Trees seem to come closer to our life. They are often rooted in our richest feelings, and our sweetest memories, like birds, build nests in their branches. I remember, the last time that I saw James Russell Lowell, (only a few weeks before his musical voice was hushed,) he walked out with me into the quiet garden at Elmwood to say good-bye. There was a great horse-chestnut tree beside the house, towering above the gable, and covered with blossoms from base to summit,--a pyramid of green supporting a thousand smaller pyramids of white. The poet looked up at it with his gray, pain-furrowed face, and laid his trembling hand upon the trunk. "Iplanted the nut," said he, "from which this tree grew. And my father was with me and showed me how to plant it."Yes, there is a good deal to be said in behalf of tree-worship; and when I recline with my friend Tityrus beneath the shade of his favourite oak, I consent in his devotions. But when I invite him with me to share my orisons, or wander alone to indulge the luxury of grateful, unlaborious thought, my feet turn not to a tree, but to the bank of a river, for there the musings of solitude find a friendly accompaniment, and human intercourse is purified and sweetened by the flowing, murmuring water. It is by a river that Iwould choose to make love, and to revive old friendships, and to play with the children, and to confess my faults, and to escape from vain, selfish desires, and to cleanse my mind from all the false and foolish things that mar the joy and peace of living.
《成熟比成功更重要:卡耐基夫人写给女人的幸 福忠告》是卡耐基夫人桃乐丝·卡耐基最有影响力的 作品之一,在书中,作者运用心理学和社会学知识, 解释了什么是成熟,如何走向成熟。内容涉及工作、 爱情、婚姻、交友、年龄等诸多方面,并提出了著名 的“成熟”九条标准。《成熟比成功更重要:卡耐基 夫人写给女人的幸福忠告》中观点独特新颖,作者认 为,人如果没有理想,就缺乏推动生活的动力;但如 果不成熟,就不会有正确的理想。所以,成熟是我们 的职责,是拯救我们的唯一出路。重生之楚霸王超级召唤系统