

"Sir Paitrick?" he repeated "Ow! ow! ye've een tauld Sir Paitrick aboot it, have ye? There's a chiel wi' a lang head on his shouthers, if ever there was ane yet! What might Sir Paitrick ha' said?"

Blanche noticed a change in his tone. Blanche was rigidly careful (when it was too late) to answer him in guarded terms.

"Sir Patrick thought you might have found the letter," she said, "and might not have remembered about it again until after you had left the inn."

Bishopriggs looked back into his own personal experience of his old master--and drew the correct conclusion that Sir Patrick's view of his connection with the disappearance of the letter was not the purely unsuspicious view reported by Blanche. "The dour auld deevil," he thought to himself, "knows me better than _that!_"

"Well?" asked Blanche, impatiently. "Is Sir Patrick right?"

"Richt?" rejoined Bishopriggs, briskly. "He's as far awa' from the truth as John o' Groat's House is from Jericho."

"You know nothing of the letter?"

"Deil a bit I know o' the letter. The first I ha' heard o' it is what I hear noo."

Blanche's heart sank within her. Had she defeated her own object, and cut the ground from under Sir Patrick's feet, for the second time? Surely not! There was unquestionably a chance, on this occasion, that the man might be prevailed upon to place the trust in her uncle which he was too cautious to confide to a stranger like herself. The one wise thing to do now was to pave the way for the exertion of Sir Patrick's superior influence, and Sir Patrick's superior skill. She resumed the conversation with that object in view.

"I am sorry to hear that Sir Patrick has guessed wrong," she resumed. "My friend was anxious to recover the letter when I last saw her; and I hoped to hear news of it from you. However, right or wrong, Sir Patrick has some reasons for wishing to see you--and I take the opportunity of telling you so. He has left a letter to wait for you at the Craig Fernie inn."

"I'm thinking the letter will ha' lang eneugh to wait, if it waits till I gae back for it to the hottle," remarked Bishopriggs.

"In that case," said Blanche, promptly, "you had better give me an address at which Sir Patrick can write to you. You wouldn't, I suppose, wish me to say that I had seen you here, and that you refused to communicate with him?"

"Never think it! " cried Bishopriggs, fervently. "If there's ain thing mair than anither that I'm carefu' to presairve intact, it's joost the respectful attention that I owe to Sir Paitrick.

I'll make sae bauld, miss, au to chairge ye wi' that bit caird.

I'm no' settled in ony place yet (mair's the pity at my time o' life!), but Sir Paitrick may hear o' me, when Sir Paitrick has need o' me, there." He handed a dirty little card to Blanche containing the name and address of a butcher in Edinburgh.

"Sawmuel Bishopriggs," he went on, glibly. "Care o' Davie Dow, flesher; Cowgate; Embro. My Patmos in the weelderness, miss, for the time being."

Blanche received the address with a sense of unspeakable relief.

If she had once more ventured on taking Sir Patrick's place, and once more failed in justifying her rashness by the results, she had at least gained some atoning advantage, this time, by opening a means of communication between her uncle and Bishopriggs. "You will hear from Sir Patrick," she said, and nodded kindly, and returned to her place among the guests.

"I'll hear from Sir Paitrick, wull I?" repeated Bishopriggs when he was left by himself. "Sir Paitrick will wark naething less than a meeracle if he finds Sawmuel Bishopriggs at the Cowgate, Embro!"

He laughed softly over his own cleverness; and withdrew to a lonely place in the plantation, in which he could consult the stolen correspondence without fear of being observed by any living creature. Once more the truth had tried to struggle into light, before the day of the marriage, and once more Blanche had innocently helped the darkness to keep it from view.

  • 圣妙吉祥真实名经


  • 见闻纪训


  • 五行论


  • 重生之余生有你


  • 前尘往事依为痴


  • 轻松腌卤拌


  • 古言、架空合集


  • 长乐歌


  • 女帝倾城之许你盛世锦年


    一朝重生,她是为爱所伤的王牌女特工,他是杀伐果决的异国王爷…… 她,只想风风光光的活这一生。 他,只想复仇,将属于他的一切,夺回来。 “我们本是两个世界的人,今生注定只能站在孤独的彼岸遥望,而不能牵手。上天让我们相知相爱,却不能相惜相守,爱上你等于爱上孤独。因为你注定只是我苍白生命中的过客,你还有很多很多路要走,远方还有另外一个人在等你,那个人才是你一生的传奇。” 沐璃倾不懂,不懂他的这句话,是什么意思,但是后来,她懂了…… 异世王者,总有一天会回归。 她本以为,这一生不会再爱上一个人,可是当她遇见他后便发现,原来……不是不会爱了,而是她爱的那个人,还没有出现。 “爱一个人,或许就是为她变得更加强大,我不懂什么为爱,可是我愿意为你,付出我的一切。”——落君醉 (本文1V1,不接受反驳,男女主身心干净,女主酷炸天,男主“萌萌哒”,当然,这只是在女主面前,其他人面前,他只会,很凶很凶,喜欢这本书的小可爱手动收藏呀~)
  • 大山师魂

