"Why, then, we'll stay for you," said her ladyship, and threw him into confusion, hopeless dissembler that he was.
"Nay, nay! I beg that you will not."
Her ladyship's brows went up; her eyes narrowed again, and a frown came between them. "You are mighty mysterious," said she, looking from one to the other of the men, and bethinking her that it was not the first time she had found them so;bethinking her, too - jumping, woman-like, to rash conclusions - that in this mystery that linked them might lie the true secret of her husband's aversion to his son and of his oath a month ago to see that same son hang if Mr. Caryll succumbed to the wound he had taken. With some women, to suspect a thing is to believe that thing. Her ladyship was of these. She set too high value upon her acumen, upon the keenness of her instincts.
And if aught were needed to cement her present suspicions, Mr. Caryll himself afforded that cement, by seeming to betray the same eagerness to be alone with his lordship that his lordship was betraying to be alone with him; though, in truth, he no more than desired to lend assistance to the earl out of curiosity to learn what it was his lordship might have to say.
"Indeed," said he, "if you could give his lordship leave, ma'am, for a few moments, I should myself be glad on't.""Come, Hortensia," said her ladyship shortly, and swept out, Mistress Winthrop following.
In silence they crossed the lawn together. Once only ere they reached the house, her ladyship looked back. "I would I knew what they are plotting," she said through her teeth.
"Plotting?" echoed Hortensia.
"Ay - plotting, simpleton. I said plotting. I mind me 'tis not the first time I have seen them so mysterious together.
It began on the day that first Mr. Caryll set foot at Stretton House. There's a deal of mystery about that man - too much for honesty. And then these letters touching which he is so close - one a day - and his French lackey always at hand to pounce upon them the moment they arrive. I wonder what's at bottom on't! I wonder! And I'd give these ears to know," she snapped in conclusion as they went indoors.
In the arbor, meanwhile, his lordship had taken the rustic seat her ladyship had vacated. He sat down heavily, like a man who is weary in body and in mind, like a man who is bearing a load too heavy for his shoulders. Mr. Caryll, watching him, observed all this.
"A glass of Hock?" he suggested, waving his hand towards the flask. "Let me play host to you out of the contents of your own cellar."His lordship's eye brightened at the suggestion, which confirmed the impression Mr. Caryll had formed that all was far from well with his lordship. Leduc brimmed a glass, and handed it to my lord, who emptied it at a draught. Mr. Caryll waved an impatient hand. "Away with you, Leduc. Go watch the goldfish in the pond. I'll call you if I need you."After Leduc had departed a silence fell between them, and endured some moments. His lordship was leaning forward, elbows on knees, his face in shadow. At length he sat back, and looked at his companion across the little intervening space.
"I have hesitated to speak to you before, Mr. Caryll, upon the matter that you know of, lest your recovery should not be so far advanced that you might bear the strain and fatigue of conversing upon serious topics. I trust that that cause is now so far removed that I may put aside my scruples.""Assuredly - I am glad to say - thanks to the great care you have had of me here at Stretton House.""There is no debt between us on that score," answered his lordship shortly, brusquely almost. "Well, then - " He checked, and looked about him. "We might be approached without hearing any one," he said.
Mr. Caryll smiled, and shook his head. "I am not wont to neglect such details," he observed. "The eyes of Argus were not so vigilant as my Leduc's; and he understands that we are private. He will give us warning should any attempt to approach. Be assured of that, and believe, therefore, that we are more snug here than we should be even in your lordship's closet.""That being so, sir - hem! You are receiving letters daily.
Do they concern the business of King James?"
"In a measure; or, rather, they are from one concerned in it."Ostermore's eyes were on the ground again. There fell a pause, Mr. Caryll frowning slightly and full of curiosity as to what might be coming.
"How soon, think you," asked his lordship presently, "you will be in case to travel?""In a week, I hope," was the reply.
"Good." The earl nodded thoughtfully. "That may be in time.
I pray it may be. 'Tis now the best that we can do. You'll bear a letter for me to the king?"Mr. Caryll passed a hand across his chin, his face very grave.
"Your answer to the letter that I brought you?""My answer. My acceptance of his majesty's proposals.""Ha!" Mr. Caryll seemed to be breathing hard.
"Your letters, sir - the letters that you have been receiving will have told you, perhaps, something of how his majesty's affairs are speeding here?""Very little; and from that little I fear that they speed none too well. I would counsel your lordship," he continued slowly - he was thinking as he went - "to wait a while before you burn your boats. From what I gather, matters are in the air just now."The earl made a gesture, brusque and impatient. "Your information is very scant, then," said he.
Mr. Caryll looked askance at him.
"Pho, sir! While you have been abed, I have been up and doing; up and doing. Matters are being pushed forward rapidly. I have seen Atterbury. He knows my mind. There lately came an agent from the king, it seems, to enjoin the bishop to abandon this conspiracy, telling him that the time was not yet ripe. Atterbury scorns to act upon that order.
He will work in the king's interests against the king's own commands even.""Then, 'tis possible he may work to his own undoing," said Mr. Caryll, to whom this was, after all, no news.