
第27章 CHAPTER 5(5)

'By this the storm grew loud apace, The water-rats were shrieking, And in the howl of Heaven each face Grew black as they were speaking.'

Our faces were black, and our hands too, but we did not take any notice; we only told him not to gas but to go on mopping. And he did. And we all did.

But more and more water came pouring down. You would not believe so much could come off one roof.

When at last it was agreed that Mrs Pettigrew must be awakened at all hazards, we went and woke Alice to do the fatal errand.

When she came back, with Mrs Pettigrew in a nightcap and red flannel petticoat, we held our breath.

But Mrs Pettigrew did not even say, 'What on earth have you children been up to NOW?' as Oswald had feared.

She simply sat down on my bed and said--'Oh, dear! oh, dear! oh, dear!' ever so many times.

Then Denny said, 'I once saw holes in a cottage roof. The man told me it was done when the water came through the thatch. He said if the water lies all about on the top of the ceiling, it breaks it down, but if you make holes the water will only come through the holes and you can put pails under the holes to catch it.'

So we made nine holes in the ceiling with the poker, and put pails, baths and tubs under, and now there was not so much water on the floor. But we had to keep on working like niggers, and Mrs Pettigrew and Alice worked the same.

About five in the morning the rain stopped; about seven the water did not come in so fast, and presently it only dripped slowly. Our task was done.

This is the only time I was ever up all night. I wish it happened oftener. We did not go back to bed then, but dressed and went down. We all went to sleep in the afternoon, though. Quite without meaning to.

Oswald went up on the roof, before breakfast, to see if he could find the hole where the rain had come in. He did not find any hole, but he found the cricket ball jammed in the top of a gutter pipe which he afterwards knew ran down inside the wall of the house and ran into the moat below. It seems a silly dodge, but so it was.

When the men went up after breakfast to see what had caused the flood they said there must have been a good half-foot of water on the leads the night before for it to have risen high enough to go above the edge of the lead, and of course when it got above the lead there was nothing to stop it running down under it, and soaking through the ceiling. The parapet and the roofs kept it from tumbling off down the sides of the house in the natural way.

They said there must have been some obstruction in the pipe which ran down into the house, but whatever it was the water had washed it away, for they put wires down, and the pipe was quite clear.

While we were being told this Oswald's trembling fingers felt at the wet cricket ball in his pocket. And he KNEW, but he COULD not tell. He heard them wondering what the obstruction could have been, and all the time he had the obstruction in his pocket, and never said a single word.

I do not seek to defend him. But it really was an awful thing to have been the cause of; and Mrs Pettigrew is but harsh and hasty.

But this, as Oswald knows too well, is no excuse for his silent conduct.

That night at tea Albert's uncle was rather silent too. At last he looked upon us with a glance full of intelligence, and said--'There was a queer thing happened yesterday. You know there was an angling competition. The pen was kept full on purpose. Some mischievous busybody went and opened the sluices and let all the water out. The anglers' holiday was spoiled. No, the rain wouldn't have spoiled it anyhow, Alice; anglers LIKEe rain. The 'Rose and Crown' dinner was half of it wasted because the anglers were so furious that a lot of them took the next train to town.

And this is the worst of all--a barge, that was on the mud in the pen below, was lifted and jammed across the river and the water tilted her over, and her cargo is on the river bottom. It was coals.'

During this speech there were four of us who knew not where to turn our agitated glances. Some of us tried bread-and-butter, but it seemed dry and difficult, and those who tried tea choked and spluttered and were sorry they had not let it alone. When the speech stopped Alice said, 'It was us.'

And with deepest feelings she and the rest of us told all about it.

Oswald did not say much. He was turning the obstruction round and round in his pocket, and wishing with all his sentiments that he had owned up like a man when Albert's uncle asked him before tea to tell him all about what had happened during the night.

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  • 一起写我们的结局


    宋轻晚在五岁时被父母带去G市老家过暑假的时候认识了范如笙——一个因为是捡垃圾妇人儿子从小便被人排斥的小孩。轻晚不知道自己是为何盯上范如笙的,是因为他被别的小孩欺负时倔强的眼神,还是在她好心想要扶起他时,他盯着她的小手时冷漠的眼神,或者是他对自己妹妹撒娇时露出温柔的眼神?反正那个时候她就喜欢追着他跑,即便是他一句话都没跟她说过。暑假过后,轻晚便被父母带回城,离开的时候范如笙连她的名字都没有问过。回到G市,轻晚依旧是父母手心宠爱的宝,却在五岁那年的暑假,心上刻了一个那个小小的不在意她的他。 再相见心心相依,为他,她甘之如饴。原来,每个人都在变,只有她还在抱着回忆入眠,忘记了收回别人不要的心。
  • 大乘稻芉经随听疏


  • 本色:打开来,一个真实的我


    《本色(打开来一个真实的我)》是一本关于职场、专业、人生、励志内容的书。实而空灵,是其突出的行文特点。真而直率昭示的是做人的意义。忠诚与敬业,彰显的是职业的操守。世间万物。人之所以为人,是因为人有理想,有追求。这种追求的可贵之处,不是挂在嘴边的口号,而是出自本愿,一点一滴地去修为。作品中,读者会看到一个追求情义的人,一个爱憎分踞的人,一个渴望完美的人,一个知道感恩的人,一个真诚待人的人,一个职场想做成一点事几的人,一个想活得单纯、潇洒一些的人……矢志不移,初衷不改,此为本色。 《本色(打开来一个真实的我)》由韩亚君编著。
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