots of things!"She wanted to push him out of the room and slam the door on him--idiot--fool--cruel disappointment.

"What's she frowning for?"he asked."Is she worried about anything?"Suddenly serious:"I say--you know,are you in any financial difficulty?

Do you want money?I'll give it to you if you like!""Money!Steady on the brake--don't lose your head!"--so she spoke to herself.

"I'll give you two hundred marks if you'll kiss me.""Oh,boo!What a condition!And I don't want to kiss you--I don't like kissing.Please go!""Yes--you do!--yes,you do."He caught hold of her arms above the elbows.

She struggled,and was quite amazed to realise how angry she felt.

"Let me go--immediately!"she cried--and he slipped one arm round her body,and drew her towards him--like a bar of iron across her back--that arm.

"Leave me alone!I tell you.Don't be mean!I didn't want this to happen when you came into my room.How dare you?""Well,kiss me and I'll go!"

It was too idiotic--dodging that stupid,smiling face.

"I won't kiss you!--you brute!--I won't!"Somehow she slipped out of his arms and ran to the wall--stood back against it--breathing quickly.

"Get out!"she stammered."Go on now,clear out!"At that moment,when he was not touching her,she quite enjoyed herself.

She thrilled at her own angry voice."To think I should talk to a man like that!"An angry flush spread over his face--his lips curled back,showing his teeth--just like a dog,thought Viola.He made a rush at her,and held her against the wall--pressed upon her with all the weight of his body.

This time she could not get free.

"I won't kiss you.I won't.Stop doing that Ugh!you're like a dog--you ought to find lovers round lamp-posts--you beast--you fiend!"He did not answer.With an expression of the most absurd determination he pressed ever more heavily upon her.He did not even look at her--but rapped out in a sharp voice:"Keep quiet--keep quiet.""Gar--r!Why are men so strong?"She began to cry."Go away--I don't want you,you dirty creature.I want to murder you.Oh,my God!if I had a knife.""Don't be silly--come and be good!"He dragged her towards the bed.

"Do you suppose I'm a light woman?"she snarled,and swooping over she fastened her teeth in his glove.

"Ach!don't do that--you are hurting me!"

She did not let go,but her heart said,"Thank the Lord I thought of this.""Stop this minute--you vixen--you bitch."He threw her away from him.She saw with joy that his eyes were full of tears."You've really hurt me,"he said in a choking voice.

"Of course I have.I meant to.That's nothing to what I'll do if you touch me again."The strange man picked up his hat."No thanks,"he said grimly."But I'll not forget this--I'll go to your landlady.""Pooh!"She shrugged her shoulders and laughed."I'll tell her you forced your way in here and tried to assault me.Who will she believe?--with your bitten hand.You go and find your Schafers."A sensation of glorious,intoxicating happiness flooded Viola.She rolled her eyes at him."If you don't go away this moment I'll bite you again,"she said,and the absurd words started her laughing.Even when the door was closed,hearing him descending the stairs,she laughed,and danced about the room.

What a morning!Oh,chalk it up.That was her first fight,and she'd won --she'd conquered that beast--all by herself.Her hands were still trembling.She pulled up the sleeve of her gown--great red marks on her arms."My ribs will be blue.I'll be blue all over,"she reflected."If only that beloved Casimir could have seen us."And the feeling of rage and disgust against Casimir had totally disappeared.How could the poor darling help not having any money?It was her fault as much as his,and he,just like her,was apart from the world,fighting it,just as she had done.If only three o'clock would come.She saw herself running towards him and putting her arms round his neck."My blessed one!Of course we are bound to win.Do you love me still?Oh,I have been horrible lately."

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    〔全场甜文甜到爆,傲娇男神vs冷血女王,独宠到宇宙银河系,1∨1〕“我爱各种各样的她,刁蛮任性那是我宠的;脾气大那是我惯的;连激动的时候爆粗口,那也是我教的!”某傻缺傲娇大少把话告诉了女孩和全世界。“呵,脑子进水了?谁稀罕!现在立刻马上,给我有多远滚多远!”“最远的地方是你的心,不知道什么时候才能滚到你心里,教我吧!”“……”“不回答就当你默认了。”女孩刚想爆粗口否认,却被吻到腿软。“乖~你是我的。”将女孩拥入怀里,柔情似水的说“谁特么是你的!!!”“女孩子不要随随便便爆粗口,以后没人要,是因为我已经要了!谁敢动你,让他死无全尸。”“有一句mmp不知当讲不当讲!”男人宠溺的将怀里的她搂紧 “乖~我们不讲。”