
第462章 CHAPTER X(1)

The Flight of James known; great Agitation--The Lords meet at Guildhall--Riots in London--The Spanish Ambassador's House sacked--Arrest of Jeffreys--The Irish Night--The King detained near Sheerness--The Lords order him to be set at Liberty--William's Embarrassment--Arrest of Feversham--Arrival of James in London--Consultation at Windsor--The Dutch Troops occupy Whitehall--Message from the Prince delivered to James--James sets out for Rochester; Arrival of William at Saint James's--He is advised to assume the Crown by Right of Conquest --He calls together the Lords and the Members of the Parliaments of Charles II.--Flight of James from Rochester--Debates and Resolutions of the Lords--Debates and Resolutions of the Commoners summoned by the Prince--Convention called; Exertions of the Prince to restore Order--His tolerant Policy--Satisfaction of Roman Catholic Powers; State of Feeling in France--Reception of the Queen of England in France--Arrival of James at Saint Germains--State of Feeling in the United Provinces--Election of Members to serve in the Convention--Affairs of Scotland--State of Parties in England--Sherlock's Plan--Sancroft's Plan--Danby's Plan--The Whig Plan--Meeting of the Convention; leading Members of the House of Commons--Choice of a Speaker--Debate on the State of the Nation--Resolution declaring the Throne vacant--It is sent up to the Lords; Debate in the Lords on the Plan of Regency--Schism between the Whigs and the Followers of Danby--Meeting at the Earl of Devonshire's--Debate in the Lords on the Question whether the Throne was vacant--Majority for the Negative; Agitation in London--Letter of James to the Convention--Debates; Negotiations;Letter of the Princess of Orange to Danby--The Princess Anne acquiesces in the Whig Plan--William explains his views--The Conference between the houses--The Lords yield--New Laws proposed for the Security of Liberty--Disputes and Compromise--The Declaration of Right--Arrival of Mary--Tender and Acceptance of the Crown--William and Mary proclaimed; peculiar Character of the English Revolution NORTHUMBERLAND strictly obeyed the injunction which had been laid on him, and did not open the door of the royal apartment till it was broad day. The antechamber was filled with courtiers who came to make their morning bow and with Lords who had been summoned to Council. The news of James's flight passed in an instant from the galleries to the streets; and the whole capital was in commotion.

It was a terrible moment. The King was gone. The Prince had not arrived. No Regency had been appointed. The Great Seal, essential to the administration of ordinary justice, had disappeared. It was soon known that Feversham had, on the receipt of the royal order, instantly disbanded his forces. What respect for law or property was likely to be found among soldiers, armed and congregated, emancipated from the restraints of discipline, and destitute of the necessaries of life? On the other hand, the populace of London had, during some weeks, shown a strong disposition to turbulence and rapine. The urgency of the crisis united for a short time all who had any interest in the peace of society. Rochester had till that day adhered firmly to the royal cause. He now saw that there was only one way of averting general confusion. "Call your troop of Guards together," he said to Northumberland, "and declare for the Prince of Orange." The advice was promptly followed. The principal officers of the army who were then in London held a meeting at Whitehall, and resolved that they would submit to William's authority, and would, till his pleasure should be known, keep their men together and assist the civil power to preserve order.575 The Peers repaired to Guildhall, and were received there with all honour by the magistracy of the city. In strictness of law they were no better entitled than any other set of persons to assume the executive administration. But it was necessary to the public safety that there should be a provisional government; and the eyes of men naturally turned to the hereditary magnates of the realm. The extremity of the danger drew Sancroft forth from his palace. He took the chair; and, under his presidency, the new Archbishop of York, five Bishops, and twenty-two temporal Lords, determined to draw up, subscribe, and publish a Declaration.

By this instrument they declared that they were firmly attached to the religion and constitution of their country, and that they had cherished the hope of seeing grievances redressed and tranquillity restored by the Parliament which the King had lately summoned, but that this hope had been extinguished by his flight.

They had therefore determined to join with the Prince of Orange, in order that the freedom of the nation might be vindicated, that the rights of the Church might be secured, that a just liberty of conscience might be given to Dissenters, and that the Protestant interest throughout the world might be strengthened. Till His Highness should arrive, they were prepared to take on themselves the responsibility of giving such directions as might be necessary for the preservation of order. A deputation was instantly sent to lay this Declaration before the Prince, and to inform him that he was impatiently expected in London.576The Lords then proceeded to deliberate on the course which it was necessary to take for the prevention of tumult. They sent for the two Secretaries of State. Middleton refused to submit to what he regarded as an usurped authority: but Preston, astounded by his master's flight, and not knowing what to expect, or whither to turn, obeyed the summons. A message was sent to Skelton, who was Lieutenant of the Tower, requesting his attendance at Guildhall.

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