"That's enough for me. But if there's the least sign that you're not playing straight it will be all off. Two men will be watching the taxi and the entrance. If you appear, it's good-night. They told me to warn you."
"I promise not to appear."
Coles smiled enigmatically and reached for his hat. He held his hand out to Hawksley. "You're a white man, sir."
"Thanks," said Hawksley, absently. To have it all over with!
As soon as the captive Federal agent withdrew Hawksley sat down at the desk and wrote.
"Will this hold legally?" he asked, extending the written sheet to Cutty.
Cutty saw that it was a simple will. In it Hawksley gave half of his possessions to Kitty and half to Stefani Gregor. In case the latter was dead the sum total was to go to Kitty.
"I got you into a muddle; this will take you out of it. Karlov will kill me. I don't know how. I am his obsession. He will sleep better with me off his mind. Will this hold legally?"
"Yes. But why Kitty Conover, a stranger?"
"Is a woman who saves your life a stranger?"
"Well, not exactly. This is what we might call zero hour. I gave you a haven here not particularly because I was sorry for you, but because I wanted those emeralds. Once upon a time Gregor showed them to me. Until I examined your wallet I supposed you had smuggled in the stones; and that would have been fair game. But you had paid your way in honestly. Now, what did you do to Kitty Conover last night that decided her to accept that fool proposition?
She sent her acceptance after she left you.
"I did not know that. I played for her. She became music-struck, and I took advantage of it - kissed her. Then she told me she was going to marry you."
"And that is why you asked me if I would trust you with a daughter of mine?"
"Conscience. That explains this will."
"No. Why did you accept my suggestion to marry her?"
"To make her comfortable without sidestepping the rules of convention."
"No. Because you love her - the way I do."
Cutty's pipe slipped from his teeth. It did not often do that. He stamped out the embers and laid the pipe on the tray.
"What makes you think I love her?"
"What makes me tell you that I do?"
"Yes, death may be at the end of to-night's work; so I'll admit that I love her. She is like a forest stream, wild at certain turns, but always sweet and clear. I'm an old fool, old enough to be her father.
I loved her mother. Can a man love two women with all his heart, one years after the other?"
"It is the avatar; she is the reincarnation of the mother. I understand now. What was a beautiful memory takes living form again.
You still love the mother; the daughter has revived that love."
"By the Lord Harry, I believe you've struck it! Walked into the fog and couldn't find the way out. Of course. What an old ass I've been! Simple as daylight. I've simply fallen in love with Molly all over again, thinking it was Kitty. Plain as the nose on my face.
And I might have made a fine mess of it if you hadn't waked me up."
All this gentle irony went over Hawksley's head. "When do you wish me to go down to the taxi?"
"Son, I'm beginning to like you. You shall have your chance. In fact, we'll take it together. There'll be a taxi but I'll hire it.
I'm quite positive I know where Kitty is. If I'm correct you'll have your chance. If I'm wrong you'll have to pay the score. We'll get her out or we'll stay where she is. In any event, Karlov will pay the price. Wouldn't you prefer to go out - if you must - in a glorious scrap?"
"Fighting?" Hawksley was on his feet instantly. "Do you mean that?
I can die with free hands?"