
第253章 CHAPTER V(59)

1687. That this was the real secret of the whole policy of Lewis towards our country was perfectly understood at Vienna. The Emperor Leopold wrote thus to James, March 30,/April 9, 1689:

"Galli id unum agebant, ut, perpetuas inter Serenitatem vestram et ejusdem populos fovendo simultates, reliqu?Christian?Europe tanto securius insultarent."246 "Que sea unido con su reyno, yen todo buena intelligencia con el parlamenyo." Despatch from the King of Spain to Don Pedro Ronquillo, March 16-26, 1685. This despatch is in the archives of Samancas, which contain a great mass of papers relating to English affairs. Copies of the most interesting of those papers are in the possession of M. Guizot, and were by him lent to me. It is with peculiar pleasure that at this time, Iacknowledge this mark of the friendship of so great a man.


247 Few English readers will be desirous to go deep into the history of this quarrel. Summaries will be found in Cardinal Bausset's Life of Bossuet, and in Voltaire's Age of Lewis XIV.

248 Burnet, i. 661, and Letter from Rome, Dodd's Church History, part viii. book i. art. 1.

249 Consultations of the Spanish Council of State on April 2-12and April 16-26, In the Archives of Simancas.

250 Lewis to Barillon, May 22,/June 1, 1685; Burnet, i. 623.

251 Life of James the Second, i. 5. Barillon, Feb. 19,/Mar. 1, 1685; Evelyn's Diary, March 5, 1685.

252 "To those that ask boons He swears by God's oons And chides them as if they came there to steal spoons."Lamentable Lory, a ballad, 1684.

253 Barillon, April 20-30. 1685.

254 From Adda's despatch of Jan. 22,/Feb. 1, 1686, and from the expressions of the Pere d'Orleans (Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, liv. xi.), it is clear that rigid Catholics thought the King's conduct indefensible.

255 London Gazette, Gazette de France; Life of James the Second, ii. 10; History of the Coronation of King James the Second and Queen Mary, by Francis Sandford, Lancaster Herald, fol. 1687;Evelyn's Diary, May, 21, 1685; Despatch of the Dutch Ambassadors, April 10-20, 1685; Burnet, i. 628; Eachard, iii. 734; A sermon preached before their Majesties King James the Second and Queen Mary at their Coronation in Westminster Abbey, April 23, 1695, by Francis Lord Bishop of Ely, and Lord Almoner. I have seen an Italian account of the Coronation which was published at Modena, and which is chiefly remarkable for the skill with which the writer sinks the fact that the prayers and psalms were in English, and that the Bishops were heretics.

256 See the London Gazette during the months of February, March, and April, 1685.

257 It would be easy to fill a volume with what Whig historians and pamphleteers have written on this subject. I will cite only one witness, a churchman and a Tory. "Elections," says Evelyn, "were thought to be very indecently carried on in most places.

God give a better issue of it than some expect!" May 10, 1685.

Again he says, "The truth is there were many of the new members whose elections and returns were universally condemned." May 22.

258 This fact I learned from a newsletter in the library of the Royal Institution. Van Citters mentions the strength of the Whig party in Bedfordshire.

259 Bramston's Memoirs.

260 Reflections on a Remonstrance and Protestation of all the good Protestants of this Kingdom, 1689; Dialogue between Two Friends, 1689.

261 Memoirs of the Life of Thomas Marquess of Wharton, 1715.

262 See the Guardian, No. 67; an exquisite specimen of Addison's peculiar manner. It would be difficult to find in the works of any other writer such an instance of benevolence delicately flavoured with contempt.

263 The Observator, April 4, 1685.

264 Despatch of the Dutch Ambasadors, April 10-20, 1685.

265 Burnet, i. 626.

266 A faithful account of the Sickness, Death, and Burial of Captain Bedlow, 1680; Narrative of Lord Chief Justice North.

267 Smith's Intrigues of the Popish Plot, 1685.

268 Burnet, i. 439.

269 See the proceedings in the Collection of State Trials.

270 Evelyn's Diary, May 7, 1685.

271 There remain many pictures of Oates. The most striking descriptions of his person are in North's Examen, 225, in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel, and In a broadside entitled, AHue and Cry after T. O.

272 The proceedings will be found at length in the Collection of State Trials.

273 Gazette de France May 29,/June 9, 1685.

274 Despatch of the Dutch Ambassadors, May 19-29, 1685.

275 Evelyn's Diary, May 22, 1685; Eachard, iii. 741; Burnet, i.

637; Observator, May 27, 1685; Oates's Eikvn, 89; Eikwn Brotoloigon, 1697; Commons' Journals of May, June, and July, 1689; Tom Brown's advice to Dr. Oates. Some interesting circumstances are mentioned in a broadside, printed for A.

Brooks, Charing Cross, 1685. I have seen contemporary French and Italian pamphlets containing the history of the trial and execution. A print of Titus in the pillory was published at Milan, with the following curious inscription: "Questo e il naturale ritratto di Tito Otez, o vero Oatz, Inglese, posto in berlina, uno de' principali professor della religion protestante, acerrimo persecutore de' Cattolici, e gran spergiuro." I have also seen a Dutch engraving of his punishment, with some Latin verses, of which the following are a specimen:

"At Doctor fictus non fictos pertulit ictus A tortore datos haud molli in corpore gratos, Disceret ut vere scelera ob commissa rubere."The anagram of his name, "Testis Ovat," may be found on many prints published in different countries.

276 Blackstone's Commentaries, Chapter of Homicide.

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