

having fewer weaknesses themselves,they are able to avail themselves of the innumerable ones of the generality of mankind:being more masters of themselves,they become more easily masters of others.They address themselves to their weaknesses,their senses,their passions;never to their reason;and consequently seldom fail of success.But then analyze those great,those governing,and,as the vulgar imagine,those perfect characters,and you will find the great Brutus a thief in Macedonia,the great Cardinal Richelieu a jealous poetaster,and the great Duke of Marlborough a miser.Till you come to know mankind by your own experience,I know no thing,nor no man,that can in the meantime bring you so well acquainted with them as le Duc de la Rochefoucault:his little book of "Maxims,"which I would advise you to look into,for some moments at least,every day of your life,is,I fear,too like,and too exact a picture of human nature.

I own,it seems to degrade it;but yet my experience does not convince me that it degrades it unjustly.

Now,to bring all this home to my first point.All these considerations should not only invite you to attempt to make a figure in parliament,but encourage you to hope that you shall succeed.To govern mankind,one must not overrate them:and to please an audience,as a speaker,one must not overvalue it.When I first came into the House of Commons,Irespected that assembly as a venerable one;and felt a certain awe upon me,but,upon better acquaintance,that awe soon vanished;and Idiscovered,that,of the five hundred and sixty,not above thirty could understand reason,and that all the rest were 'peuple';that those thirty only required plain common sense,dressed up in good language;and that all the others only required flowing and harmonious periods,whether they conveyed any meaning or not;having ears to hear,but not sense enough to judge.These considerations made me speak with little concern the first time,with less the second,and with none at all the third.I gave myself no further trouble about anything,except my elocution,and my style;presuming,without much vanity,that I had common sense sufficient not to talk nonsense.Fix these three truths strongly in your mind:

First,that it is absolutely necessary for you to speak in parliament;secondly,that it only requires a little human attention,and no supernatural gifts;and,thirdly,that you have all the reason in the world to think that you shall speak well.When we meet,this shall be the principal subject of our conversations;and,if you will follow my advice,I will answer for your success.

Now from great things to little ones;the transition is to me easy,because nothing seems little to me that can be of any use to you.I hope you take great care of your mouth and teeth,and that you clean them well every morning with a sponge and tepid water,with a few drops of arquebusade water dropped into it;besides washing your mouth carefully after every meal,I do insist upon your never using those sticks,or any hard substance whatsoever,which always rub away the gums,and destroy the varnish of the teeth.I speak this from woeful experience;for my negligence of my teeth,when I was younger than you are,made them bad;and afterward,my desire to have them look better,made me use sticks,irons,etc.,which totally destroyed them;so that I have not now above six or seven left.I lost one this morning,which suggested this advice to you.

I have received the tremendous wild boar,which your still more tremendous arm slew in the immense deserts of the Palatinate;but have not yet tasted of it,as it is hitherto above my low regimen.The late King of Prussia,whenever he killed any number of wild boars,used to oblige the Jews to buy them,at a high price,though they could eat none of them;so they defrayed the expense of his hunting.His son has juster rules of government,as the Code Frederick plainly shows.

I hope,that,by this time,you are as well 'ancre'at Berlin as you was at Munich;but,if not,you are sure of being so at Dresden.Adieu.

  • 宋季三朝政要


  • 安龙纪事


  • 天乐集


  • 尤氏喉症指南


  • 明伦汇编宫闱典东宫妃嫔部


  • 留个钻戒好离婚(财蜜eMook)


    每个女人都有一个钻石梦……谁说的? 咱财蜜的名字不叫“每个”,也不轻易做梦,所以还真不都是钻石的拥趸。本期有妹纸从进化心理学的角度研究女人和珠宝的关系;还有个姐们儿摆明了不爱钻石,分享了一场没有珠宝的求婚;更有牛人本着普天同庆的心情传播技能,告诉我们作为礼物的珠宝是不需要“还给前任”的。 这些还不够?那咱们从专业的角度跟你讨论下珠宝的保值和投资;科普一下离婚时珠宝的分配原则。
  • 盛世宠婚,总裁,你别跑


  • 妖孽难缠:夫君,别碰我


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  • 草包狂妃


  • 谷母山神


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  • 添福宝之牛奶之缘


  • 仁王般若经陀罗尼念诵仪轨


  • 混蛋青春


    好人与混蛋的界限,有的时候真不受控制。 不管是自己的故事,还是别人的故事,都在经历了不同的轨迹之后,走入一个相似的境地,不同的青春,往往有着相似的痕迹。 如果,有一天,你狠狠的骂着或者被骂着的时候,请珍惜那种挣扎的心情,有一天你日薄西山,茫然惶恐的时候,翻出来告诉自己,曾经那样年少轻狂过。 从来就没有一个人,天生就是混蛋。