


Jolyon found June waiting on the platform at Paddington.She had received his telegram while at breakfast.Her abode--a studio and two bedrooms in a St.John's Wood garden--had been selected by her for the complete independence which it guaranteed.Unwatched by Mrs.Grundy,unhindered by permanent domestics,she could receive lame ducks at any hour of day or night,and not seldom had a duck without studio of its own made use of June's.She enjoyed her freedom,and possessed herself with a sort of virginal passion;the warmth which she would have lavished on Bosinney,and of which--given her Forsyte tenacity--he must surely have tired,she now expended in championship of the underdogs and budding 'geniuses'of the artistic world.She lived,in fact,to turn ducks into the swans she believed they were.The very fervour of her protection warped her judgments.But she was loyal and liberal;her small eager hand was ever against the oppressions of academic and commercial opinion,and though her income was considerable,her bank balance was often a minus quantity.

She had come to Paddington Station heated in her soul by a visit to Eric Cobbley.A miserable Gallery had refused to let that straight-haired genius have his one-man show after all.Its impudent manager,after visiting his studio,had expressed the opinion that it would only be a 'one-horse show from the selling point of view.'This crowning example of commercial cowardice towards her favourite lame duck--and he so hard up,with a wife and two children,that he had caused her account to be overdrawn--was still making the blood glow in her small,resolute face,and her red-gold hair to shine more than ever.She gave her father a hug,and got into a cab with him,having as many fish to fry with him as he with her.It became at once a question which would fry them first.

Jolyon had reached the words:"My dear,I want you to come with me,"when,glancing at her face,he perceived by her blue eyes moving from side to side--like the tail of a preoccupied cat that she was not attending."Dad,is it true that I absolutely can't get at any of my money?""Only the income,fortunately,my love."

"How perfectly beastly!Can't it be done somehow?There must be a way.I know I could buy a small Gallery for ten thousand pounds.""A small Gallery,"murmured Jolyon,"seems a modest desire.But your grandfather foresaw it.""I think,"cried June vigorously,"that all this care about money is awful,when there's so much genius in the world simply crushed out for want of a little.I shall never marry and have children;why shouldn't I be able to do some good instead of having it all tied up in case of things which will never come off?""Our name is Forsyte,my dear,"replied Jolyon in the ironical voice to which his impetuous daughter had never quite grown accustomed;"and Forsytes,you know,are people who so settle their property that their grandchildren,in case they should die before their parents,have to make wills leaving the property that will only come to themselves when their parents die.Do you follow that?Nor do I,but it's a fact,anyway;we live by the principle that so long as there is a possibility of keeping wealth in the family it must not go out;if you die unmarried,your money goes to Jolly and Holly and their children if they marry.Isn't it pleasant to know that whatever you do you can none of you be destitute?""But can't I borrow the money?"

Jolyon shook his head."You could rent a Gallery,no doubt,if you could manage it out of your income."June uttered a contemptuous sound.

"Yes;and have no income left to help anybody with.""My dear child,"murmured Jolyon,"wouldn't it come to the same thing?""No,"said June shrewdly,"I could buy for ten thousand;that would only be four hundred a year.But I should have to pay a thousand a year rent,and that would only leave me five hundred.If I had the Gallery,Dad,think what I could do.I could make Eric Cobbley's name in no time,and ever so many others.""Names worth making make themselves in time.""When they're dead."

"Did you ever know anybody living,my dear,improved by having his name made?""Yes,you,"said June,pressing his arm.

Jolyon started.'I?'he thought.'Oh!Ah!Now she's going to ask me to do something.We take it out,we Forsytes,each in our different ways.'

June came closer to him in the cab.

"Darling,"she said,"you buy the Gallery,and I'll pay you four hundred a year for it.Then neither of us will be any the worse off.Besides,it's a splendid investment."Jolyon wriggled."Don't you think,"he said,"that for an artist to buy a Gallery is a bit dubious?Besides,ten thousand pounds is a lump,and I'm not a commercial character."June looked at him with admiring appraisement.

"Of course you're not,but you're awfully businesslike.And I'm sure we could make it pay.It'll be a perfect way of scoring off those wretched dealers and people."And again she squeezed her father's arm.

Jolyon's face expressed quizzical despair.

"Where is this desirable Gallery?Splendidly situated,I suppose?""Just off Cork Street."

'Ah!'thought Jolyon,'I knew it was just off somewhere.Now for what I want out of her!'

"Well,I'll think of it,but not just now.You remember Irene?Iwant you to come with me and see her.Soames is after her again.

  • 太上老君说常清静经注


  • Anne's House of Dreams

    Anne's House of Dreams

  • 乐府传声


  • 寄修睦上人


  • 塞外杂识


  • 花间呢喃


  • 猎灵手记


  • 落雪有声


  • 一错成婚:总裁太难撩


  • 思恋小语(少男少女文摘修订)


  • 中国大学竞技体育的发展研究


  • 非卿不可:妖孽殿下请自重(完结)


  • 曼殊室利菩萨咒藏中一字咒王经


  • 猎恋之九尾郎君


  • 中国历史上的非凡女人


    人物:中国历史上的非凡女人 情节:始于上古之传说,经前秦、唐、宋、元、明、清,直至民国止,历经中国上下五千年之悠远,集历史相关之典籍,寻名家相关之著作,终得历史有载之数百非凡女子。 其中女子形色各异,不乏美貌贤良者,如:夏朝后缗、商朝妇好,唐朝长孙,清朝孝庄…… 不乏祸国殃民者,如:夏桀末喜,殷纣妲己、周幽褎姒、晋献骊姬、鲁庄哀姜、陈女夏姬…… 不乏权利熏心者,如:汉代吕后,唐代武则天,清代慈禧……之流; 亦不乏貌丑而贤者,如:黄帝(次妃)嫫母、梁鸿之妻孟光、齐宣之后钟离春……之辈; 此部作品以时间之序为“筋”;引众多古籍,名家著作为“骨”;以数百女子之故事为“肉”,打造了一部规模宏大的现代版《列女传》。