

Batouch's large face became suddenly a rendezvous of all the gaieties.

"Madame is coming out to-night?"

"Presently. Be in the arcade."

He swept away with the ample magnificence of joyous bearing and movement that was like a loud Te Deum.

"Suzanne! Suzanne!"

Domini had finished her coffee.

"Mam'zelle!" answered Suzanne, appearing.

"Would you like to come out with me to-night?"

"Mam'zelle is going out?"

"Yes, to see the village by night."

Suzanne looked irresolute. Craven fear and curiosity fought a battle within her, as was evident by the expressions that came and went in her face before she answered.

"Shall we not be murdered, Mam'zelle, and are there interesting things to see?"

"There are interesting things to see--dancers, singers, keef smokers.

But if you are afraid don't come."

"Dancers, Mam'zelle! But the Arabs carry knives. And is there singing?

I--I should not like Mam'zelle to go without me. But----"

"Come and protect me from the knives then. Bring my jacket--any one. I don't suppose I shall put it on."

As she spoke the distant tomtoms began. Suzanne started nervously and looked at Domini with sincere apprehension.

"We had better not go, Mam'zelle. It is not safe out here. Men who make a noise like that would not respect us."

"I like it."

"That sound? But it is always the same and there is no music in it."

"Perhaps there is more in it than music. The jacket?"

Suzanne went gingerly to fetch it. The faint cry of the African hautboy rose up above the tomtoms. The evening /fete/ was beginning.

To-night Domini felt that she must go to the distant music and learn to understand its meaning, not only for herself, but for those who made it and danced to it night after night. It stirred her imagination, and made her in love with mystery, and anxious at least to steal to the very threshold of the barbarous world. Did it stir those who had had it in their ears ever since they were naked, sunburned babies rolling in the hot sun of the Sahara? Could it seem as ordinary to them as the cold uproar of the piano-organ to the urchins of Whitechapel, or the whine of the fiddle to the peasants of Touraine where Suzanne was born? She wanted to know. Suzanne returned with the jacket. She still looked apprehensive, but she had put on her hat and fastened a sprig of red geranium in the front of her black gown. The curiosity was in the ascendant.

"We are not going quite alone, Mam'zelle?"

"No, no. Batouch will protect us."

Suzanne breathed a furtive sigh.

The poet was in the white arcade with Hadj, who looked both wicked and deplorable, and had a shabby air, in marked contrast to Batouch's ostentatious triumph. Domini felt quite sorry for him.

"You come with us too," she said.

Hadj squared his shoulders and instantly looked vivacious and almost smart. But an undecided expression came into his face.

"Where is Madame going?"

"To see the village."

Batouch shot a glance at Hadj and smiled unpleasantly.

"I will come with Madame."

Batouch still smiled.

"We are going to the Ouled Nails," he said significantly to Hadj.

"I--I will come."

They set out. Suzanne looked gently at the poet's legs and seemed comforted.

"Take great care of Mademoiselle Suzanne," Domini said to the poet.

"She is a little nervous in the dark."

"Mademoiselle Suzanne is like the first day after the fast of Ramadan," replied the poet, majestically. "No one would harm her were she to wander alone to Tombouctou."

The prospect drew from Suzanne a startled gulp. Batouch placed himself tenderly at her side and they set out, Domini walking behind with Hadj.

  • 诸家神品丹法


  • Richard II

    Richard II

  • Droll Stories

    Droll Stories

  • The Persians

    The Persians

  • 太上洞玄济众经


  • 二十几岁要懂的商务礼仪


  • 战友老姜和夏天


  • 洪荒之时空道祖


  • 缀网劳蛛


  • 明星恋爱物语之欣然相印


  • 快穿之我的宿主很戏精


  • 哪有什么运气 不过是我们暗自努力

    哪有什么运气 不过是我们暗自努力

    本书精选了畅销书作家陈昂200余首新诗,共分为“那年初见 如花美眷”“文艺腮红 不语不言”“往事如烟 浅笑而安”“余生很长 何必慌忙”等十一个专辑。这些诗歌既有清新唯美的“抒情哲理诗”,也有朦胧精湛的“截句诗”。诗歌主题积极向上,昂扬而又超脱。陈昂的写作笔法清新、精炼,简短的语言呈现多维的立体感。陈昂的创作是“青春期写作(春草派风格)”,他的每一首诗都有大方简单而内涵唯美的外衣,静静品味会发现诗的本质与内涵,领悟到诗歌底蕴里蕴含的“家国情怀”和对“宇宙”对“人生”的思考。这些诗歌里潜伏的“正能量”正是我们洗涤灵魂、陶冶情操、慰藉心灵的“刚需”,特别适合生活中迷茫的年轻人阅读。
  • 武神之路


  • 杨家将的历史真相


  • 妈妈急需的心理“婴语”书:科学养育0-2岁宝宝


    肢体语言是人类心理需求的外在表现。在婴幼儿时期,宝宝通过哭喊、微笑、动作、姿势、表情等肢体语言表达自己的心理和生理需求。因此,宝宝的肢体语言在和爸爸妈妈的交流沟通中起着十分重要的作用。如果你懂儿童心理学,如果你了解婴儿的内心需求和心理发育规律,就很容易发现在宝宝的肢体语言中,包含着大量的信息。本书通过漫画+ 心理的切入点,帮助爸爸妈妈洞悉婴儿的心理需求,在日常生活中学会留心宝宝的肢体语言,读懂宝宝的“婴语”,这样才能更好地和宝宝进行交流、沟通,做了解宝宝、理解宝宝意的好妈妈、好爸爸。