
第257章 Chapter 3(2)

At length, Jones, being weary of soliloquy, addressed himself to his companion, and blamed him for his taciturnity; for which the poor man very honestly accounted, from his fear of giving offence. And now this fear being pretty well removed, by the most absolute promises of indemnity, Partridge again took the bridle from his tongue;which, perhaps, rejoiced no less at regaining its liberty, than a young colt, when the bridle is slipt from his neck, and he is turned loose into the pastures.

As Partridge was inhibited from that topic which would have first suggested itself, he fell upon that which was next uppermost in his mind, namely, the Man of the Hill. "Certainly, sir," says he, "that could never be a man, who dresses himself and lives after such a strange manner, and so unlike other folks. Besides, his diet, as the old woman told me, is chiefly upon herbs, which is a fitter food for a horse than a Christian: nay, landlord at Upton says that the neighbours thereabouts have very fearful notions about him. It runs strangely in my head that it must have been some spirit, who, perhaps, might be sent to forewarn us: and who knows but all that matter which he told us, of his going to fight, and of his being taken prisoner, and of the great danger he was in of being hanged, might be intended as a warning to us, considering what we are going about? besides, I dreamt of nothing all last night but of fighting; and methought the blood ran out of my nose, as liquor out of a tap.

Indeed, sir, infandum, regina, jubes renovare dolorem.""Thy story, Partridge," answered Jones, "is almost as ill applied as thy Latin. Nothing can be more likely to happen than death to men who go into battle. Perhaps we shall both fall in it-and what then?""What then?" replied Partridge; "why then there is an end of us, is there not? when I am gone, all is over with me. What matters the cause to me, or who gets the victory, if I am killed? I shall never enjoy any advantage from it. What are all the ringing of bells, and bonfires, to one that is six foot under ground? there will be an end of poor Partridge." "And an end of poor Partridge," cries Jones, "there must be, one time or other. If you love Latin, I will repeat you some fine lines out of Horace, which would inspire courage into a coward.

'Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori:

Mors et fugacem persequitur virum, Nec parcit imbellis juventae Poplitibus, timidoque tergo.'""I wish you would construe them," cries Partridge; "for Horace is a hard author, and I cannot understand as you repeat them.""I will repeat you a bad imitation, or rather paraphrase, of my own," said Jones; "for I am but an indifferent poet:

Who would not die in his dear country's cause?

Since, if base fear his dastard step withdraws, From death he cannot fly:- One common grave Receives, at last, the coward and the brave.""That's very certain," cries Partridge. "Ay, sure, Mors omnibus communis: but there is a great difference between dying in one's bed a great many years hence, like a good Christian, with all our friends crying about us, and being shot to-day or to-morrow, like a mad dog;or, perhaps, hacked in twenty pieces with the sword, and that too before we have repented of all our sins. O Lord, have mercy upon us! to be sure the soldiers are a wicked kind of people. I never loved to have anything to do with them. I could hardly bring myself ever to look upon them as Christians. There is nothing but cursing and swearing among them. I wish your honour would repent: I heartily wish you would repent before it is too late; and not think of going among them.- Evil communication corrupts good manners. That is my principal reason. For as for that matter, I am no more afraid than another man, not I; as to matter of that. I know all human flesh must die; but yet a man may live many years, for all that. Why, I am a middle-aged man now, and yet I may live a great number of years. Ihave read of several who have lived to be above a hundred, and some a great deal above a hundred. Not that I hope, I mean that I promise myself, to live to any such age as that, neither.- But if it be only to eighty or ninety. Heaven be praised, that is a great ways off yet;and I am not afraid of dying then, no more than another man; but, surely, to attempt death before a man's time is come seems to me downright wickedness and presumption. Besides, if it was to do any good indeed; but, let the cause be what it will, what mighty matter of good can two people do? and, for my part, I understand nothing of it. I never fired off a gun above ten minutes in my life; and then it was not charged with bullets. And for the sword, I never learned to fence, and know nothing of the matter. And then there are those cannons, which certainly it must be thought the highest presumption to go in the way of; and nobody but a madman- I ask pardon; upon my soul I meant no harm; I beg I may not throw your honor into another passion.""Be under no apprehension, Partridge," cries Jones; "I am now so well convinced of thy cowardice, that thou couldst not provoke me on any account." "Your honour," answered he, "may call me coward, or anything else you please. If loving to sleep in a whole skin makes a man a coward, non immunes ab illis malis sumus.* I never read in my grammar that a man can't be a good man without fighting. Vir bonus est quis? Qui consulta patrum, qui leges juraque servat.*(2) Not a word of fighting; and I am sure the scripture is so much against it, that a man shall never persuade me he is a good Christian while he sheds Christian blood."*We are not free from these ills.

*(2) Who is the good man? He who obeys the decrees of the conscript fathers and the laws.

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    张贤亮,男,江苏盱眙县人,1936年 12月生于南京。1957年因在《延河》文学月刊上发表长诗《大风歌》而被列为右派,遂遭受劳教、管制、监禁达十几年,其间曾外逃流浪,讨饭度日。1979年9月获平反,1980年调至宁夏《朔方》文学杂志社任编辑,同年加入中国作家协会,1981年开始专业文学创作。先后发表了短篇小说《邢老汉和狗的故事》、《灵与肉》、《肖尔布拉克》、《初吻》等;中篇小说《土牢情话》、《龙种》、《河的子孙》、《绿化树》、《浪漫的黑炮》、《男人的一半是女人》;长篇小说《男人的风格》、《习惯死亡》等。本书集结了《初吻》、《河的子孙》、《普贤寺》、《肖尔布拉克》、《邢老汉和狗的故事》
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