
第79章 A TALE OF A TAPU(1)

ON the morrow of our arrival (Sunday,14th July 1889)our photographers were early stirring.Once more we traversed a silent town;many were yet abed and asleep;some sat drowsily in their open houses;there was no sound of intercourse or business.In that hour before the shadows,the quarter of the palace and canal seemed like a landing-place in the ARABIAN NIGHTS or from the classic poets;here were the fit destination of some 'faery frigot,'here some adventurous prince might step ashore among new characters and incidents;and the island prison,where it floated on the luminous face of the lagoon,might have passed for the repository of the Grail.In such a scene,and at such an hour,the impression received was not so much of foreign travel -rather of past ages;it seemed not so much degrees of latitude that we had crossed,as centuries of time that we had re-ascended;leaving,by the same steps,home and to-day.A few children followed us,mostly nude,all silent;in the clear,weedy waters of the canal some silent damsels waded,baring their brown thighs;and to one of the maniap's before the palace gate we were attracted by a low but stirring hum of speech.

The oval shed was full of men sitting cross-legged.The king was there in striped pyjamas,his rear protected by four guards with Winchesters,his air and bearing marked by unwonted spirit and decision;tumblers and black bottles went the round;and the talk,throughout loud,was general and animated.I was inclined at first to view this scene with suspicion.But the hour appeared unsuitable for a carouse;drink was besides forbidden equally by the law of the land and the canons of the church;and while I was yet hesitating,the king's rigorous attitude disposed of my last doubt.We had come,thinking to photograph him surrounded by his guards,and at the first word of the design his piety revolted.We were reminded of the day -the Sabbath,in which thou shalt take no photographs -and returned with a flea in our ear,bearing the rejected camera.

At church,a little later,I was struck to find the throne unoccupied.So nice a Sabbatarian might have found the means to be present;perhaps my doubts revived;and before I got home they were transformed to certainties.Tom,the bar-keeper of the SANS SOUCI,was in conversation with two emissaries from the court.The 'keen,'they said,wanted 'din,'failing which 'perandi.'No din,was Tom's reply,and no perandi;but 'pira'if they pleased.It seems they had no use for beer,and departed sorrowing.

'Why,what is the meaning of all this?'I asked.'Is the island on the spree?'

Such was the fact.On the 4th of July a feast had been made,and the king,at the suggestion of the whites,had raised the tapu against liquor.There is a proverb about horses;it scarce applies to the superior animal,of whom it may be rather said,that any one can start him drinking,not any twenty can prevail on him to stop.

The tapu,raised ten days before,was not yet re-imposed;for ten days the town had been passing the bottle or lying (as we had seen it the afternoon before)in hoggish sleep;and the king,moved by the Old Men and his own appetites,continued to maintain the liberty,to squander his savings on liquor,and to join in and lead the debauch.The whites were the authors of this crisis;it was upon their own proposal that the freedom had been granted at the first;and for a while,in the interests of trade,they were doubtless pleased it should continue.That pleasure had now sometime ceased;the bout had been prolonged (it was conceded)unduly;and it now began to be a question how it might conclude.

Hence Tom's refusal.Yet that refusal was avowedly only for the moment,and it was avowedly unavailing;the king's foragers,denied by Tom at the SANS SOUCI,would be supplied at THE LAND WE LIVE INby the gobbling Mr.Williams.

The degree of the peril was not easy to measure at the time,and Iam inclined to think now it was easy to exaggerate.Yet the conduct of drunkards even at home is always matter for anxiety;and at home our populations are not armed from the highest to the lowest with revolvers and repeating rifles,neither do we go on a debauch by the whole townful -and I might rather say,by the whole polity -king,magistrates,police,and army joining in one common scene of drunkenness.It must be thought besides that we were here in barbarous islands,rarely visited,lately and partly civilised.

First and last,a really considerable number of whites have perished in the Gilberts,chiefly through their own misconduct;and the natives have displayed in at least one instance a disposition to conceal an accident under a butchery,and leave nothing but dumb bones.This last was the chief consideration against a sudden closing of the bars;the bar-keepers stood in the immediate breach and dealt direct with madmen;too surly a refusal might at any moment precipitate a blow,and the blow might prove the signal for a massacre.

MONDAY,15th.-At the same hour we returned to the same muniap'.

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