

OVER the whole extent of the South Seas,from one tropic to another,we find traces of a bygone state of over-population,when the resources of even a tropical soil were taxed,and even the improvident Polynesian trembled for the future.We may accept some of the ideas of Mr.Darwin's theory of coral islands,and suppose a rise of the sea,or the subsidence of some former continental area,to have driven into the tops of the mountains multitudes of refugees.Or we may suppose,more soberly,a people of sea-rovers,emigrants from a crowded country,to strike upon and settle island after island,and as time went on to multiply exceedingly in their new seats.In either case the end must be the same;soon or late it must grow apparent that the crew are too numerous,and that famine is at hand.The Polynesians met this emergent danger with various expedients of activity and prevention.A way was found to preserve breadfruit by packing it in artificial pits;pits forty feet in depth and of proportionate bore are still to be seen,I am told,in the Marquesas;and yet even these were insufficient for the teeming people,and the annals of the past are gloomy with famine and cannibalism.Among the Hawaiians -a hardier people,in a more exacting climate -agriculture was carried far;the land was irrigated with canals;and the fish-ponds of Molokai prove the number and diligence of the old inhabitants.Meanwhile,over all the island world,abortion and infanticide prevailed.On coral atolls,where the danger was most plainly obvious,these were enforced by law and sanctioned by punishment.On Vaitupu,in the Ellices,only two children were allowed to a couple;on Nukufetau,but one.On the latter the punishment was by fine;and it is related that the fine was sometimes paid,and the child spared.

This is characteristic.For no people in the world are so fond or so long-suffering with children -children make the mirth and the adornment of their homes,serving them for playthings and for picture-galleries.'Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them.'The stray bastard is contended for by rival families;and the natural and the adopted children play and grow up together undistinguished.The spoiling,and I may almost say the deification,of the child,is nowhere carried so far as in the eastern islands;and furthest,according to my opportunities of observation,in the Paumotu group,the so-called Low or Dangerous Archipelago.I have seen a Paumotuan native turn from me with embarrassment and disaffection because I suggested that a brat would be the better for a beating.It is a daily matter in some eastern islands to see a child strike or even stone its mother,and the mother,so far from punishing,scarce ventures to resist.In some,when his child was born,a chief was superseded and resigned his name;as though,like a drone,he had then fulfilled the occasion of his being.And in some the lightest words of children had the weight of oracles.Only the other day,in the Marquesas,if a child conceived a distaste to any stranger,I am assured the stranger would be slain.And I shall have to tell in another place an instance of the opposite:how a child in Manihiki having taken a fancy to myself,her adoptive parents at once accepted the situation and loaded me with gifts.

With such sentiments the necessity for child-destruction would not fail to clash,and I believe we find the trace of divided feeling in the Tahitian brotherhood of Oro.At a certain date a new god was added to the Society-Island Olympus,or an old one refurbished and made popular.Oro was his name,and he may be compared with the Bacchus of the ancients.His zealots sailed from bay to bay,and from island to island;they were everywhere received with feasting;wore fine clothes;sang,danced,acted;gave exhibitions of dexterity and strength;and were the artists,the acrobats,the bards,and the harlots of the group.Their life was public and epicurean;their initiation a mystery;and the highest in the land aspired to join the brotherhood.If a couple stood next in line to a high-chieftaincy,they were suffered,on grounds of policy,to spare one child;all other children,who had a father or a mother in the company of Oro,stood condemned from the moment of conception.A freemasonry,an agnostic sect,a company of artists,its members all under oath to spread unchastity,and all forbidden to leave offspring -I do not know how it may appear to others,but to me the design seems obvious.Famine menacing the islands,and the needful remedy repulsive,it was recommended to the native mind by these trappings of mystery,pleasure,and parade.This is the more probable,and the secret,serious purpose of the institution appears the more plainly,if it be true that,after a certain period of life,the obligation of the votary was changed;at first,bound to be profligate:afterwards,expected to be chaste.

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    《龙域》已经全本,敬请阅读新书《卓越》 豪门翘楚,天润富泽,紫虚真龙,其域之主;可惜福祸相依,造成十年白痴,却也得悟禅佛道境,修至大成;可他却愿做众生一员,但事与愿违,家族生意、权贵阀门、世家侠隐,无不一一粉墨登场,更有指腹为婚,天才老婆,他这个昔日的白痴,世人眼中的傻子,将如何面对?一次偶然,一次老土,惹艳上身,天之娇女,缠龙之凤,两女交相辉映,他又将如何面对? 正所谓:“我欲平凡龙不欲,龙之翱翔我乘风。”
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