There was still one stretch of the river above Ischl left for the last evening's sport. I remember it so well: the long, deep place where the water ran beside an embankment of stone, and the big grayling poised on the edge of the shadow, rising and falling on the current as a kite rises and falls on the wind and balances back to the same position; the murmur of the stream and the hissing of the pebbles underfoot in the rapids as the swift water rolled them over and over; the odour of the fir-trees, and the streaks of warm air in quiet places, and the faint whiffs of wood-smoke wafted from the houses, and the brown flies dancing heavily up and down in the twilight; the last good pool, where the river was divided, the main part making a deep, narrow curve to the right, and the lesser part bubbling into it over a bed of stones with half-a-dozen tiny waterfalls, with a fine trout lying at the foot of each of them and rising merrily as the white fly passed over him--surely it was all very good, and a memory to be grateful for. And when the basket was full, it was pleasant to put off the heavy wading-shoes and the long rubber-stockings, and ride homeward in an open carriage through the fresh night air. That is as near to sybaritic luxury as a man should care to come.
Glaucus or The Wonders of the Shore
他,是百年不遇的音乐天才,对于音乐有着让所有人都惊叹的天赋,是S.M公司李秀满第一个满意的弟子。他,和HOT同时出道,以一人之力,在水晶男孩以及HOT这群当红偶像组合的夹击下,逆流而上,与他们平分娱乐圈。他,年仅13岁,可是在一出道,就轰动了当时整个娱乐圈,顶级的唱功,优秀的作词作曲能力,加上不俗的舞蹈,让所有艺人都感觉到了威胁。这颗璀璨的新星,如果没有意外,会成为最顶级的存在,这是他的粉丝们以及李秀满的感觉,可惜,事与愿违,年仅13岁的他,虽然在音乐上有着过人的天赋,但是却仍然是不懂的人情世故,盛气凌人的性格,孤傲的气质,让他在不知不觉中,把整个娱乐圈中人得罪了大半,再加上其他娱乐公司不满S.M公司垄断了娱乐圈,于是,这颗璀璨的新星,终于暗淡了下来。 求推荐,求收藏,各种求啊。韶华流景,别离勿相忘