

When Miss Nellie reached the first mining extension of Indian Spring,which surrounded it like a fosse,she descended for one instant into one of its trenches,opened her parasol,removed her duster,hid it under a bowlder,and with a few shivers and cat-like strokes of her soft hands not only obliterated all material traces of the stolen cream of Carquinez Woods,but assumed a feline demureness quite inconsistent with any moral dereliction.

Unfortunately,she forgot to remove at the same time a certain ring from her third finger,which she had put on with her duster and had worn at no other time.With this slight exception,the benignant fate which always protected that young person brought her in contact with the Burnham girls at one end of the main street as the returning coach to Excelsior entered the other,and enabled her to take leave of them before the coach office with a certain ostentation of parting which struck Mr.Jack Brace,who was lingering at the doorway,into a state of utter bewilderment.

Here was Miss Nellie Wynn,the belle of Excelsior,calm,quiet,self-possessed,her chaste cambric skirts and dainty shoes as fresh as when she had left her father's house;but where was the woman of the brown duster,and where the yellow-dressed apparition of the woods?He was feebly repeating to himself his mental adjuration of a few hours before when he caught her eye,and was taken with a blush and a fit of coughing.Could he have been such an egregious fool,and was it not plainly written on his embarrassed face for her to read?

"Are we going down together?"asked Miss Nellie with an exceptionally gracious smile.

There was neither affectation nor coquetry in this advance.The girl had no idea of Brace's suspicion of her,nor did any uneasy desire to placate or deceive a possible rival of Low's prompt her graciousness.She simply wished to shake off in this encounter the already stale excitement of the past two hours,as she had shaken the dust of the woods from her clothes.It was characteristic of her irresponsible nature and transient susceptibilities that she actually enjoyed the relief of change;more than that,I fear,she looked upon this infidelity to a past dubious pleasure as a moral principle.A mild,open flirtation with a recognized man like Brace,after her secret passionate tryst with a nameless nomad like Low,was an ethical equipoise that seemed proper to one of her religious education.

Brace was only too happy to profit by Miss Nellie's condescension;he at once secured the seat by her side,and spent the four hours and a half of their return journey to Excelsior in blissful but timid communion with her.If he did not dare to confess his past suspicions,he was equally afraid to venture upon the boldness he had premeditated a few hours before.He was therefore obliged to take a middle course of slightly egotistical narration of his own personal adventures,with which he beguiled the young girl's ear.

This he only departed from once,to describe to her a valuable grizzly bearskin which he had seen that day for sale at Indian Spring,with a view to divining her possible acceptance of it for a "buggy robe;"and once to comment upon a ring which she had inadvertently disclosed in pulling off her glove.

"It's only an old family keepsake,"she added,with easy mendacity;and affecting to recognize in Mr.Brace's curiosity a not unnatural excuse for toying with her charming fingers,she hid them in chaste and virginal seclusion in her lap,until she could recover the ring and resume her glove.

A week passed--a week of peculiar and desiccating heat for even those dry Sierra table-lands.The long days were filled with impalpable dust and acrid haze suspended in the motionless air;the nights were breathless and dewless;the cold wind which usually swept down from the snow line was laid to sleep over a dark monotonous level,whose horizon was pricked with the eating fires of burning forest crests.The lagging coach of Indian Spring drove up at Excelsior,and precipitated its passengers with an accompanying cloud of dust before the Excelsior Hotel.

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    【傲娇小狐狸X腹黑大灰狼】 一个从异世来的妖族少女被人收养 。然而,命运不会让她就此平淡生活,从天而降的少年打破了平静的节奏。 在实习父母的机会下,两人感情逐渐升温,然而,他却又回到了属于他的世界。 当一切的真相都摆在她的面前,她苦笑,抱怨命运多舛。 当死神降临的时候,她却意外回到他们的世界。 一切的故事,才刚刚开始。
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