
第93章 III(5)

These were significant episodes; but a still more serious manifestation of Victoria's temper occurred in the following year, during the crowning crisis of Beaconsfield's life. His growing imperialism, his desire to magnify the power and prestige of England, his insistence upon a "spirited foreign policy," had brought him into collision with Russia; the terrible Eastern Question loomed up; and when war broke out between Russia and Turkey, the gravity of the situation became extreme. The Prime Minister's policy was fraught with difficulty and danger. Realising perfectly the appalling implications of an Anglo-Russian war, he was yet prepared to face even that eventuality if he could obtain his ends by no other method; but he believed that Russia in reality was still less desirous of a rupture, and that, if he played his game with sufficient boldness and adroitness, she would yield, when it came to the point, all that he required without a blow. It was clear that the course he had marked out for himself was full of hazard, and demanded an extraordinary nerve; a single false step, and either himself, or England, might be plunged in disaster. But nerve he had never lacked; he began his diplomatic egg-dance with high assurance; and then he discovered that, besides the Russian Government, besides the Liberals and Mr. Gladstone, there were two additional sources of perilous embarrassment with which he would have to reckon. In the first place there was a strong party in the Cabinet, headed by Lord Derby, the Foreign Secretary, which was unwilling to take the risk of war; but his culminating anxiety was the Faery.

From the first, her attitude was uncompromising. The old hatred of Russia, which had been engendered by the Crimean War, surged up again within her; she remembered Albert's prolonged animosity; she felt the prickings of her own greatness; and she flung herself into the turmoil with passionate heat. Her indignation with the Opposition--with anyone who ventured to sympathise with the Russians in their quarrel with the Turks--was unbounded. When anti-Turkish meetings were held in London, presided over by the Duke of Westminster and Lord Shaftesbury, and attended by Mr. Gladstone and other prominent Radicals, she considered that "the Attorney-General ought to be set at these men;" "it can't," she exclaimed, "be constitutional." Never in her life, not even in the crisis over the Ladies of the Bedchamber, did she show herself a more furious partisan. But her displeasure was not reserved for the Radicals; the backsliding Conservatives equally felt its force. She was even discontented with Lord Beaconsfield himself. Failing entirely to appreciate the delicate complexity of his policy, she constantly assailed him with demands for vigorous action, interpreted each finesse as a sign of weakness, and was ready at every juncture to let slip the dogs of war. As the situation developed, her anxiety grew feverish. "The Queen," she wrote, "is feeling terribly anxious lest delay should cause us to be too late and lose our prestige for ever! It worries her night and day." "The Faery," Beaconsfield told Lady Bradford, "writes every day and telegraphs every hour; this is almost literally the case." She raged loudly against the Russians. "And the language," she cried, "the insulting language--used by the Russians against us! It makes the Queen's blood boil!" "Oh," she wrote a little later, "if the Queen were a man, she would like to go and give those Russians, whose word one cannot believe, such a beating! We shall never be friends again till we have it out. This the Queen feels sure of."

  • Volume Seven

    Volume Seven

  • 权谋


  • 再刊华严略策


  • 伤寒捷诀


  • 临池管见


  • 龙魂噬天决


  • 剑心武神


  • 运动与安全常识手册(校园安全常识手册)


    中小学生的人身安全是关系家庭、学校和社会稳定的一件大事。中小学生作为一个特殊的群体, 他们的健康成长涉及千家万户, 保护中小学生的安全是我们全社会的共同责任。
  • 影响中国学生的经典成语故事之五


  • 只要你不拒绝:学会去接受


  • 用心爱:中小学教师师德修养漫谈


  • 新定诗格


  • 红楼的门槛


    “蜗居,裸婚时代”就像是一面镜子,将现实中奔跑的人们的千姿百态,无一例外的展现在人前。而本书《红楼的门槛》也更像是一面娃娃镜,让人们在看见自己的同时,能够真实的感觉到可笑,还有一丝恐惧。 父母都希望自己的女儿嫁个好人家,儿子娶个好媳妇。可是现实却又是矛盾的。本书叙述了一对夫妇对儿子女儿婚姻的态度。儿子奋斗了很久,和城市还是不融洽,还是贫穷的,进入了“三无”行列,“没钱,没房,没车”,父母却希望儿子赶紧找到个好老婆。另一边,希望女儿能够嫁个“有房,有钱,有车,有学历”的男性。可想而知,大多数家长都是这样想的,又怎么能让儿子找到一个不嫌弃自己的善良的女子。这就加深了文章的戏剧性与矛盾冲突。故事的结局,女儿不如父母的愿结了婚,却收获了幸福;儿子如愿的结了婚,却落得悲凉。 道尽人世悲哀。
  • 怦然心动Heart


  • 上海·一九三七

