

When she noticed she noticed;that was what it came to.There were days and days,there were weeks sometimes,of vacancy.This arose often from Mr.Buckton's devilish and successful subterfuges for keeping her at the sounder whenever it looked as if anything might arouse;the sounder,which it was equally his business to mind,being the innermost cell of captivity,a cage within the cage,fenced oft from the rest by a frame of ground glass.The counter-clerk would have played into her hands;but the counter-clerk was really reduced to idiocy by the effect of his passion for her.She flattered herself moreover,nobly,that with the unpleasant conspicuity of this passion she would never have consented to be obliged to him.The most she would ever do would be always to shove off on him whenever she could the registration of letters,a job she happened particularly to loathe.After the long stupors,at all events,there almost always suddenly would come a sharp taste of something;it was in her mouth before she knew it;it was in her mouth now.

To Cissy,to Mary,whichever it was,she found her curiosity going out with a rush,a mute effusion that floated back to her,like a returning tide,the living colour and splendour of the beautiful head,the light of eyes that seemed to reflect such utterly other things than the mean things actually before them;and,above all,the high curt consideration of a manner that even at bad moments was a magnificent habit and of the very essence of the innumerable things--her beauty,her birth,her father and mother,her cousins and all her ancestors--that its possessor couldn't have got rid of even had she wished.How did our obscure little public servant know that for the lady of the telegrams this was a bad moment?How did she guess all sorts of impossible things,such as,almost on the very spot,the presence of drama at a critical stage and the nature of the tie with the gentleman at the Hotel Brighton?More than ever before it floated to her through the bars of the cage that this at last was the high reality,the bristling truth that she had hitherto only patched up and eked out--one of the creatures,in fine,in whom all the conditions for happiness actually met,and who,in the air they made,bloomed with an unwitting insolence.What came home to the girl was the way the insolence was tempered by something that was equally a part of the distinguished life,the custom of a flowerlike bend to the less fortunate--a dropped fragrance,a mere quick breath,but which in fact pervaded and lingered.The apparition was very young,but certainly married,and our fatigued friend had a sufficient store of mythological comparison to recognise the port of Juno.

Marguerite might be "awful,"but she knew how to dress a goddess.

Pearls and Spanish lace--she herself,with assurance,could see them,and the "full length"too,and also red velvet bows,which,disposed on the lace in a particular manner (she could have placed them with the turn of a hand)were of course to adorn the front of a black brocade that would be like a dress in a picture.However,neither Marguerite nor Lady Agnes nor Haddon nor Fritz nor Gussy was what the wearer of this garment had really come in for.She had come in for Everard--and that was doubtless not his true name either.If our young lady had never taken such jumps before it was simply that she had never before been so affected.She went all the way.Mary and Cissy had been round together,in their single superb person,to see him--he must live round the corner;they had found that,in consequence of something they had come,precisely,to make up for or to have another scene about,he had gone off--gone off just on purpose to make them feel it;on which they had come together to Cocker's as to the nearest place;where they had put in the three forms partly in order not to put in the one alone.

The two others in a manner,covered it,muffled it,passed it off.

Oh yes,she went all the way,and this was a specimen of how she often went.She would know the hand again any time.It was as handsome and as everything else as the woman herself.The woman herself had,on learning his flight,pushed past Everard's servant and into his room;she had written her missive at his table and with his pen.All this,every inch of it,came in the waft that she blew through and left behind her,the influence that,as I have said,lingered.And among the things the girl was sure of,happily,was that she should see her again.

  • 英雄无敌之召唤千军


  • 妈妈决定孩子的一生


  • 全民养鲲进化


  • 网游之蝶舞沧海


  • 舍与得人生经营课


  • 悸婚


  • 朱门娇


  • 恶魔校草缠上身:攻略坏丫头


    [狗粮撒不止]凌晨玩逃相亲,被逼的无路可退的安小小,却发现巷子里面居然还有一条黑漆漆的小巷子!谢天谢地,终于有救了!却未曾想到,获救的同时,某位被小家伙缠上了! “辰谦时,要不要考虑做我正宫?” “不了,丑拒。”辰谦时冷淡拒绝。 “阿时,要不要考虑臣服于我?”辰谦时低头若有所思:“我考虑考虑……” 某天,安小小突然被壁咚。 “好了,我来做你正宫了。你好,我心念十几年的宝贝。”
  • 嫁错良人


  • 一个江湖的传说

