

His character since conversion has been altogether satisfactory,and he is now an Orderly at Whitechapel,and to all appearances a "true lad."C.W.("Frisco").--Born in San Francisco,1862.Saved April 24th,1889.Taken away from home at the age of eight years,and made his way to Texas.Here he took up life amongst the Ranches as a Cowboy,and varied it with occasional trips to sea,developing into a typical brass and rowdy.He had 2years for mutiny at sea,4years for mule stealing,5years for cattle stealing and has altogether been in gaol for thirteen years and eleven months.He came over to England,got mixed up with thieves and casuals here,and did several short terms of imprisonment.He was met on his release at Millbank by an old chum (Buff)and the Shelter Captain;came to Shelter,got saved,and has stood firm.

H.A.--Born at Deptford,1850.Saved at Clerkenwell,January 12th,1889.Lost mother in early life,step-mother difficulty supervening,and a propensity to misappropriation of small things developed into thieving.He followed the sea,became a hard drinker,a foul-mouthed blasphemer,and a blatant spouter of infidelity.He drifted about for years,ashore and afloat,and eventually reached the Shelter stranded.

Here he sought God,and has done well.This summer he had charge of a gang of haymakers sent into the country,and stood the ordeal satisfactorily.He seems honest in his profession,and strives patiently to follow after God.He is at the workshops.

H.S.--Born at A---,in Scotland.Like most Scotch lads although parents were in poor circumstances he managed to get a good education.

Early in life he took to newspaper work,and picked up the details of the journalistic profession in several prominent papers in N.B.

Eventually he got a position on a provincial newspaper,and having put in a course at Glasgow University,graduated B.A.there.After this he was on the staff of a Welsh paper.He married a decent girl,and had several little ones,but giving way to drink,lost position,wife,family,and friends.At times he would struggle up and recover himself,and appears generally to have been able to secure a position,but again and again his besetment overcame him,and each time he would drift lower and lower.For a time he was engaged in secretarial work on a prominent London Charity,but fell repeatedly,and at length was dismissed.He came to us an utter outcast,was sent to Shelter and Workshop got saved,and is now in a good situation.He gives every promise,and those best able to judge seem very sanguine that at last a real good work has been accomplished in him.

F.D.--Was born in London,and brought up to the iron trade.

Held several good situations,losing one after another,from drink and irregularity.On one occasion,with #20in his pocket,he started for Manchester,got drunk there,was locked up and fined five shillings,and fifteen shillings costs;this he paid,and as he was leaving the Court,a gentleman stopped him,saying that he knew his father,and inviting him to his house;however,with #10in his pocket,he was too independent,and he declined;but the gentleman gave him his address,and left him.A few days squandered his cash,and clothes soon followed,all disappearing for drink,and then without a coin he presented himself at the address given to him,at ten o'clock at night.

It turned out to be his uncle,who gave him #2to go back to London,but this too disappeared for liquor.He tramped back to London utterly destitute.Several nights were passed on the Embankment,and on one occasion a gentleman gave him a ticket for the Shelter;this,however,he sold for 2d.and had a pint of beer,and stopped out all night.

But it set him thinking,and he determined next day to raise 4d.and see what a Shelter was like.He came to Whitechapel,became a regular customer,eight months ago got saved,and is now doing well.

F.H.--Was born at Birmingham,1858.Saved at Whitechapel,March 26th,1890.Father died in his infancy,mother marrying again.

The stepfather was a drunken navvy,and used to knock the mother about,and the lad was left to the streets.At 12years of age he left home,and tramped to Liverpool,begging his way,and sleeping on the roadsides.In Liverpool he lived about the Docks for some days,sleeping where he could.Police found him and returned him to Birmingham;his reception being an unmerciful thrashing from the drunken stepfather.He got several jobs as errand-boy,remarkable for his secret pilferings,and two years later left with fifty shillings stolen money,and reached Middlesbrough by road.Got work in a nail factory stayed nine months,then stole nine shillings from fellow-lodger,and again took the road.He reached Birmingham,and finding a warrant out for him,joined the Navy.He was in the Impregnable training-ship three years behaved himself,only getting "one dozen,"and was transferred with character marked "good"to the Iron Duke in the China seas;soon got drinking,and was locked up and imprisoned for riotous conduct in almost every port in the stations.

He broke ship,and deserted several times,and was a thorough specimen of a bad British tar.He saw gaol in Signapore,Hong Kong,Yokohama,Shanghai,Canton,and other places.In five years returned home,and,after furlough,joined the Belle Isle in the Irish station.Whisky here again got hold of him,and excess ruined his constitution.

On his leave he had married,and on his discharge joined his wife in Birmingham.For some time he worked as sweeper in the market,but two years ago deserted his wife and family,and came to London,settled down to a loafer's life,lived on the streets with Casual Wards for his home.Eventually came to Whitechapel Shelter,and got saved.

He is now a trustworthy,reliable lad;has become reconciled to wife,who came to London to see him,and he bids fair to be a useful man.

J.W.S.--Born in Plymouth.His parents are respectable people.

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