For these reasons, even if it could be believed that the Court was sincere, a Dissenter might reasonably have determined to cast in his lot with the Church. But what guarantee was there for the sincerity of the Court? All men knew what the conduct of James had been tip to that very time. It was not impossible, indeed, that a persecutor might be convinced by argument and by experience of the advantages of toleration. But James did not pretend to have been recently convinced. On the contrary, he omitted no opportunity of protesting that he had, during many years, been, on principle, adverse to all intolerance. Yet, within a few months, he had persecuted men, women, young girls, to the death for their religion. Had he been acting against light and against the convictions of his conscience then? Or was he uttering a deliberate falsehood now? From this dilemma there was no escape; and either of the two suppositions was fatal to the King's character for honesty. It was notorious also that he had been completely subjugated by the Jesuits. Only a few days before the publication of the Indulgence, that Order had been honoured, in spite of the well known wishes of the Holy See, with a new mark of his confidence and approbation. His confessor, Father Mansuete, a Franciscan, whose mild temper and irreproachable life commanded general respect, but who had long been hated by Tyrconnel and Petre, had been discarded. The vacant place had been filled by an Englishman named Warner, who had apostatized from the religion of his country and had turned Jesuit. To the moderate Roman Catholics and to the Nuncio this change was far from agreeable. By every Protestant it was regarded as a proof that the dominion of the Jesuits over the royal mind was absolute.246 Whatever praises those fathers might justly claim, flattery itself could not ascribe to them either wide liberality or strict veracity. That they had never scrupled, when the interest of their Order was at stake, to call in the aid of the civil sword, or to violate the laws of truth and of good faith, had been proclaimed to the world, not only by Protestant accusers, but by men whose virtue and genius were the glory of the Church of Rome. It was incredible that a devoted disciple of the Jesuits should be on principle zealous for freedom of conscience: but it was neither incredible nor improbable that he might think himself justified in disguising his real sentiments, in order to render a service to his religion. It was certain that the King at heart preferred the Churchmen to the Puritans. It was certain that, while he had any hope of gaining the Churchmen, he had never shown the smallest kindness to the Puritans. Could it then be doubted that, if the Churchmen would even now comply with his wishes, he would willingly sacrifice the Puritans? His word, repeatedly pledged, had not restrained him from invading the legal rights of that clergy which had given such signal proofs of affection and fidelity to his house. What security then could his word afford to sects divided from him by the recollection of a thousand inexpiable wounds inflicted and endured?
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
为钱出道,寻找真相阴谋阳谋,魑魅魍魉不惧,不恐,不退原以为一切背道而驰,却不料殊途同归走到星光前,势要搅她个天翻地覆。【片段一】这是什么?”叶柠接过一个信封问道。“叶柠,这是你的新任务。”“新任务?”“我不去。” “这是命令。”“今日凌晨,微博曝光了一张价目表,里面囊括了娱乐圈大多数明星的片酬,其中以秦阳8000万的片酬位居榜首……”“你不是需要钱吗?成为艺人,你想赚多少就有多少。”八千万,叶柠看了一眼电视。“好,”。【片段二】真人秀“啊啊啊啊,这里有蛇,”李诗诗看到树枝头缠绕着花花绿绿的蛇,花容失色的尖叫着。如果再给她一次选择的机会,她死也不参加这个节目。“啪,”一根干枯的树枝飞了过来,将枝头的蛇打落下来。“噗”。“看,我们的晚餐有了。”叶柠一手拿着匕首,一手捏着没有蛇头,不停挪动渗着血的蛇身,凑到李诗诗面前。开心的露出八颗牙笑道。“呵呵”,李诗诗脸色苍白的退后一步。玉门少主