You never get so close to the birds as when you are wading quietly down a little river, casting your fly deftly under the branches for the wary trout, but ever on the lookout for all the various pleasant things that nature has to bestow upon you. Here you shall come upon the cat-bird at her morning bath, and hear her sing, in a clump of pussy-willows, that low, tender, confidential song which she keeps for the hours of domestic intimacy. The spotted sandpiper will run along the stones before you, crying, "wet-feet, wet-feet!" and bowing and teetering in the friendliest manner, as if to show you the way to the best pools. In the thick branches of the hemlocks that stretch across the stream, the tiny warblers, dressed in a hundred colours, chirp and twitter confidingly above your head; and the Maryland yellow-throat, flitting through the bushes like a little gleam of sunlight, calls "witchery, witchery, witchery!" That plaintive, forsaken, persistent note, never ceasing, even in the noonday silence, comes from the wood-pewee, drooping upon the bough of some high tree, and complaining, like Mariana in the moated grange, "weary, weary, weary!"When the stream runs out into the old clearing, or down through the pasture, you find other and livelier birds,--the robins, with his sharp, saucy call and breathless, merry warble; the bluebird, with his notes of pure gladness, and the oriole, with his wild, flexible whistle; the chewink, bustling about in the thicket, talking to his sweetheart in French, "cherie, cherie!" and the song-sparrow, perched on his favourite limb of a young maple, dose beside the water, and singing happily, through sunshine and through rain.
石油,被人们称为黑色的金子、工业的血液。今天,石油已经像血液一样维系着社会生活的运转、经济的发展甚至政治的稳定和国家的安全。英国石油专家彼得·R·奥得尔曾这样论断:无论按什么标准而言,石油工业都堪称世界上规模最大的行业,它可能是唯一牵涉到世界每一个国家的一种国际性行业。近几年,石油价格飞涨,石油价格的涨落与国家政治、经济、生活、军事和外交紧密联在一起,演绎了一出出惊心动魄的故事,牵动着世界的神经。这不得不引起世人对石油的关注。当今世界,石油危机时代,如何规避投资风险?未来中国会与其它国家因石油爆发战争吗?如何让你的公司安危渡过石油危机?国家未来可能出台哪些石油政策?士兵、兄弟和术士 (皇冠和荣耀—第五部)