There was a slow, gentle pull at the line, answered by a quick jerk of the rod, and a noble fish flashed into the air. Four pounds and a half at least! He leaped again and again, shaking the drops from his silvery sides. He rushed up the rapids as if he had determined to return to the lake, and down again as if he had changed his plans and determined to go to the Saguenay. He sulked in the deep water and rubbed his nose against the rocks. He did his best to treat that treacherous grasshopper as the whale served Jonah. But Greygown, through all her little screams and shouts of excitement, was steady and sage. She never gave the fish an inch of slack line; and at last he lay glittering on the rocks, with the black St. Andrew's crosses clearly marked on his plump sides, and the iridescent spots gleaming on his small, shapely head. "Une belle!"cried Ferdinand, as he held up the fish in triumph, "and it is madame who has the good fortune. She understands well to take the large fish--is it not?" Greygown stepped demurely down from her pinnacle, and as we drifted down the pool in the canoe, under the mellow evening sky, her conversation betrayed not a trace of the pride that a victorious fisherman would have shown. On the contrary, she insisted that angling was an affair of chance--which was consoling, though I knew it was not altogether true--and that the smaller fish were just as pleasant to catch and better to eat, after all. For a generous rival, commend me to a woman. And if Imust compete, let it be with one who has the grace to dissolve the bitter of defeat in the honey of a mutual self-congratulation.
月黑风高聊斋夜,发生在现代都市喧嚣角落最离奇诡异的故事,血衣小镇、惊悚恐怖的牙医馆、阴森逼人的绝命巴士站、史上最令人心寒胆颤的动物园……现实生活的每上角落,到底隐藏着多少不为人知的秘密?发生着多少不为人知的怪事? 不断散发的寒意令人战栗!催命的黑猫再次出现了,地下三尺有请!也许你知道得太多了,也许你嗅一嗅死亡的真实气味,每晚一个离奇故事正在上演……别出声,看看这个世界的另一面,聆听那些另类的故事。