It is not required of every man and woman to be, or to do, something great; most of us must content ourselves with taking small parts in the chorus. Shall we have no little lyrics because Homer and Dante have written epics? And because we have heard the great organ at Freiburg, shall the sound of Kathi's zither in the alpine hut please us no more? Even those who have greatness thrust upon them will do well to lay the burden down now and then, and congratulate themselves that they are not altogether answerable for the conduct of the universe, or at least not all the time. "Ireckon," said a cowboy to me one day, as we were riding through the Bad Lands of Dakota, "there's some one bigger than me, running this outfit. He can 'tend to it well enough, while I smoke my pipe after the round-up."There is such a thing as taking ourselves and the world too seriously, or at any rate too anxiously. Half of the secular unrest and dismal, profane sadness of modern society comes from the vain idea that every man is bound to be a critic of life, and to let no day pass without finding some fault with the general order of things, or projecting some plan for its improvement. And the other half comes from the greedy notion that a man's life does consist, after all, in the abundance of the things that he possesses, and that it is somehow or other more respectable and pious to be always at work making a larger living, than it is to lie on your back in the green pastures and beside the still waters, and thank God that you are alive.
(作者准备弃坑中……)她,是个人造人,生在三千世界之外,不受天地管束,从来不懂什么是爱,不知道什么是痛。他,七玄大陆玄紫帝国的并肩王,战功无数,生来便是天之骄子。初次见面,她因太过强大而被人类忌惮,想要对她进行强制性抹杀,在反抗的时候,‘不慎’掉入时空乱流,坠入了正在山林间正在和刺客对敌的他的怀中。(滴!作者已下线,简介无能……)【女主:零幻,男主:帝渊晨1v1双处】已建读者群,群聊号码:921109141 [如果不喜欢这本书别喷,因为本作者只是个初中生文采并不好,写小说只是我的一个兴趣爱好而已。]对你大爷有意见:叶广芩中篇小说选