8岁女孩茉莉遭人绑架,返家以后母亲克莉丝遇害,接着克莉丝的上司也因车祸而死,这时才发现她很可能侵吞了300万美元巨款……受茉莉父亲之托,私家侦探乔治亚·戴维斯与影视制片人艾利·福尔曼(《谋杀鉴赏》、《谜案鉴赏》、《凶案影象》与《绝地反击》之主人公)再次联手破案,兵分两路,乔治娅身处险境,行程万里,历尽艰辛,终于查到了真相……您无论如何也想不到的结局。《加倍偿还》是亚马逊长盛不衰的热销佳作《谋杀鉴赏》系列的姊妹篇,曾于2009年秋被五大湖区畅销书协会评选为:“伟大的湖泊产生的伟大作品。”The Rise of Germany, 1939-1941
The Second World War is one of the most significant conflicts in history, but for seven decades our understanding of the war has remained mostly fixed, framed by the accounts of participants and an early generation of historians. James Holland, one of the leading young historians of World War II, has spent over a decade conducting new research, interviewing survivors, and exploring archives that have never before been so accessible to unearth forgotten memoirs, letters, and official records. In The Rise of Germany, Holland draws on this research to reconsider the strategy, tactics, and economic, political, and social aspects of the war. The Rise of Germany is a masterful book that redefines our understanding of the opening years of World War II. Beginning with the lead-up to the outbreak of war in 1939 and ending in the middle of 1941 on the eve of Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of Russia, The Rise of Germany is a landmark history of the war on land, in the air, and at sea.