
第1126章 CHAPTER XXII(66)

FN 726 William to Heinsius, Aug 27/Sept 6, Nov 15/25 Nov. 17/271696; Prior to Lexington, Nov. 17/27; Villiers to Shrewsbury, Nov. 13/23FN 727 My account of the attempt to corrupt Porter is taken from his examination before the House of Commons on Nov. 16. 1696, and from the following sources: Burnet, ii. 183.; L'Hermitage to the States General, May 8/18. 12/22 1696; the Postboy, May 9.; the Postman, May 9.; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary; London Gazette, Oct.

19. 1696.

FN 728 London Gazette; Narcissus Luttrell; L'Hermitage, June 12/22; Postman, June 11.

FN 729 Life of William III. 1703; Vernon's evidence given in his place in the House of Commons, Nov. 16. 1696.

FN 730 William to Shrewsbury from Loo, Sept. 10. 1696.

FN 731 Shrewsbury to William, Sept. 18. 1696.

FN 732 William to Shrewsbury, Sept. 25. 1696.

FN 733 London Gazette, Oct. 8. 1696; Vernon to Shrewsbury, October 8. Shrewsbury to Portland, Oct. 11.

FN 734 Vernon to Shrewsbury, Oct. 13. 1696; Somers to Shrewsbury, Oct. 15.

FN 735 William to Shrewsbury, Oct. 9. 1696.

FN 736 Shrewsbury to William, Oct. 11. 1696.

FN 737 Somers to Shrewsbury, Oct. 19. 1696.

FN 738 William to Shrewsbury, Oct. 20. 1696.

FN 739 Vernon to Shrewsbury, Oct. 13. 15.; Portland to Shrewsbury, Oct, 20, 1696.

FN 740 L'Hermitage, July 10/20 1696.

FN 741 Lansdowne MS. 801.

FN 742 I take my account of these proceedings from the Commons' Journals, from the despatches of Van Cleverskirke and L'Hermitage to the States General, and from Vernon's letter to Shrewsbury of the 27th of October 1696. "I don't know," says Vernon "that the House of Commons ever acted with greater concert than they do at present."FN 743 Vernon to Shrewsbury, Oct. 29. 1696; L'Hermitage, Oct 30/Nov 9 L'Hermitage calls Howe Jaques Haut. No doubt the Frenchman had always heard Howe spoken of as Jack.

FN 744 Postman, October 24. 1696; L'Hermitage, Oct 23/Nov 2.

L'Hermitage says: "On commence deja a ressentir des effets avantageux des promptes et favorables resolutions que la Chambre des Communes prit Mardy. Le discomte des billets de banque, qui estoit le jour auparavant a 18, est revenu a douze, et les actions ont aussy augmente, aussy bien que les taillis."FN 745 William to Heinsius, Nov. 13/23 1696.

FN 746 Actes et Memoires des Negociations de la Paix de Ryswick, 1707; Villiers to Shrewsbury Dec. 1.11. 4/14. 1696; Letter of Heinsius quoted by M. Sirtema de Grovestins. Of this letter Ihave not a copy.

FN 747 Vernon to Shrewsbury, Dec. 8. 1696.

FN 748 Wharton to Shrewsbury, Oct. 27. 1696.

FN 749 Somers to Shrewsbury, Oct. 27. 31. 1696; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Oct. 31.; Wharton to Shrewsbury, Nov. 10. "I am apt to think," says Wharton, "there never was more management than in bringing that about."FN 750 See for example a poem on the last Treasury day at Kensington, March 1696/7.

FN 751 Somers to Shrewsbury, Oct 31. 1696; Wharton to Shrewsbury, of the same date.

FN 752 Somers to Shrewsbury, Nov. 3. 1696. The King's unwillingness to see Fenwick is mentioned in Somers's letter of the 15th of October.

FN 753 Vernon to Shrewsbury, Nov. 3. 1696.

FN 754 The circumstances of Goodman's flight were ascertained three years later by the Earl of Manchester, when Ambassador at Paris, and by him communicated to Jersey in a letter dated Sept 25/Oct 5 1699.

FN 755 London Gazette Nov. 9. 1696; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Nov.

3.; Van Cleverskirke and L'Hermitage of the same date.

FN 756 The account of the events of this day I have taken from the Commons' Journals; the valuable work entitled Proceedings in Parliament against Sir John Fenwick, Bart. upon a Bill of Attainder for High Treason, 1696; Vernon's Letter to Shrewsbury, November 6. 1696, and Somers's Letter to Shrewsbury, November 7.

From both these letters it is plain that the Whig leaders had much difficulty in obtaining the absolution of Godolphin.

FN 757 Commons' Journals, Nov. 9. 1696 - Vernon to Shrewsbury, Nov. 10. The editor of the State Trials is mistaken in supposing that the quotation from Caesar's speech was made in the debate of the 13th.

FN 758 Commons' Journals, Nov. 13. 16, 17.; Proceedings against Sir John Fenwick.

FN 759 A Letter to a Friend in Vindication of the Proceedings against Sir John Fenwick, 1697.

FN 760 This incident is mentioned by L'Hermitage.

FN 761 L'Hermitage tells us that such things took place in these debates.

FN 762 See the Lords' Journals, Nov. 14., Nov. 30., Dec. 1. 1696.

FN 763 Wharton to Shrewsbury, Dec. 1. 1696; L'Hermitage, of same date.

FN 764 L'Hermitage, Dec. 4/14. 1696; Wharton to Shrewsbury, Dec.


FN 765 Lords' Journals Dec. 8. 1696; L'Hermitage, of the same date.

FN 766 L'Hermitage, Dec. 15/25 18/28 1696.

FN 767 Ibid. Dec. 18/28 1696.

FN 768 Lords' Journals, Dec. 15. 1696; L'Hermitage, Dec.18/28;Vernon to Shrewsbury, Dec. 15. About the numbers there is a slight difference between Vernon and L'Hermitage. I have followed Vernon.

FN 769 Lords' Journals, Dec. 18. 1696; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Dec.

19.; L'Hermitage, Dec 22/Jan 1. I take the numbers from Vernon.

FN 770 Lords' Journals, Dec. 25 1696; L'Hermitage, Dec 26/Jan 4.

In the Vernon Correspondence there is a letter from Vernon to Shrewsbury giving an account of the transactions of this day; but it is erroneously dated Dec. 2., and is placed according to that date. This is not the only blunder of the kind. A letter from Vernon to Shrewsbury, evidently written on the 7th of November 1696, is dated and placed as a letter of the 7th of January 1697.

A letter of June 14. 1700 is dated and placed as a letter of June 15. 1698. The Vernon Correspondence is of great value; but it is so ill edited that it cannot be safely used without much caution, and constant reference to other authorities.

FN 771 Lords' Journals, Dec. 23. 1696; Vernon to Shrewsbury, Dec.

24; L'Hermitage, Dec 25/Jan 4.

FN 772 Vernon to Shrewsbury, Dec, 24 1696.

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