The incongruous, but comfortable, modern hotel has a huge glass veranda, where you can eat your dinner and observe human nature in its transparent holiday disguises. I was much pleased and entertained by a family, or confederacy, of people attired as peasants--the men with feathered hats, green stockings, and bare knees--the women with bright skirts, bodices, and silk neckerchiefs--who were always in evidence, rowing gondolas with clumsy oars, meeting the steamboat at the wharf several times a day, and filling the miniature garden of the hotel with rustic greetings and early Salzkammergut attitudes. After much conjecture, I learned that they were the family and friends of a newspaper editor from Vienna. They had the literary instinct for local colour.
《天使吻过那片海》既是英语学习爱好者、文学爱好者的必备读 物,也是忙碌现代人的一片憩息心灵的家园,让读者在欣赏原法原味和凝 练生动的英文时,还能多角度、深层次地品读语言特色与艺术之美,再配 合文章后附加的多功能、全方位巩固题型,更有助于理解并学习英……中国为什么没有优衣库:解密中国式连锁经营困局