Trees seem to come closer to our life. They are often rooted in our richest feelings, and our sweetest memories, like birds, build nests in their branches. I remember, the last time that I saw James Russell Lowell, (only a few weeks before his musical voice was hushed,) he walked out with me into the quiet garden at Elmwood to say good-bye. There was a great horse-chestnut tree beside the house, towering above the gable, and covered with blossoms from base to summit,--a pyramid of green supporting a thousand smaller pyramids of white. The poet looked up at it with his gray, pain-furrowed face, and laid his trembling hand upon the trunk. "Iplanted the nut," said he, "from which this tree grew. And my father was with me and showed me how to plant it."Yes, there is a good deal to be said in behalf of tree-worship; and when I recline with my friend Tityrus beneath the shade of his favourite oak, I consent in his devotions. But when I invite him with me to share my orisons, or wander alone to indulge the luxury of grateful, unlaborious thought, my feet turn not to a tree, but to the bank of a river, for there the musings of solitude find a friendly accompaniment, and human intercourse is purified and sweetened by the flowing, murmuring water. It is by a river that Iwould choose to make love, and to revive old friendships, and to play with the children, and to confess my faults, and to escape from vain, selfish desires, and to cleanse my mind from all the false and foolish things that mar the joy and peace of living.
新文《闪婚:郁少宠妻有道》发布了,求养肥……一次意外,南希怀孕了,从此以后过上了混吃等死(生不如死)的日子。南希:我要出门。章珏:可以啊,生完孩子再说。南希:我要工作。章珏:可以啊,生完孩子再说。南希:我要赚钱。章珏:可以啊,生完孩子再说。南希悲愤的表示:生生生……不就生孩子么,有什么了不起。章珏:我觉得很了不起,毕竟男人都不会……南希: ̄^ ̄゜谁能把这个蛇精病给我拉走!直到生完孩子南希才知道,章珏不止是个蛇精病还是个占有欲强的蛇精病……南希:我要工作章珏:可以,先结婚再说……大哥,你这对话反了吧……The Life of Christopher Columbus
两千多年前苟子就提出:“君子博学而日叁省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。”在这纷繁复杂的社会中,学会做人,用一颗平常心去面对世间的人与事,这样更容易得到别人的认可与接受,曲高和寡者终究会因不适应周围的环境而被淘汰出局。做人是大难事,也是一种高深的境界。从普通平凡到鹤立鸡群,从鹤立鸡群上升到超凡脱俗,这就达到了“做人”的最高境界。 《做人哲学全知道》对做人哲学做了全面的总结和归纳,得出人生哲学最精辟的结论:做人就是要处理好三种关系--人自己的心身关系、人与自然的天人关系、人与衬:会的人际关系。愿每一位读者看完《做人哲学全知道》后能够学习一些做人哲学,能够有所长进,在完美的人生道路上潇洒畅游。权力的智慧:冰与火的中国历史定律