Around the open spaces, the tall meadow-rue stood dressed in robes of fairy white and green. The blue banners of the fleur-de-lis were planted beside the springs. In shady corners, deeper in the wood, the fragrant pyrola lifted its scape of clustering bells, like a lily of the valley wandered to the forest. When we came to the end of the portage, a perfume like that of cyclamens in Tyrolean meadows welcomed us, and searching among the loose grasses by the water-side we found the exquisite purple spikes of the lesser fringed orchis, loveliest and most ethereal of all the woodland flowers save one. And what one is that? Ah, my friend, it is your own particular favourite, the flower, by whatever name you call it, that you plucked long ago when you were walking in the forest with your sweetheart,--"Im wunderschonen Monat Mai Als alle Knospen sprangen."We launched our canoes again on the great pool at the foot of the first fall,--a broad sweep of water a mile long and half a mile wide, full of eddies and strong currents, and covered with drifting foam. There was the old campground on the point, where I had tented so often with my lady Greygown, fishing for ouananiche, the famous land-locked salmon of Lake St. John. And there were the big fish, showing their back fins as they circled lazily around in the eddies, as if they were waiting to play with us. But the goal of our day's journey was miles away, and we swept along with the stream, now through a rush of quick water, boiling and foaming, now through a still place like a lake, now through "Fairy crowds Of islands, that together lie, As quietly as spots of sky Among the evening clouds."The beauty of the shores was infinitely varied, and unspoiled by any sign of the presence of man. We met no company except a few king-fishers, and a pair of gulls who had come up from the sea to spend the summer, and a large flock of wild ducks, which the guides call "Betseys," as if they were all of the gentler sex. In such a big family of girls we supposed that a few would not be missed, and Damon bagged two of the tenderest for our supper.
故事讲得是这样一群年轻人,他们来自各地的农村,机缘巧合之下,相遇在城市的某个角落,因此相识相知,都是花样年华,爱情,友谊在合作和相助中自然而生,当然,也有敌视,对抗和伤害,他们干着高强度,低技能的工作,服务着城市,改变着城市,同时也被城市所改变。 他们中不乏优秀的人,有着让人羡慕的资本,比如年轻貌美,聪明伶俐等,但正是这样的人,却有着致命的缺点,他们有梦想,有对生活更高的要求,却没有实现这些理想的正确途径,他们见识浅薄而不自知,做事急功近利,几经碰壁之后,什么理想,志向都成浮云,只有经历了种种感情和利益交织的痛苦,在付出相应的代价之后,才渐渐明白,你想获得别人最起码的尊重,你最起码得自立,而要想获得别人更高的尊重,你只有自强。而只有谦虚的学习,努力的提高自己的素质和技能才是走向成功的正确途径,从某种意义上来讲,也是唯一的途径。郎咸平说:中国经济到了最危险的边缘