
第136章 Chapter 2(5)

Unless she were in a position to plead definitely that she was jealous she should be in no position to plead decently that she was dissatisfied.

This latter condition would be a necessary implication of the former; without the former behind it it would HAVE to fall to the ground. So had the case wonderfully been arranged for her; there was a card she could play, but there was only one, and to play it would be to end the game. She felt herself--as at the small square green table between the tall old silver candlesticks and the neatly arranged counters--her father's playmate and partner; and what it constantly came back to in her mind was that for her to ask a question, to raise a doubt, to reflect in any degree on the play of the others, would be to break the charm. The charm she had to call it, since it kept her companion so constantly engaged, so perpetually seated and so contentedly occupied. To say anything at all would be in fine to have to say WHY she was jealous; and she could in her private hours but stare long, with suffused eyes, at that impossibility.

By the end of a week, the week that had begun especially with her morning hour in Eaton Square between her father and his wife, her consciousness of being beautifully treated had become again verily (35) greater than her consciousness of anything else; and I must add moreover that she at last found herself rather oddly wondering what else, as a consciousness, could have been quite so overwhelming. Charlotte's response to the experiment of being more with her OUGHT, as she very well knew, to have stamped the experiment with the feeling of success; so that if the success itself seemed a boon less substantial than the original image of it, it enjoyed thereby a certain analogy with our young woman's aftertaste of Amerigo's own determined demonstrations. Maggie was to have retained, for that matter, more than one aftertaste, and if I have spoken of the impressions fixed in her as soon as she had so insidiously taken the field, a definite note must be made of her perception, during those moments, of Charlotte's prompt uncertainty.

She had shown, no doubt--she could n't not have shown--that she had arrived with an idea; quite exactly as she had shown her husband the night before that she was awaiting him with a sentiment. This analogy in the two situations was to keep up for her the remembrance of a kinship of expression in the two faces--in respect to which all she as yet professed to herself was that she had affected them, or at any rate the sensibility each of them so admirably covered, in the same way. To make the comparison at all was, for Maggie, to return to it often, to brood upon it, to extract from it the last dregs of its interest--to play with it in short nervously, vaguely, incessantly, as she might have played with a medallion containing on either side a cherished little portrait and suspended round her neck by a gold chain of a (36) firm fineness that no effort would ever snap. The miniatures were back to back, but she saw them for ever face to face, and when she looked from one to the other she found in Charlotte's eyes the gleam of the momentary "What does she really want?" that had come and gone for her in the Prince's. So again she saw the other light, the light touched into a glow both in Portland Place and in Eaton Square, as soon as she had betrayed that she wanted no harm--wanted no greater harm of Charlotte, that is, than to take in that she meant to go out with her. She had been present at that process as personally as she might have been present at some other domestic incident--the hanging of a new picture say, or the fitting of the Principino with his first little trousers.

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  • 中纪委推荐:历史的教训


    本书是响应习近平号召牢记历史的教训,中纪委推介的“2015新年第一书”,王岐山最新推荐!《中国新闻出版报》优秀畅销书榜总榜第一名!美国普利策奖获得者的传世经典,浓缩对历史经验教训的独特见解! 本书是美国著名学者、“普利策奖”获得者威尔杜兰特及其夫人阿里尔杜兰特的代表作。《历史的教训》浓缩了11卷《世界文明史》的精华,通过提纲挈领的线条,勾勒出历史与人类生活各方面的关系,详细说明了地理条件、经济状况、种族优劣、人类本性、宗教活动、社会主义、政府、战争、道德、盛衰定律、生物进化等在历史中所扮演的角色,并总结出历史留给人们的巨大精神遗产。 这些精神遗产给改革中的国人以启迪与警鉴,使其更加智慧地面对当下和未来。
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