The beds are mostly of the plank type,the coverings scant,the comfort nil.Be it remembered that this is the treatment meted out to those who are supposed to be Casual poor,in temporary difficulty,walking from place to place seeking some employment.
The treatment of the women is as follows:Each Casual has to stay in the Casual Wards two nights and one day,during which time they have to pick 2lb.of oakum or go to the wash-tub and work out the time there.
While at the wash-tub they are allowed to wash their own clothes,but not otherwise.If seen more than once in the same Casual Ward,they are detained three days by order of the inspector each time seen,or if sleeping twice in the same month the master of the ward has power to detain them three days.There are four inspectors who visit different Casual Wards;and if the Casual is seen by any of the inspectors (who in turn visit all the Casual Wards)at any of the wards they have previously visited they are detained three days in each one.
The inspector,who is a male person,visits the wards at all unexpected hours,even visiting while the females are in bed.The beds are in some wards composed of straw and two rugs,in others cocoanut fibre and two rugs.The Casuals rise at 5.45a.m.and go to bed 7p.m.If they do not finish picking their oakum before 7p.m.,they stay up till they do.If a Casual does not come to the ward before 12.30,midnight,they keep them one day extra.The way in which this operates,however,can be best understood by the following statements,made by those who have been in Casual Wards,and who can,therefore,speak from experience as to how the system affects the individual:--J.C.knows Casual Wards pretty well.Has been in St.Giles,Whitechapel,St.George's,Paddington,Marylebone,Mile End.
They vary a little in detail,but as a rule the doors open at 6;you walk in;they tell you what the work is,and that if you fail to do it,you will be liable to imprisonment.Then you bathe.Some places the water is dirty.Three persons as a rule wash in one water.
At Whitechapel (been there three times)it has always been dirty;also at St.George's.I had no bath at Mile End;they were short of water.
If you complain they take no notice.You then tie your clothes in a bundle,and they give you a nightshirt.At most places they serve supper to the men,who have to go to bed and eat it there.Some beds are in cells;some in large rooms.You get up at 6a.m.and do the task.The amount of stone-breaking is too much;and the oakum-picking is also heavy.The food differs.At St.Giles,the gruel left over-night is boiled up for breakfast,and is consequently sour;the bread is puffy,full of holes,and don't weigh the regulation amount.
Dinner is only 8ounces of bread and 11/2ounce of cheese,and its that's short,how can anybody do their work?They will give you water to drink if you ring the cell bell for it,that is,they will tell you to wait,and bring it in about half an hour.There are a good lot of "moochers"go to Casual Wards,but there are large numbers of men who only want work.
J.D.;age 25;Londoner;can't get work,tried hard;been refused work several times on account of having no settled residence;looks suspicious,they think,to have "no home."Seems a decent,willing man.
Had two penny-worth of soup this morning,which has lasted all day.
Earned 1s.6d.yesterday,bill distributing,nothing the day before.
Been in good many London Casual Wards.Thinks they are no good,because they keep him all day,when he might be seeking work.
Don't want shelter in day time,wants work.If he goes in twice in a month to the same Casual Ward,they detain him four days.Considers the food decidedly insufficient to do the required amount of work.
If the work is not done to time,you are liable to 21days'
imprisonment.Get badly treated some places,especially where there is a bullying superintendent.Has done 21days for absolutely refusing to do the work on such low diet,when unfit.Can't get justice,doctor always sides with superintendent.
J.S.;odd jobber.Is working at board carrying,when he can get it.
There's quite a rush for it at 1s.2d.a day.Carried a couple of parcels yesterday,got 5d.for them;also had a bit of bread and meat given him by a working man,so altogether had an excellent day.
Sometimes goes all day without food,and plenty more do the same.
Sleeps on Embankment,and now and then in Casual Ward.Latter is clean and comfortable enough,but they keep you in all day;that means no chance of getting work.Was a clerk once,but got out of a job,and couldn't get another;there are so many clerks.
"A Tramp"says:"I've been in most Casual Wards in London;was in the one in Macklin Street,Drury Lane,last week.They keep you two nights and a day,and more than that if they recognise you.You have to break 10cwt.of stone,or pick four pounds of oakum.Both are hard.
About thirty a night go to Macklin Street.The food is 1pint gruel and 6oz.bread for breakfast;8oz.bread and 11/2oz.cheese for dinner;tea same as breakfast.No supper.It is not enough to do the work on.Then you are obliged to bathe,of course;sometimes three will bathe in one water,and if you complain they turn nasty,and ask if you are come to a palace.Mitcham Workhouse I've been in;grub is good;11/2pint gruel and 8oz.bread for breakfast,and same for supper.