

In the daytime, there is hardly a livelier scene in Rome than the neighborhood of the Fountain of Trevi; for the piazza is then filled with the stalls of vegetable and fruit dealers, chestnut roasters, cigar venders, and other people, whose petty and wandering traffic is transacted in the open air. It is likewise thronged with idlers, lounging over the iron railing, and with Forestieri, who came hither to see the famous fountain. Here, also, are seen men with buckets, urchins with cans, and maidens (a picture as old as the patriarchal times) bearing their pitchers upon their heads. For the water of Trevi is in request, far and wide, as the most refreshing draught for feverish lips, the pleasantest to mingle with wine, and the wholesomest to drink, in its native purity, that can anywhere be found. But now, at early midnight, the piazza was a solitude;and it was a delight to behold this untamable water, sporting by itself in the moonshine, and compelling all the elaborate trivialities of art to assume a natural aspect, in accordance with its own powerful simplicity.

"What would be done with this water power," suggested an artist, "if we had it in one of our American cities? Would they employ it to turn the machinery of a cotton mill, I wonder?""The good people would pull down those rampant marble deities," said Kenyon, "and, possibly, they would give me a commission to carve the one-and-thirty (is that the number?) sister States, each pouring a silver stream from a separate can into one vast basin, which should represent the grand reservoir of national prosperity.""Or, if they wanted a bit of satire," remarked an English artist, "you could set those same one-and-thirty States to cleansing the national flag of any stains that it may have incurred. The Roman washerwomen at the lavatory yonder, plying their labor in the open air, would serve admirably as models.""I have often intended to visit this fountain by moonlight,", said Miriam, "because it was here that the interview took place between Corinne and Lord Neville, after their separation and temporary estrangement. Pray come behind me, one of you, and let me try whether the face can be recognized in the water."Leaning over the stone brim of the basin, she heard footsteps stealing behind her, and knew that somebody was looking over her shoulder. The moonshine fell directly behind Miriam, illuminating the palace front and the whole scene of statues and rocks, and filling the basin, as it were, with tremulous and palpable light. Corinne, it will be remembered, knew Lord Neville by the reflection of his face in the water. In Miriam's case, however (owing to the agitation of the water, its transparency, and the angle at which she was compelled to lean over), no reflected image appeared; nor, from the same causes, would it have been possible for the recognition between Corinne and her lover to take place. The moon, indeed, flung Miriam's shadow at the bottom of the basin, as well as two more shadows of persons who had followed her, on either side, "Three shadows!" exclaimed Miriam--"three separate shadows, all so black and heavy that they sink in the water! There they lie on the bottom, as if all three were drowned together. This shadow on my right is Donatello;I know him by his curls, and the turn of his head. My left-hand companion puzzles me; a shapeless mass, as indistinct as the premonition of calamity! Which of you can it be? Ah!"She had turned round, while speaking, and saw beside her the strange creature whose attendance on her was already familiar, as a marvel and a jest; to the whole company of artists. A general burst of laughter followed the recognition; while the model leaned towards Miriam, as she shrank from him, and muttered something that was inaudible to those who witnessed the scene. By his gestures, however, they concluded that he was inviting her to bathe her hands.

"He cannot be an Italian; at least not a Roman," observed an artist. "Inever knew one of them to care about ablution. See him now! It is as if he were trying to wash off' the time-stains and earthly soil of a thousand years!"Dipping his hands into the capacious washbowl before him, the model rubbed them together with the utmost vehemence. Ever and anon, too, he peeped into the water, as if expecting to see the whole Fountain of Trevi turbid with the results of his ablution. Miriam looked at him, some little time, with an aspect of real terror, and even imitated him by leaning over to peep into the basin. Recovering herself, she took up some of the water in the hollow of her hand, and practised an old form of exorcism by flinging it in her persecutor's face.

"In the name of all the Saints," cried she, "vanish, Demon, and let me be free of you now and forever!""It will not suffice," said some of the mirthful party, "unless the Fountain of Trevi gushes with holy water."In fact, the exorcism was quite ineffectual upon the pertinacious demon, or whatever the apparition might be. Still he washed his brown, bony talons; still he peered into the vast basin, as if all the water of that great drinking-cup of Rome must needs be stained black or sanguine; and still he gesticulated to Miriam to follow his example. The spectators laughed loudly, but yet with a kind of constraint; for the creature's aspect was strangely repulsive and hideous.

Miriam felt her arm seized violently by Donatello. She looked at him, and beheld a tigerlike fury gleaming from his wild eyes.

  • 读史剩言


  • 先天玄妙玉女太上圣母资传仙道


  • 韩碑


  • 小儿诸疳门


  • 古穰杂录摘抄


  • 宠上懒妃


  • 女职工健康指南(最新职工职业健康指导丛书)


  • 做人与处世


  • 明伦汇编交谊典僚属部


  • 涅兰纪


    正值西晋最为动乱的时期,一穿越少女款款而来,明明前有灭门之伤,后有困囿之苦,可是此人却随遇而安,云淡风轻,凡事轻飘飘带过。毕竟是将死之身重获新生,何不趁着韶光依旧,纵享青春年华? 浮忆袖春回,爱恨杳成风。记忆轮回中永不褪色的少年郎,点缀了谁家少女迷失的梦境。也有人翩袖若惊鸿,愿为她散尽八荒,轮转时空。可往事依旧荼靡,渲染了整个花季,只待明澈又至,清风自来。
  • 炼器销魂


  • 超级修仙同步系统


  • 心理洞察术


    什么是洞察力? 洞察力是人们对相互关系的犀利观察,对行为动机的透彻分?,对大众心理的快速判断,它是一种心灵的能力,一种智慧的升华。 洞察力使我们看清形势,认识困难,权衡利弊,妥善规划,把握机遇,它把我们的思想和注意力引向正确的方向。 大至一个国家、一个地区,小至一个单位、一个人,我们的洞察力如何,往往能够决定事情的成败,它是做人做事的第一项修炼。
  • 快穿之灵异女配


  • 绝世神偷:嚣张四小姐

