

LONDON,January 25,O.S.1750

MY DEAR FRIEND:It is so long since I have heard from you,that I suppose Rome engrosses every moment of your time;and if it engrosses it in the manner I could wish,I willingly give up my share of it.I would rather 'prodesse quam conspici'.Put out your time,but to good interest;and Ido not desire to borrow much of it.Your studies,the respectable remains of antiquity,and your evening amusements cannot,and indeed ought not,to leave you much time to write.You will,probably,never see Rome again;and therefore you ought to see it well now;by seeing it well,I do not mean only the buildings,statues,and paintings,though they undoubtedly deserve your attention:but I mean seeing into the constitution and government of it.But these things certainly occur to your own common sense.

How go,your pleasures at Rome?Are you in fashion there?that is,do you live with the people who are?--the only way of being so yourself,in time.Are you domestic enough in any considerable house to be called 'le petit Stanhope'?Has any woman of fashion and good-breeding taken the trouble of abusing and laughing at you amicably to your face?Have you found a good 'decrotteuse'.For those are the steps by which you must rise to politeness.I do not presume to ask if you have any attachment,because I believe you will not make me your confident;but this I will say,eventually,that if you have one,'il faut bien payer d'attentions et de petits soin',if you would have your sacrifice propitiously received.Women are not so much taken by beauty as men are,but prefer those men who show them the most attention.

Would you engage the lovely fair?

With gentlest manners treat her;

With tender looks and graceful air,In softest accents greet her.

Verse were but vain,the Muses fail,Without the Graces'aid;The God of Verse could not prevail To stop the flying maid.

Attention by attentions gain,And merit care by cares;So shall the nymph reward your pain;

And Venus crown your prayers.

Probatum est.

A man's address and manner weigh much more with them than his beauty;and,without them,the Abbati and Monsignori will get the better of you.

This address and manner should be exceedingly respectful,but at the same time easy and unembarrassed.Your chit-chat or 'entregent'with them neither can,nor ought to be very solid;but you should take care to turn and dress up your trifles prettily,and make them every now and then convey indirectly some little piece of flattery.A fan,a riband,or a head-dress,are great materials for gallant dissertations,to one who has got 'le ton leger et aimable de la bonne compagnie'.At all events,a man had better talk too much to women,than too little;they take silence for dullness,unless where they think that the passion they have inspired occasions it;and in that case they adopt the notion,that Silence in love betrays more woe Than words,though ne'er so witty;The beggar that is dumb,we know,Deserves a double pity.

'A propos'of this subject:what progress do you make in that language,in which Charles the Fifth said that he would choose to speak to his mistress?Have you got all the tender diminutives,in 'etta,ina',and 'ettina',which,I presume,he alluded to?You already possess,and,Ihope,take care not to forget,that language which he reserved for his horse.You are absolutely master,too,of that language in which he said he would converse with men;French.But,in every language,pray attend carefully to the choice of your words,and to the turn of your expression.Indeed,it is a point of very great consequence.To be heard with success,you must be heard with pleasure:words are the dress of thoughts;which should no more be presented in rags,tatters,and dirt,than your person should.By the way,do you mind your person and your dress sufficiently?Do you take great care of your teeth?Pray have them put in order by the best operator at Rome.Are you be-laced,bepowdered,and be-feathered,as other young fellows are,and should be?

At your age,'il faut du brillant,et meme un peu de fracas,mais point de mediocre;il faut un air vif,aise et noble.Avec les hommes,un maintien respectueux et en meme tems respectable;avec les femmes,un caquet leger,enjoue,et badin,mais toujours fort poli'.

To give you an opportunity of exerting your talents,I send you,here inclosed,a letter of recommendation from Monsieur Villettes to Madame de Simonetti at Milan;a woman of the first fashion and consideration there;and I shall in my next send you another from the same person to Madame Clerici,at the same place.As these two ladies'houses are the resort of all the people of fashion at Milan,those two recommendations will introduce you to them all.Let me know,in due time,if you have received these two letters,that I may have them renewed,in case of accidents.

Adieu,my dear friend!Study hard;divert yourself heartily;distinguish carefully between the pleasures of a man of fashion,and the vices of a scoundrel;pursue the former,and abhor the latter,like a man of sense.

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