Scattered farms, with square, unpainted houses, and long, thatched barns, began to creep over the hills toward the river. There was a hamlet, called St. Charles, with a rude little church and a campanile of logs. The cure, robed in decent black and wearing a tall silk hat of the vintage of 1860, sat on the veranda of his trim presbytery, looking down upon us, like an image of propriety smiling at Bohemianism. Other craft appeared on the river. A man and his wife paddling an old dugout, with half a dozen children packed in amidships a crew of lumbermen, in a sharp-nosed bateau, picking up stray logs along the banks; a couple of boatloads of young people returning merrily from a holiday visit; a party of berry-pickers in a flat-bottomed skiff; all the life of the country-side was in evidence on the river. We felt quite as if we had been "in the swim" of society, when at length we reached the point where the Riviere des Aunes came tumbling down a hundred-foot ladder of broken black rocks. There we pitched our tents in a strip of meadow by the water-side, where we could have the sound of the falls for a slumber-song all night and the whole river for a bath at sunrise.
The Man against the Sky
“抱歉艾艾,明天出国后我得和邻国国王晚宴后去见个女人,你要理解我这种不能按照自己的意思生活的人。”语气有些的冰冷,可脸上却又噙着笑意…“我还不够不理解你?呵,邻国国王最中意的女婿的生活我当然不能理解……”自己还没意识到自己说出来的这段话醋味有多浓,正要继续说下去,夏冰艾被推倒在床上,唇即被吻住,唇角被啃咬了下,发出“嗯~”的声音,眼角已不自觉的流了泪。“你还没问我是哪国的呢?”“哪国的?”是不是傻啊,叫你问你就问啊,后知后觉的夏冰艾恨不得咬断自己的舌头。“D国。” 夏冰艾听到后瞬间瞪大了眼,顾连辰似乎很满意她的诧异,接着说“D国王女,在华国躲了十几年了,是时候该回去看看了吧……