
第16章 The Letter.(4)

Dinner ended,the Duke retired with some chosen Friends to a Glass of Wine;among whom were the Marquess of Viterbo and Don Fabio.His Highness was no Stranger to the long Fewd that had been between the two Families,and also understood what Overtures of Reconciliation had been lately made,with the Proposals of Marriage between Aurelian and the Marquess's Daughter.Having waited till the Wine had taken the effect proposed,and the Company were raised to an uncommon pitch of Chearfulness,which he also encouraged by an Example of Freedom and Good Humour,he took an opportunity of rallying the two grave Signiors into an Accommodation:That was seconded with the praises of the young Couple,and the whole Company joined in a large Encomium upon the Graces of Aurelian and the Beauties of Juliana.The old Fellows were tickled with Delight to hear their Darlings so admired,which the Duke perceiving,out of a Principle of Generosity and Friendship,urged the present Consummation of the Marriage;telling them there was yet one day of publick Rejoycing to come,and how glad he should be to have it improved by so acceptable an Alliance;and what an honour it would be to have his Cousin's Marriage attended by the Conjunction of so extraordinary a Pair,the performance of which Ceremony would crown the Joy that was then in Agitation,and make the last day vie for equal Glory and Happiness with the first.In short,by the Complaisant and Perswasive Authority of the Duke,the Dons were wrought into a Compliance,and accordingly embraced and shook Hands upon the Matter.This News was dispersed like the former,and Don Fabio gave orders for the enquiring out his Son's Lodging,that the Marquess and he might make him a Visit,as soon as he had acquainted Juliana with his purpose,that she might prepare her self.

He found her very chearful with Donna Catharina and several other Ladies;whereupon the old Gentleman,pretty well warmed with the Duke's Goodfellowship,told her aloud he was come to crown their Mirth with another Wedding;that his Highness had been pleased to provide a Husband for his Daughter,and he would have her provide her self to receive him to-morrow.All the Company at first,as well as Juliana her self,thought he had rally'd,till the Duke coming in confirmed the serious part of his Discourse.Juliana was confounded at the haste that was imposed on her,and desired a little time to consider what she was about.But the Marquess told her,she should have all the rest of her Life to consider in;that Aurelian should come and consider with her in the Morning,if she pleased;but in the mean time,he advised her to go home and call her Maids to Counsel.

Juliana took her leave of the Company very gravely,as if not much delighted with her Father's Rallery.Leonora happened to be by,and heard all that passed;she was ready to swoon,and found her self seized with a more violent Passion than ever for Aurelian:Now upon her apprehensions of losing him,her active fancy had brought him before her with all the advantages imaginable,and though she had before found great tenderness in her Inclination toward him,yet was she somewhat surprized to find she really lov'd him.She was so uneasie at what she had heard,that she thought it convenient to steal out of the presence and retire to her Closet,to bemoan her unhappy helpless Condition.

Our Two Cavalier-Lovers had rack'd their Invention till it was quite disabled,and could not make discovery of one Contrivance more for their Relief.Both sat silent,each depending upon his Friend,and still expecting when t'other should speak.Night came upon them while they sate thus thoughtless,or rather drowned in Thought;but a Servant bringing Lights into the Room awakened them:And Hippolito's Speech,usher'd by a profound Sigh,broke Silence.

'Well!(said he)what must we do,Aurelian?We must suffer,replied Aurelian faintly.When immediately raising his Voice,he cry'd out,'Oh ye unequal Powers,why do ye urge us to desire what ye doom us to forbear;give us a Will to chuse,then curb us with a Duty to restrain that Choice!Cruel Father,Will nothing else suffice!Am Ito be the Sacrifice to expiate your Offences past;past ere I was born?Were I to lose my Life,I'd gladly Seal your Reconcilement with my Blood.'But Oh my Soul is free,you have no Title to my Immortal Being,that has Existence independent of your Power;and must I lose my Love,the Extract of that Being,the Joy,Light,Life,and Darling of my Soul?No,I'll own my Flame,and plead my Title too.--But hold,wretched Aurelian,hold,whither does thy Passion hurry thee?Alas!the cruel fair Incognita Loves thee not!She knows not of thy Love!If she did,what Merit hast thou to pretend?--Only Love.--Excess of Love.And all the World has that.All that have seen her.Yet I had only seen her once,and in that once Ilov'd above the World;nay,lov'd beyond my self,such vigorous Flame,so strong,so quick she darted at my Breast;it must rebound,and by Reflection,warm her self.Ah!welcome Thought,lovely deluding Fancy,hang still upon my Soul,let me but think,that once she Loves and perish my Despair.

  • 飞鸟,浅仓十月天


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  • 末世之重启新世界


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  • 感悟父爱母爱(下)


  • 说话要有心眼 办事要有手腕

    说话要有心眼 办事要有手腕

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