

"Do you know, Marie, that you are a very comely child?" quoth the Marquis, in tones which made the bridegroom's blood run cold.

Some in that noble company nudged one another, and one there was who burst into a loud guffaw.

"Charlot has often told me so," she laughed, all unsuspicious.

The Marquis moved on his horse that he might bend lower. With his forefinger he uptilted her chin, and now, as she met his glance thus at close quarters, an unaccountable fear took possession of her, and the colour died out of her plump cheeks.

"Yes," said Bellecour, with a smile. "this Tardivet has good taste.

My congratulations, to him. We must find you a wedding gift, little woman," he continued more briskly. "It is an ancient and honoured custom that is falling somewhat into neglect. Go up to the Chateau with Blaise and Jean there. This good Tardivet must curb his impatience until to-morrow."

He turned in his saddle, and beckoning the two servants he had named, he bade Marie to mount behind Blaise.

She drew back now, her cheeks white as those of the dead. With a wild terror in her eyes she turned to Charlot, who stood the very picture of anguish and impotent rage. In the cortege, where but a few moments ago all had been laughter, a sob or two sounded now from some of the women.

"By my faith," laughed Bellecour contemptuously eyeing their dejection, "you have more the air of a burial than a bridal party."

"Mercy my lord!" cried the agonised voice of Charlot, as, distraught with grief, he flung himself before the Marquis.

"Who seeks to harm you, fool?" was Bellecour's half-derisive rejoinder.

"Do not take her from me, my lord," the young man pleaded piteously.

"She shall return to-morrow, booby," answered the noble. "Out of the way!"

But Charlot was obstinate. The Marquis might be claiming no more than by ancient law was the due of the Seigneur, but Charlot was by no means minded to submit in craven acquiescence to that brutal, barbarous law.

"My lord," he cried, "you shall not take her. She is my wife. She belongs to me. You shall not take her!"

He caught hold of the Marquis's bridle with such a strength and angry will that the horse was forced to back before him.

"Insolent clod!" exclaimed Bellecour, with an angry laugh and a sharp, downward blow of the butt of his whip upon the peasant's head.

Charlot's hand grew nerveless and released the bridle as he sank stunned to the ground. Bellecour touched his horse with the spur and rode over the prostrate fellow with no more concern than had he been a dog's carcase. "Blaise, see to the girl," he called over his shoulder, adding to his company: "Come, messieurs, we have wasted time enough."

Not a hand was raised to stay him, not a word of protest uttered, as the nobles rode by, laughing, and chatting among themselves, with the utmost unconcern of the tragedy that was being enacted.

Like a flock of frightened sheep the peasants stood huddled together and watched them go. In the same inaction - for all that not a little grief was blent with the terror on their countenances - they stood by and allowed Blaise to lift the half-swooning girl to the withers of his horse. No reply had they to the coarse jest with which he and his fellow-servant rode off. But La Boulaye, who, from the point where he and Duhamel had halted, had observed the whole scene from its inception, turned now a livid face upon his companion.

"Shall such things be?" he cried passionately. "Merciful God! Are we men, Duhamel, and do we permit such things to take place?"

The old pedagogue shrugged his shoulders in despair. His face was heavily scored by sorrow.

"Helas!" he sighed. "Are they not masters of all that they may take?

The Marquis goes no further than is by ancient law allowed his class.

It is the law needs altering, my friend, and then the men will alter.

Meanwhile, behold them - lords of life and death."

"Lords of hell are they!" blazed the young revolutionist. "That is where they belong, whence they are come, and whither they shall return. Poltroons!" he cried, shaking his fist at the group of cowed peasants that surrounded the prostrate Charlot "Sheep! Worthless clods! The nobles do well to despise you, for, by my faith, you invite nothing but contempt, you that will suffer rape and murder to be done under your eyes, and never do more than look scared encouragement upon your ravishers!"

"Blame not these poor wretches, Caron," sighed the old man. "They dare not raise a hand."

"Then, pardieu! here, at least, is one who does dare," he cried furiously, as from the breast pocket of his coat he drew a pistol.

Blaise, with the girl across the withers of his horse, was approaching them, followed by Jean.

"What would you do?" cried the old man fearfully, setting a restraining hand upon La Boulaye's sleeve. But Caron shook himself free.

"This," was all he answered, and simultaneously, he levelled his pistol and fired at Blaise.

  • 六门陀罗尼经论


  • 四教仪集注节义


  • 六十种曲玉合记


  • 台案汇录乙集


  • 黄帝阴符经解义


  • 民国那些教育家


    本书介绍了20世纪上半叶对中国教育有过重要影响的六位教育家,他们是傅斯年、潘光旦、陶行知、叶圣陶、陈鹤琴及舒新城。他们都经历五四新文化的洗礼,都非常爱国又非常重视西方现代教育理论的引进,都认为教育的宗旨是人格的培养,都反对知识的灌输和现代科举制度…… 作者在掌握第一手材料的基础上,以通俗易懂、明白流畅的笔触对近现代教育所做的一次探讨。书稿详细介绍了六位教育家们的教育思想和教育实践,并适时地与今天的教育做对比,对我们反思教育的功能,探讨教师的作用,明确家长的职责,寻找教育的出路提供了很好的借鉴。
  • 一个社会的悲伤与勇气


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