
第41章 Volume 2(5)

There was real good-nature and delight in my cousin's greeting,and a kind of constitutional confidence of manner which placed me at once at ease,and made me feel immediately upon terms of intimacy with her.The room into which she ushered me,although partaking in the general air of decay which pervaded the mansion and all about it,had nevertheless been fitted up with evident attention to comfort,and even with some dingy attempt at luxury;but what pleased me most was that it opened,by a second door,upon a lobby which communicated with my fair cousin's apartment;a circumstance which divested the room,in my eyes,of the air of solitude and sadness which would otherwise have characterised it,to a degree almost painful to one so dejected in spirits as I was.

After such arrangements as I found necessary were completed,we both went down to the parlour,a large wainscoted room,hung round with grim old portraits,and,as I was not sorry to see,containing in its ample grate a large and cheerful fire.Here my cousin had leisure to talk more at her ease;and from her I learned something of the manners and the habits of the two remaining members of her family,whom I had not yet seen.

On my arrival I had known nothing of the family among whom I was come to reside,except that it consisted of three individuals,my uncle,and his son and daughter,Lady T--n having been long dead.In addition to this very scanty stock of information,I shortly learned from my communicative companion that my uncle was,as I had suspected,completely retired in his habits,and besides that,having been so far back as she could well recollect,always rather strict,as reformed rakes frequently become,he had latterly been growing more gloomily and sternly religious than heretofore.

Her account of her brother was far less favourable,though she did not say anything directly to his disadvantage.From all that I could gather from her,I was led to suppose that he was a specimen of the idle,coarse-mannered,profligate,low-minded 'squirearchy'--a result which might naturally have flowed from the circum-stance of his being,as it were,outlawed from society,and driven for companionship to grades below his own--enjoying,too,the dangerous prerogative of spending much money.

However,you may easily suppose that I found nothing in my cousin's communication fully to bear me out in so very decided a conclusion.

I awaited the arrival of my uncle,which was every moment to be expected,with feelings half of alarm,half of curiosity--a sensation which I have often since experienced,though to a less degree,when upon the point of standing for the first time in the presence of one of whom I have long been in the habit of hearing or thinking with interest.

It was,therefore,with some little perturbation that I heard,first a slight bustle at the outer door,then a slow step traverse the hall,and finally witnessed the door open,and my uncle enter the room.

He was a striking-looking man;from peculiarities both of person and of garb,the whole effect of his appearance amounted to extreme singularity.He was tall,and when young his figure must have been strikingly elegant;as it was,however,its effect was marred by a very decided stoop.

His dress was of a sober colour,and in fashion anterior to anything which I could remember.It was,however,handsome,and by no means carelessly put on;but what completed the singularity of his appearance was his uncut,white hair,which hung in long,but not at all neglected curls,even so far as his shoulders,and which combined with his regularly classic features,and fine dark eyes,to bestow upon him an air of venerable dignity and pride,which I have never seen equalled elsewhere.I rose as he entered,and met him about the middle of the room;he kissed my cheek and both my hands,saying:

'You are most welcome,dear child,as welcome as the command of this poor place and all that it contains can make you.I am most rejoiced to see you--truly rejoiced.I trust that you are not much fatigued--pray be seated again.'

He led me to my chair,and continued:'I am glad to perceive you have made acquaintance with Emily already;I see,in your being thus brought together,the foundation of a lasting friendship.You are both innocent,and both young.God bless you--God bless you,and make you all that I could wish.'

He raised his eyes,and remained for a few moments silent,as if in secret prayer.

I felt that it was impossible that this man,with feelings so quick,so warm,so tender,could be the wretch that public opinion had represented him to be.I was more than ever convinced of his innocence.

His manner was,or appeared to me,most fascinating;there was a mingled kindness and courtesy in it which seemed to speak benevolence itself.It was a manner which I felt cold art could never have taught;it owed most of its charm to its appearing to emanate directly from the heart;it must be a genuine index of the owner's mind.So I thought.

My uncle having given me fully to understand that I was most welcome,and might command whatever was his own,pressed me to take some refreshment;and on my refusing,he observed that previously to bidding me good-night,he had one duty further to perform,one in whose observance he was convinced I would cheerfully acquiesce.

He then proceeded to read a chapter from the Bible;after which he took his leave with the same affectionate kindness with which he had greeted me,having repeated his desire that I should consider everything in his house as altogether at my disposal.It is needless to say that Iwas much pleased with my uncle--it was impossible to avoid being so;and I could not help saying to myself,if such a man as this is not safe from the assaults of slander,who is?I felt much happier than I had done since my father's death,and enjoyed that night the first refreshing sleep which had visited me since that event.

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